Forums > Model Colloquy > The Truth about Tattoos



Posts: 12

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Ok, MM photographer for 7 plus years here. I've been incredibly fortunate in meeting some of the most amazing models on MM. But I have a problem. Personally, I prefer any model I work with to have no tattoos and few if any piercings. Just my preference. On more than one occasion, including tonight, I've set to Browse models for an upcoming shoot. I add "No Tattoos" as one of my presets and get a nice long list of potential models to colaborate with that say they have No TATTOOS. I see their initial avatar and say "wow" she's perfect for my idea. Great eyes, beautiful body, awesome personality and then I click on her portfolio and HOLY $#^&* she has maybe 4, 6, 10 tats all over her body. Tonight I said, forget it, I'll look some other time. Could you imagine if a model showed up to a shoot with me and although I said I did have experience,  I had little or shot with junk gear. Ok, I'm sorry, shouldn't use my first post to vent, but it takes time for me to look someone to work with and this bothers me. LOL sort of.

Jan 31 18 09:36 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Image mis-representation can be a problem here.  Not really a big fan of tattoos either.  Some of the clients I shoot for do not want tattooed models wearing their swimwear on website, catalog and poster images.  Full body makeup artists are also clients who take issue with heavily tattooed models.  Takes alot more air-brushed makeup to blend-out tattoos over their artwork, costing them alot more product expense... hmm

Jan 31 18 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 12

Madison, Wisconsin, US

It has nothing to do with whether she has tattoos or piercings. Just be upfront about in your description. I TOTALLY respect a models choice of body art, just don't lie on your description. Tonight, 6 out of 10 models that said they didn't have any did :-(

Jan 31 18 11:53 pm Link


Gene Cannon

Posts: 159

Wendell, North Carolina, US

I agree with you wholeheartedly ... if a model has tattoos, they should certainly let it be known in their profile. I, like you, try to steer clear of photographing models with tattoos and it is very frustrating to find a perfect model only to discover later that she has tattoos. I generally do not work with models tat have gaudy ass tattoos!

Feb 01 18 03:13 am Link


Lisa Everhart

Posts: 924

Sebring, Florida, US

It is unfortunate when a member here does not take their membership with some seriousness and a sense of responsibility. This attitude demeans the site as well as the profession.

Feb 01 18 06:04 am Link


James William

Posts: 137

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I think it's a bit of a pain with search filters on all these portfolio sites. Virtually useless on ig equally as it is on this one   . I cannot think of one site that would offer better alternatives or solutions to correctly filter that out.

Feb 01 18 06:14 am Link



Posts: 808

Santa Barbara, California, US

sometimes  their profile says 'no tattoos' and in their avatar image.. TATTOOS

hahahaha - oh man..come on

Feb 01 18 10:48 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

They also hurt themselves because a person who wants a tattooed model will not find them in a search.

Oh, shoot.  I didn't realize this was in the model colloquy section.  My bad for participating.

Feb 01 18 11:57 am Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

Lisa Everhart wrote:
It is unfortunate when a member here does not take their membership with some seriousness and a sense of responsibility. This attitude demeans the site as well as the profession.

Yes, for sure.  It isn't always that they don't take it serious, some purposely try to game the system.  They figure they are so special that you'll overlook their tattoo ("can't you just edit it out?") , or that they haven't been 29 in quite some time ("people tell me I look younger than my age"), and that you won't mind that their portfolio represented how they looked 15 pounds and 5 years ago ("haven't you heard of the liquefy tool?").

Best practice is for photographers to ask for recent unedited cell phone snaps for any model they are considering hiring. You can also look at the "credited photos" link in the upper right hand corner of the portfolio page.  And if that's turned off, then you already may have your answer.

Feb 01 18 11:58 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Tattoos are disgusting and destroy the pure canvas the model has to be for me!

Her skin is mine and I find it outrageous that she doesn't respect my sensibilities!

Yes... they should update their description and not knowing about the tattoo check box is not excuse.

Luckily she was not hiding her tats in her portfolio... otherwise... I'd be so furious!

Tattooing is 10's of thousands of years old and should stay in the stone age!

Feb 01 18 12:44 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

udor wrote:
Tattoos are disgusting and destroy the pure canvas the model has to be for me! 
Tattooing is 10's of thousands of years old and should stay in the stone age!


Feb 01 18 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

udor wrote:
Tattoos are disgusting and destroy the pure canvas the model has to be for me! 
Tattooing is 10's of thousands of years old and should stay in the stone age!

Select Models wrote:

/sarcasm               tongue

Feb 01 18 01:08 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

udor wrote:
Tattoos are disgusting and destroy the pure canvas the model has to be for me! 
Tattooing is 10's of thousands of years old and should stay in the stone age!

Select Models wrote:

udor wrote:
/sarcasm               tongue


Feb 01 18 01:31 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

udor wrote:
Tattoos are disgusting and destroy the pure canvas the model has to be for me! 
Tattooing is 10's of thousands of years old and should stay in the stone age!

udor wrote:
/sarcasm               tongue

lol... Oh OK... two can play that game... borat

Drunk artist applied, infected needle tattoos that include mispelled words, Egyptian hieroglyphics that can't be translated, and bleeding alien artwork should be mandatory for all models, with several applied upside down and sideways.  Models must also be high on drugs or shit-faced drunk during application, with neck, forehead, full-body and sleeves resembling gang-tag graffitti straight out of the ghetto, as well as paragraph written dedications to dead hamster pets that died 10 years ago, and rock band logos to concerts they passed out at.  Bonus points for run-on sentences with poor grammer and punctuation that wrap a few times around the torso... lol

(just kidding peeps but don't laugh / I've seen some of this / alittle return sarcasm for ya)   wink

Feb 01 18 01:53 pm Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

As a side note I pretty sure a lot of incorrect profiles are due to MM tech issues

Feb 01 18 02:08 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Brooklyn Bridge Images wrote:
As a side note I pretty sure a lot of incorrect profiles are due to MM tech issues

I'm thinkin there's a HUGE difference between a few tech issues and outright deception... wink

Feb 01 18 02:14 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

I don't care for tattoos on models.  I have worked with some models with tattoos who were outstanding and their tattoos were not a problem.

Feb 01 18 03:47 pm Link


Art Silva

Posts: 10064

Santa Barbara, California, US

It depends on the project.

If you want your models to be totally identifiable, tattoos will make sure of it.
Lots of time it's a unique part of their character and that makes it a unique model shoot and often inspiring one for a lot of genres.

Now if you are looking to do some timeless fine art or product modeling then yes, tattoos will have a lasting if not immediate effect on the image and client.

Communication between model and photographer on this issue MUST be accurate and honest during the booking process.
Yes you can photoshop some out but sometimes images are not done in digital form.

Feb 01 18 05:55 pm Link


Darren Brade

Posts: 3351

London, England, United Kingdom

Gaming the system is nothing new, and often happens with agency models too. I've had models tell me their agency altered their stats to make them a little taller or shorter.

There is also a thing as "model age" for those that look younger than what they are. I know what that tells people he's about 24 at castings but is really 30 something. His agencies know this.

You have to do your research and not rely on what your shown.

Feb 02 18 12:08 am Link


Boudoir Studio

Posts: 322

Santa Clarita, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
They also hurt themselves because a person who wants a tattooed model will not find them in a search.


I e-mailed a model and diplomatically made this exact point.... she thanked me and updated her profile.

Maybe a "Inaccurate Port Information" link that users could submit obvious errors to Admins might be helpful.  An official e-mail to the offenders might help in the clean up effort...

Feb 02 18 12:32 am Link


Lisa Everhart

Posts: 924

Sebring, Florida, US

Select Models wrote:

I'm thinkin there's a HUGE difference between a few technical issues and outright deception... wink

It is quite simple to write a short but detailed description of one's body modifications in the narrative.

Feb 02 18 01:02 am Link


Frank Lewis Photography

Posts: 14505

Winter Park, Florida, US

I have no issue with a model who has ink. Ink or no ink depends on what I am looking for in the resulting images. Have a look at my port. There are ten models who have ink and their images are quite refreshing.

Feb 02 18 03:46 am Link



Posts: 2851

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

udor wrote:
Her skin is mine...

Even worse, ink on men. Truly disgusting!
I'm a man, and I have no tattoos, so no other man should either!

Feb 02 18 10:08 am Link


Frank Lewis Photography

Posts: 14505

Winter Park, Florida, US

Be sure to keep an open mind...

Feb 02 18 10:27 am Link


Laura UnBound

Posts: 28745

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I seriously can't imagine you're sending booking offers to models without actually looking at their portfolio... it takes 30 seconds to open up the full portfolio and see they have something you don't want and click away.

Its no different than liking someones face but not their body, or liking their avatar but not any of their other images, liking their look but realizing they only have one of them, realizing they can't pose well, reading their profile and finding something that doesnt jive with you, etc etc etc. It's not killing anybody.

Feb 02 18 02:12 pm Link


Black Z Eddie

Posts: 1903

San Jacinto, California, US

^^  Laura beat me to it. 

seacoastlight wrote:
Could you imagine if a model showed up to a shoot with me and although I said I did have experience,  I had little or shot with junk gear.

Well, there's nothing deceptive about that.  Technically, you do have experience.

Ok, I'm sorry, shouldn't use my first post to vent, but it takes time for me to look someone to work with and this bothers me. LOL sort of.

Haha, at least you didn't use it to start another flake thread.

Feb 02 18 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 321

Sebring, Florida, US

I pass on many local models because of ink.
I consider it graffiti on the human body.
I have photographed a few with ones that were hard to see.

Living in south Florida I get to see what the sun can do to tattoos over time. Some turn into a dark smear.
I am glad the trend has been dying down.

Give me a natural female model without the ink, piercings, and implants two sizes too big.

Feb 02 18 06:56 pm Link


Liv Sage

Posts: 432

Seattle, Washington, US

MoRina wrote:
Best practice is for photographers to ask for recent unedited cell phone snaps for any model they are considering hiring. You can also look at the "credited photos" link in the upper right hand corner of the portfolio page.  And if that's turned off, then you already may have your answer.

Due to personal experiences, I never send cell phone snaps to photographers. My credited photos are showing though, and I have over 80 references listed here as well as daily updated social media sites. And I have other references not listed that I'm also always happy to provide.

I will say though, that as someone who also shoots models, I've never been surprised yet by a model's appearance when they show up to shoot. But, I always look through their portfolio, the work they post on social media and the dates they've posted the work/the work was done. Usually I try to see who has shot them - most photographers post new work, at least one shot anyway, when they've recently shot with a model. So then you can see from that what the model looks like. I suppose you might always miss something, but it's not the worst thing in the world most of the time.

Feb 02 18 08:37 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

AgX wrote:
Even worse, ink on men. Truly disgusting!
I'm a man, and I have no tattoos, so no other man should either!


Feb 02 18 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 1546

Atlanta, Georgia, US

When noticing ink on models stating "no tattoos", I usually mention the discrepancy to the model.

There is no ink in my portfolio, as the brick and mortar mainstream galleries I exhibit in are successful in the legitimate fine art market, and don't exhibit or promote images of tattoed subjects.

Feb 03 18 11:38 am Link



Posts: 2851

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

udor wrote:
Her skin is mine...

AgX wrote:
Even worse, ink on men. Truly disgusting!
I'm a man, and I have no tattoos, so no other man should either!

Mark Salo wrote:

You do realize I was being sarcastic, right?
A. There are lots of tattoos in my portfolio.
B. The photographer, whose own sarcasm I was responding to, is liberally covered in ink.

Feb 04 18 07:39 am Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3580

Kerhonkson, New York, US

seacoastlight wrote:
Ok, I'm sorry, shouldn't use my first post to vent, but it takes time for me to look someone to work with and this bothers me. LOL sort of.

Maybe you should also NOT use your first post to vent in the Models' forum. This should have been in General Forum.

Feb 04 18 09:10 am Link



Posts: 1

Hope Mills, North Carolina, US

I have never had a tattoo just because I can't imagine having to put up with something I like today, forever. I have enough scars, I don't need to pay for them.

Feb 18 18 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

seacoastlight wrote:
I prefer any model I work with to have no tattoos and few if any piercings. Just my preference.

Okay... so "The Truth about Tattoos" is really just an opinion of one individual photographer (YOU) who thinks that models should adjust to YOUR preference of what THEY should do with THEIR bodies to please you!

I've been waiting for a long time, since you've started this post to learn what the "truth" is... but in fact... there is no truth as it's boldly stated in your topic headline.

I understand that clients want an ink-free model... or a model with no ink showing... despite being a pro-tattoo photographer that works in the fashion industry full time, I understand the wishes of some designers to cast a model without any visible ink...

I am looking forward to the times when we don't have to pretend to be those GREAT VISIONARY artists, that demands a "blank canvas for your average, nothing special glamor photography.

Tattoos... a human form of expressions for almost 30,000 years is part of our humanity and civilization....

Heck... even the Jewish people had a thriving tattoo culture. It was so rampant that they had to create a law that you weren't allowed to ink the name of your deseased relative on your body. So, the ancient Jews passed a law that you can't have the name of your dead relative and the name of Jehova on your skin.... Which ended the tattoo tradition for the Jews and later the Christians... and gave room for the Japanese to become the masters of tattoos of the modern time.

Fun fact... if the Jews wouldn't have become so pissy about tattoos... THEY would be the best tattoo artists in the world... and not the Japanese! smile

Feb 18 18 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

AgX wrote:
B. The photographer, whose own sarcasm I was responding to, is liberally covered in ink.




Okay... yeah... I may have some ink on my skin... big_smile

Feb 18 18 11:43 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

It's pretty clear to me from what the OP wrote that he was asking for models to be truthful about tattoos. It wasn't an anti-tattoo thread.

Feb 19 18 06:20 am Link


Gelsen Aripia

Posts: 1407

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

MoRina wrote:
It's pretty clear to me from what the OP wrote that he was asking for models to be truthful about tattoos. It wasn't an anti-tattoo thread.

Agreed.  I saw a model's portfolio recently; she had massive tattoos all over her torso.  It was one of her main selling points.  But on her profile, she ticked the box "Some " tattoos.  She definitely had "Many" tattoos.  I don't know why she would do that.

Feb 19 18 08:27 am Link



Posts: 12

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Exactly and thank you. I would never judge a model or anyone for body art. It just frustrates me when she or he says no tattoos in a search and then a look at their photos and they have 6. But again, thanks for this forum, MM and all the incredible models here! Sean

Feb 19 18 12:39 pm Link


crx studios

Posts: 469

Los Angeles, California, US

This intent of this thread was clearly a polite request for models to accurately communicate whether or not they have tattoos.

No one is attacking anyone's right to have as many tattoos as they want, and certainly no one is telling models what they can and can't do to their bodies.

At the end of the day - it’s no different than any other changes you choose to make to your appearance.

Some photographers will say “Love your look” and others will say “Not my style”.

Feb 19 18 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

crx studios wrote:
This intent of this thread was clearly a polite request for models to accurately communicate whether or not they have tattoos.

No one is attacking anyone's right to have as many tattoos as they want, and certainly no one is telling models what they can and can't do to their bodies.

At the end of the day - it’s no different than any other changes you choose to make to your appearance.

Some photographers will say “Love your look” and others will say “Not my style”.

I am still waiting  for "THE TRUTH ABOUT TATTOOS" as the title suggested to be revealed... evilgrin

Feb 19 18 03:23 pm Link