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Posts: 5

San Francisco, California, US

hi community can i have some critic

Jun 12 16 10:08 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3091

Washington, District of Columbia, US

jogephotoart wrote:
hi community can i have some critic

You had the talent, props but a unfortunately a distracting background reduces the effectiveness of this otherwise potentially intriguing narrative...

Please think carefully about what you are seeing through the viewfinder before you press the shutter in as this can/will go a long ways to assuring credible imagery... Also the colour harmonies here are wanting... Bright vibrate hue/chroma should typically be confined to the subject(s) allowing it to dominate a viewer's gaze...

Best advice? San Francisco has a wealth of stellar art galleries... might invest a little time analyzing the works of the masters... there are compelling reasons why their efforts have endured...  The ability to craft aesthetically pleasing two dimensional imagery from three dimensional space deals with perspective, vanishing point, converging parallels. placement of horizons... this list is extension... academic coursework in art theory is an excellent way get your head around the difference between hobbyist snapshots and carefully crafted commercial imagery...

Hope this helps...
All the best on your journey...

Jun 15 16 08:45 pm Link