Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > Second Beach Shoot



Posts: 5

Lake Worth, Florida, US

Okay so I TRIED to take MOST every little bit of advice I got in response to my First Beach Shoot to elevate my second beach shoot. Thank you everyone who contributed well thought out usable advice, I greatly appreciate it. I did, however, stick with the same photographer. Same outfit. Same idea. Same body. What do you think? Did we succeed? I think we did.

Top 2 Favorites:


Thank you in advance for anyone who spends the time to look, reply, or comment on this post or any of my pictures.

Please be gentle

Jul 08 16 08:52 pm Link


Kris Krieg

Posts: 1341

Missoula, Montana, US

Do some more research on posing. Look into where your hands should be in relation to your body and also to the camera. The only shot that I feel is a big improvement over your previous shoot is this one. It shows atmosphere and the "in the moment" feel. I wish there was more of an emotional expression from you. It feels a little blank. Remember, modeling is acting.

Be careful of the flat foot and the straight leg in these shots. I will count down with models so they can hop on their toes for a moment, so it looks like they are standing on their tippy toes. Bend at the knees. The first shot appears stiff and I find the second shot to be unflattering in the tushy region.

This pose isn't too bad. Your expression is good here, you appear to be enjoying yourself. You don't want to your body facing the camera straight on. You want some twist or showing more of your side to make your figure more slender. As a photographer, I would have removed the bruise on your hip and improved the crop.

Composition is good here and I like your thoughtful expression. Keep your face turned more towards the camera and be aware of where your hands are in relation to the camera also. Your right leg is missing behind your dress and rock, would prefer to see more of it.

Hope that wasn't overly harsh. Looks like you are having fun, which is good. Keep at it.

Jul 08 16 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 1136

Runcorn, England, United Kingdom

This is almost really good:

..But your hips and/or shoulders should have been at angle to the camera; that way you would have made your hips narrower, which would have compensated for the shortening of your torso created by your arm angle. (With shots with this it's a good idea to try lots of variants until you are *really* experienced in posing.) But for a second shoot, excellent.

The other thing that the shot needs to look like a professional shot is retouching. The bruise on your leg would be taken out and the light over you skin would be made less flat via dodging and burning. If you look at the before and after picture of the redhead here … ghts-51206

..You'll get an idea what I'm talking about. This sort of thing isn't new with digital btw; these were standard techniques for printing from film too.

It really helps to know how much work goes into the average professional model shot - that way you'll understand that as a model you're coming much closer than you might have thought!

Jul 09 16 06:41 am Link



Posts: 561

Tombouctou, Tombouctou, Mali

Valdamora wrote:
I did, however, stick with the same photographer. Same outfit. Same idea. Same body. What do you think? Did we succeed? I think we did.

I'm sorry to say that these are no better than the earlier beach shots which I see in your portfolio.

It sounds like you already realised that most of the problems are to do with the photography but chose to re-shoot with the same photographer in the hope of some improvement. I can understand you wanting to do that if you've built up some kind of relationship which makes you feel comfortable on shoot. But he/she clearly lacks experience, know-how and ability and unfortunately most photographers acquire those skills very, very slowly. By contrast models advance much more quickly but the key to that is working with photographers who already have the skills I mentioned and who can guide and direct you during the shoot. You'll learn much more about modelling from a single shoot with a good photographer than you will from endless shoots with novice photographers. That's the reality I'm afraid.

A good photographer will work with you to get something which will literally make you go WOW and you'll wonder where the model inside you came from. There's nothing stopping you achieving that other than your choice of photographer.

Good luck smile

Jul 09 16 09:19 am Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 674

New York, New York, US

This is my top favorite. Perfect pose and expression (which would be seen better with a little post-process lightening of your face).  Only flaw, your feet are cut off. (I do that more often than I like to admit).

This is also nice. The wrinkle at your tush would go away if your friend had taken a step to the left. Would also not be shooting your thigh straight on, which makes it wider. A classic pose.

I like the serenity of this one and the blowing hair. Your expression strikes me as thoughtful. Your top is taking up too much of my visual attention. The contrast of the colors to your face is distracting. A more neutral suit would be better in shots like these. Either the top or your arms' positions are causing a bulge at the armpit. Moving your arms away from your body will minimize that. Use a mirror to see what I mean. Oh yes, the horizon needs to be straightened.

You and your friend are improving rapidly. Keep it up! Mark is right in that you should shoot with more photographers.

All the best and have fun!

Jul 09 16 12:11 pm Link