Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > Please Critique Me!



Posts: 1678

London, England, United Kingdom

I haven't been on MM in quite a while, and have struggled with updating my portfolio here in terms of what to keep and what to add. I'd really appreciate any critique or input anyone has about anything! Thank you so much in advance.

I've also just updated my website, and welcome any view you have about what's there:

Jul 01 16 01:57 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3091

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Merry wrote:
...struggled with updating my portfolio...

Mary nearly all emerging talent deal with this challenge... To this end I would recommend obtain a copy of Selina Oppenheim's Portfolios that Sell - Professional Techniques for Presenting and Marketing Your Photographs.  Selina's tome is dated but still totally relevant to those who actually want to work commercially. Beside it's available used for merely the cost of shipping.

Bottom Line? As my accountant colleague advises... What is the source of the lion's share of your revenue stream? Target that market segment until you've achieved noteworthy financial success... Far too often gifted artist such as yourself seem to feel a compelling need to distance themselves from their competition and look to the unconventional for a visual statement i.e. "brand"... Unfortunately this is wrong for so many reasons... Yes freakish works stand out but maybe not in a good way... an example is your Avatar... What were you thinking?  The initial image is amazingly strong yet for some obscure dubious reason you have chosen to deface and disfigure it perhaps to make a cryptic social statement about women's perceived obsession with their lips?   

Mary you have possibly one of the strongest Boys Book here on Mayhem... Your keen insight and abilities with the male fashion genre are superb... Back on July 28, 2013 I left you a comment on this iconic image

Why you even bother with Mayhem at this juncture is beyond me... you are so far above the hobbyist that dominate this portal... 

Best advice? Walk away from Mayhem and invest your energy in marketing to your client base...  The likelihood of procuring high end assignments on Mayhem is virtual zero... All my large budget jobs initially came from my web site but this work now comes nearly entirely from referrals... and is primarily for advertising agencies in NYC who have a DC clients.

This has worked well for me...

Thank you for sharing your amazing collective body of work i.e. your web site...
Suggestions here would be to lose the "Life" folio in as it is grossly out of context and drags down the brilliance of your fashion work.  Also rethink your BIO... it is way too trite and what one would expect from a 21 year old... (correct you age also while you're at it)  Now you've reached the quarter century mark I believe you can bring a new level of maturity to your BIO... Yes clients read them...

Finally immediately lose this toxic Blog BIO image

This is a major detractor for being taken seriously... Or are you concerned that you might be taken seriously?
I certainly consider you a rising star within London Fashion scene...

Hope this helps or is at least food for thought...
All the best on your journey Mary

Jul 03 16 07:06 am Link



Posts: 1136

Runcorn, England, United Kingdom

If I was Gandalf or Strider then I would have executed after the "second breakfast" fiasco. But your portfolio is outstanding. I'd agree with AI about losing the toxic bio image - and I'd throw in the hobbitography as well. Stuff like this never gains extra clients but it can lose them.

Jul 07 16 05:37 am Link


Marin Photo NYC

Posts: 7348

New York, New York, US

I agree with the two posters above.  Ditch the bio one.  Also, you are far beyond an amateur. You don't need MM at all.........

Jul 07 16 06:23 am Link