Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Rant: Please stop calling me "inspiring"


crx studios

Posts: 469

Los Angeles, California, US

Giacomo Cirrincioni wrote:
There are so many hurtful people who say intentionally disparaging things, I find it hard to get upset by people who are genuinely kind and well intentioned.  But that's just me...

Another wise perspective

Jun 28 17 11:11 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Exhausting, isn't it?

Jun 28 17 11:24 am Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

MoRina wrote:
I think it is a bit harsh to label the photographer "clueless."

My thought is that you market yourself as a "curve model."  You talk about your size/weight in everything I can remember seeing you post here about.  So, either this post is just a marketing tool, or you need to get thicker skin.  You can't seriously be complaining about someone saying positive things about you just because you think he focused on your size too much or in the wrong way.
I get literally hundreds of emails a week on social media telling me how wonderful I look "for my age." I choose to see those as real compliments and not digs. 

My feeling is that if you are looking for a reason to be offended you will surely find it, in this industry and in life in general.

I couldn't agree more. One of my favorite models who is also 5'11" and weighed 175 pounds used to be a size 4 and is now a size 10. She is just as great a model as she always was. And if anything her additional weight is a plus for me as an art photographer. She is now listed as a curve model with Click, and Arquete.

Hear is a picture of Collette at size 10

Jun 28 17 11:25 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

lol Please put a link next time with a 18+

I'm at work and had to quickly click off a bare ass on my huge monitor. I've got two but the one I'm actively using is much, MUCH bigger!

Jun 28 17 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 1591

Bothell, Washington, US

Jules NYC wrote:
I've got two but the one I'm actively using is much, MUCH bigger!

Monitors, or asses?

Jun 28 17 12:18 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

still-photography wrote:

Monitors, or asses?


I have to admit, that's hilarious, no diss to anyone, just hilarious.

Jun 28 17 01:33 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Risen Phoenix Photo wrote:

I couldn't agree more. One of my favorite models who is also 5'11" and weighed 175 pounds used to be a size 4 and is now a size 10. She is just as great a model as she always was. And if anything her additional weight is a plus for me as an art photographer. She is now listed as a curve model with Click, and Arquete.

Hear is a picture of Collette at size 10

Nice photograph. Either mods are sleeping or rules have changed. Please, next time a warning! I want to keep my job:)

Jun 28 17 03:07 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45289

San Juan Bautista, California, US

You are beautiful, and you look healthy!  The focus on body image on social media might have gotten overly saturated.  I think the body positivity stuff maybe a result of bullying on the 'net where body shaming and is a reversal of it.. That is my opinion, and I'm not here to debate it with anyone. 

As far as "inspiration" ... I don't know the context that others use the word to describe something or someone that inspires them, but I have a friend who models and is doing photography as well.  She has had to overcome some obstacles (due to tragic events) that someone her age should not have had to go through.  I believe I can say that I find her inspirational. 

People find landscapes, seascapes and the sun rising or setting to be inspiring.   I've survived near death experiences, of which I'm not going to get into details, but people have told me that they find me inspiring.  I'm not always comfortable with being told that because I am still alive, that my body didn't give out is what makes me inspirational.  Perhaps I'm good with taking it as a compliment and moving on?

Jun 28 17 03:51 pm Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Giacomo Cirrincioni wrote:
There are so many hurtful people who say intentionally disparaging things, I find it hard to get upset by people who are genuinely kind and well intentioned.  But that's just me...

That is my take on it too.

I'm a Plus Size model, also a size 12. I can understand your frustration with the way it was worded Jules, she definitely could have phrased it better. As someone else has said, it ended up sounding like a back handed compliment instead of how she perhaps meant it to be - a genuine compliment.

If it were me, I would have recognised that she has worded it poorly and then dismissed it. Ultimately it's not worth my time getting upset over something that was thoughtless but not intentionally cruel. I'd be more concerned with the people that set out to upset you.

Jun 29 17 01:31 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
That is my take on it too.

I'm a Plus Size model, also a size 12. I can understand your frustration with the way it was worded Jules, she definitely could have phrased it better. As someone else has said, it ended up sounding like a back handed compliment instead of how she perhaps meant it to be - a genuine compliment.

If it were me, I would have recognised that she has worded it poorly and then dismissed it. Ultimately it's not worth my time getting upset over something that was thoughtless but not intentionally cruel. I'd be more concerned with the people that set out to upset you.

That's it! Being able to recognize when something is a compliment & when it is not. Even though I have a love of words and I can be sensitive myself, I surely know when someone is being a jerk by intention. It is clear to see that a photographer wouldn't write an entire blog about a model saying complimentary things if their intention was to hurt. Unless you're a famed critic or blogger and sarcasm is your style, there's no way the blog was designed to hurt.

Having a sense of humor and being playfully sarcastic can be fun with certain people. The blog didn't have that voice. I wish we could all read this blog. I'm not psychic (maybe I'm wrong about that ha) but I have a strong feeling that we'd all feel it was a celebratory piece.

When you are ultra-sensitive or insecure about something, usually you zoom in on the so called 'negative' even if it's a sea of 'good'. I'm more of the sensitive type so I can empathize with the OP. If you ever had experience with someone overtly or covertly trying to cut you down, you 'get it'.

Again, I highly doubt that the photographer meant any ill-will. In fact, I bet they'd be hurt reading this thread.

Getting older helps with all this stuff. I can easily joke around with people close to me. I can shake off things that hurt me. If someone intentionally tried to hurt me and wasn't playing around, I doubt I'd care.

I also think the OP may be seeking validation from her peers in here.  Peers meaning 'fellow models'.  I don't see anything wrong with categorizing plus/curve models as such.  Until the industry changes in the 'unreal' world of modeling, there will be sectors for modeling agencies.  Truth be told, a lot of women who DON'T look like models make a killing pitching household products. 

People who are not models will always look at a plus-size model who is a smaller size in that category as 'normal', not plus-size, etc., esp. if they are the same size themselves.

Ok, I've exhausted talking about this.  My boyfriend thinks I'm insane for participating in these threads.

Jun 29 17 03:31 am Link