Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > Would love a critique on my modeling



Posts: 4

San Francisco, California, US

I've been modeling for about 6 months now, just on and off and mostly casually. But I've been getting some more serious shoots recently and would love a critique on my modeling.

Would love to hear if I have enough variety in my posing, anything you might notice in my look or modeling, tips on continuing and moving forward?

Thank you very much!

Jun 07 16 11:40 am Link


Kris Krieg

Posts: 1341

Missoula, Montana, US

Your work so far is diverse and interesting. The immediate shortcoming I see is the range of expressions. You need to expand your emotional range. It doesn't mean you have to be screaming at the top of your lungs, but the expressions you have so far are fairly consistent. Try to be more assertive with the photographers that you work with. I can be guilty of not giving enough direction to models, so make sure to inquire with photographers about what kind of emotion they envision. If they don't have a specific vision, try shotgunning a number of different expressions.

If you want to get more serious about modeling, do some research into hand placement. A lot of photographers don't understand this concept either, so a model can bring a lot of value when she knows where to place her hands in a pose.

These are my two personal favorites:

Keep at it.

Jun 08 16 11:30 pm Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 674

New York, New York, US

Agree about expressions. You've got hints of more in several of your shots. Here: … 35793c.jpg

and here

You have what could be very expressive eyes and an expressive mouth. A tilt of the head, a turn, can make the difference between static and dynamic. a gaze, a stare, a smile, a smirk, all of the variations of expressions make a photo special or not. Give the mirror a try.

Keep it up and have fun!

Jun 09 16 11:04 am Link


Jorge Kreimer

Posts: 3716

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

You have an extraordinary face, and you should primarily do beauty.

Regarding your portfolio, you should remove these:  (not flattering) (middle finger is a big no no, infantile) (no neck) (meh!) (the dress makes you look short)

Like I said, you have a great face, but your height betrays you in full body shots, like this one: which you look very nice, but one can tell your height. It doesn't pass as a fashion photo because of that.

Concentrate on your face and upper body. I've worked with a model of is about your height, but has done billboards for a perfume, because of her great face (head and shoulders shot). I think you are also capable of doing some very interesting and beautiful work.
My advice is to try to work only with good photographers and avoid the bad ones. Work with ones who specialize in beauty, if possible.

And if you should ever find yourself in L.A., please let me know if you'd like to shoot. smile

I hope this has been helpful, best of luck!

Jun 09 16 07:08 pm Link