Forums > Critique > Portfolio Critique


May Ariela

Posts: 26

New Haven, Connecticut, US

I'm interested to hear your critique of my portfolio! I recently added a new shot! Thank you!

Jan 28 18 08:49 am Link



Posts: 6597

Uniontown, Pennsylvania, US


I think it's time to lose some images.

blurred/out of focus, I'd let it go.

same here, it's a little soft in the eyes.

imo You could lose at least 2 from Your current Portfolio and still gain.

Quality over quantity.

best of luck!

Jan 28 18 05:35 pm Link


May Ariela

Posts: 26

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Thank you, FIFTYONE PHOTOGRAPHY. This is helpful.

Jan 29 18 03:47 am Link



Posts: 2851

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I tend to fall into the "less is more" camp with regard to number of similar images. Especially in a smaller portfolio, perhaps pick the best (however you want to define it - highlights your face, illustrates a skill/talent, different angle or perspective, etc.) piano photograph and display that one, instead of three.

Jan 29 18 04:08 am Link



Posts: 9863

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
As a model you have a good look in this photo
The down side, models left arm is just hanging at her side, put a bend in your elbow and move the flowers between your hip and waist area
The fingers on your right hand are just peaking out at your hips
Distracting backgrounds are just that distracting; make your photos more about you
Recommended for removal, remember this portfolio is about you, right?
Side note, looking where the nose is pointed will give you a more natural appearance
Tilt chin, so your eyes are more centered, see how the top of your eyes are cut off?
Make the photo about you!
Crop the bottom of the photo off, so the ten keys closest to the camera are cropped off.
[Experiment time: Make a print of the photo, cover up the bottom of the photo, and see how you become a more important element in the image.]
Love the dress great smile
POSE: do you see how far your left elbow extends out from your side; lower your hand so it is around half as far. Models right hand and arm are just hanging at your side. Foot pose; keep right foot as it is, but move heal of left so it is positioned at arch of right foot. [If viewed from the top your feet will form a “V”]
Your blasting the camera with just the white part of your eyes, again looking where your nose is pointed will give a more natural appearance.
[Show me the model; make the model a larger part of the image, less background.]
So close, make this image a vertical photo, I don’t care about the piano it’s all about you, you should dominate your images
Raise chin up a bit so eyes are a bit more centered [No solid white area under eye]
Wish your eyes were brighter
Move camera, right now it is level with your forehead, move it so it is level with your eyes.
Fix collar, glare from glasses is over powering your eyes
Crop right side of photo so there is no space between shoulder and photo border
[In many of your photos you have the confused model pose; head is facing photo right and body in facing photo left.  The fix for this photo, keep your head as it is, but rotate body so it is facing photo right. You will still have dynamics in that head and body are still not facing same exact direction.
Move away from the background, so it will be out of focus and not a distraction.
Are you an important element in this photo? Do you fill the frame from top to bottom? Remember this is your portfolio, and you should be showcased in all of your images.
[Pose wise this works as far as head and body facing the same direction of in the photo, both are toward photo right, which is also the preferred side.]
Over all pose looks stiff, where is your left arm and hand?
The fix, hold a purse with your left hand at your left hip or so, this will also bring your left shoulder forward a bit.
Time now for another experiment in cropping, cover up left side of photo to get rid of lighthouse, crop top of photo just above tree top, crop bottom of photo half way between your feet and bottom of photo. Why you might ask, many reasons, the larger in your photos you are the more important you become, the light house, is a second subject thus a distraction. With the crop I describe you will be at the one third location, you will have more space in front of you, thus giving you space that you would be able to move into.

I have given you a few ideas about photo composition so you are able to select powerful images for your portfolio.
For me this is one of your stronger images, beautiful brown eyes, and great smile. Would love to see all of your fingers and a outfit with less wrinkles.
Recommend to do this photo again, but with a red top with long sleeves.

You are a powerful model; I expect to see great work from you.

I wish you well

Jan 29 18 07:00 am Link