Forums > General Industry > Foray into adult (take two)


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Posted by jimmyd: 
i'll also guess you might not wanna compare porn credits, bio, resume, whatever with me.

Oh, please do compare.  I'm looking to expand my collection and I need some good references!

May 05 05 09:57 am Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
...I was refering to was your GENERAL statement about how it is ALL shot poorly. Hense the reason I broke it down in the manner I did.

i didn't say it was "all" shot so poorly... that would include me! what i wrote was that much of it is shot "unbelievably poorly and ineptly by so many?"

"by so many" certainly isn't the same as "all."  not even close.

May 05 05 05:00 pm Link


not Randell r

Posts: 32

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Excellent answer DJ and very correct. My advice Chris is that she keeps her friends close and her enemys closer. PAY HER TAXES. I did this type of work on occasion. Not hard core but promotional material for the actors and actresses to sign and give out at conventions. I met some nice people. As the years went buy you could see the  strain that keeping up with the younger set put on them.
I have a friend here that does this. Mild to toys right now. He is a good guy.

May 05 05 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by Jose- 
Another option is for her to do her own business...  Its a huge business.

from my experiences, as well as a lot of my llama friendsters who are in the "adult" industry, unless you've been signed to a generous contract that's accompanied by consistent, paying work, then this is the way to go...most, if not all of my buds who have llamaed for exclusive, adult sites, don't make nearly as much as those who did it themselves...

BUT, it doesn't come that easy...her financial success is relevant to her product, exposure and consistent, reliable management of her site-ie:if she doesn't supply a demand, update it regularly, her site is too small or slow to accomodate large amounts of traffic and/or material, and she doesn't link or advertise, then she's most likely not gonna make the quick jack she's looking for...

as for repercussions, unless she's plannin' on becoming a high profile official(lawyer, politician, etc.) some day, then it's really not that much different than having any other job that affords you fast, big bank...i know dozens of honest, upstanding erotic llamas, escorts, strippers and the like who are responsibly managing their $$$ and their lives, just as i know dozens of "professionals" (architects, bankers, computer programmers, doctors and lawyers) and service industry workers(waitpersons, bartenders, etc.) who abuse the fact that they make good dough, or fast dough...what other repercussions/regrets are there? drug and alcohol abuse? moral dilema? dishonest, kniving, money grubbing employers? hell, you'll find that kinda crap in just about any "normal" workplace, making an "honest" living...

you seem to have garnered a lot of great, good and poor advice here...but in the end, it's up to HER, based on proper research and a lot of thought, to do what SHE wants to do...

as for this industry being dilluted and saturated, this is true...but be as it may, there will always be a demand for erotic art and adult entertainment, both good and bad, pro and am...

May 05 05 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by jimmyd: 

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
...I was refering to was your GENERAL statement about how it is ALL shot poorly. Hense the reason I broke it down in the manner I did.

i didn't say it was "all" shot so poorly... that would include me! what i wrote was that much of it is shot "unbelievably poorly and ineptly by so many?"

"by so many" certainly isn't the same as "all."  not even close.

Very good point. My error. I misread. You are correct there is a lot of bad stuff out there. But funny it seems that on the net and even in video that bad stuff seems to often sell better than the polished stuff. Go figure.

May 06 05 04:33 pm Link