Forums > Model Colloquy > Fashion takes itself too seriously


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Oct 20 19 04:07 pm Link


Jarrett Porst

Posts: 131

Los Angeles, California, US

Ha!  They could’ve addressed this in a much more embracing way...

Oct 21 19 07:24 pm Link


E Thompson Photography

Posts: 719

Hyattsville, Maryland, US

Or they may just feel some type of way for somebody trying to dick ride them to notoriety.

Oct 21 19 09:06 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

More clowns!!!
More pies!!!! lollollollollollollollol

Pretty sure "fashion" knows it is a kitschey and very $$$ laden joke on the world.

It appears she broke with decorum by refusing to pretend to be serious.

Fashion has made this a funner, more "pretty" world.
It has not made this a signicantly better world. It can't and it won't.
Flaunting folly with folly is rather gauche though, I doubt she expected to emerge unscathed.

My home town has the right idea. I went to one of these shows years ago, it was awesome!!!
There are pix and video at the bottom of the page.

Oct 21 19 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Sorry... I don't find it funny what she did... not heroic or comedic and not a statement on how fashion takes itself too serious.

Crushing a runway show, that costs in the ball park of a Million bucks, where a designer introduces their new collection for the next season is not cool.

Fashion takes itself serious because it's a business and part of a multi Billion Dollars per year industry.

I could watch that video not longer than half way through, because that ignorant chick thinks that she did something great!

I have worked not only on too many fashion shows, I have been involved in hundreds of productions for designers for industry shows over the years and I know how much work goes into it.

There is enough chaos backstage  to put on that expensive show, the last anybody needs is a stupid ass to interrupt the flow.

Oct 23 19 01:53 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Shadow Dancer wrote:
More clowns!!!

Pretty sure "fashion" knows it is a kitschey and very $$$ laden joke on the world.

My home town has the right idea. I went to one of these shows years ago, it was awesome!!!
There are pix and video at the bottom of the page.

Read my general response just above.

Your local fashion show in your little hometown is not an industry event with global market implications that cost the designer upwards to a Million USD, yours was entertainment utilizing local talent!

Oct 23 19 02:04 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8262

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

"Why did I do it?  Because the fashion world takes itself too seriously." 

Yeah, the chick in the video takes herself to seriously, too.  Chick, being intentionally used as a term of derision. She used multiple stereotypes to offend/belittle multiple people.  There is nothing uplifting about this woman's actions or spiel.  She did nothing of social or moral importance.  She was nothing more than a brat.  Now that she has posted her video of self grandeur, perhaps the people she harmed will find some recourse.

Oct 23 19 04:44 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

udor wrote:
Read my general response just above.

Your local fashion show in your little hometown is not an industry event with global market implications that cost the designer upwards to a Million USD, yours was entertainment utilizing local talent!

Udor, I get that working a fashion show is an adreneline rush and a source of income doing something that is fun. I also understand that you need to take that job very seriously as expectations are high and potential replacements are nipping at your heels constantly. I admire very much what it took for you to get where you are and I respect it also.
So, please don't take my opinion on the "Industry" as a personal attack, it is not anything of the sort. I am filled with my own individual form of Glee. I love to poke at things, especially things that are sensitive to being poked, like "Fashion."

I get that it is on a scale unimaginable in a small town event. I was in no way insinuating that a show in Fresno CA where the "models" all wear outfits made from trash is in the same league. That's not the point at all.

I've read both of your posts, and like you I did not get far into the video because it was boring and stupid.
Hence my comment about "More clowns!!!", if she had smuggled a pie in and pied a super model on the runway she would be my hero. lol Instead, she got sucked in and started trying to make a "statement". Boring, she is simply another aspect of total irrelevancy like the show she "invaded."

The roots of Fashion are fish, birds, monkeys, cats and other animals that "strut their stuff" as part of a mating ritual. It is primal, humans have engaged in a form of it as long as there have been humans. So it will continue as long as we walk the earth.

That does not mean it is not also absurd and hysterically funny at the heart and soul of it. I do admire that somehow, a select and very elite group of humans have managed to take an impulse that is inherent in human nature and occurs in all communities across the world and turned it into The Greatest Show on Earth. It is rarified air indeed.

And, for whatever reason, it reminds me of Benny Hill, Lucille Ball, etc. It was a LOT of work to be Lucy!!!

You may not get where I am coming from and that's OK. People make me laugh, including my own absurd ass. It is good to laugh. This thread is certainly amusing, whatever Garry's intentions. Garry, I am not casting shade on you either!!!

Oct 23 19 09:38 am Link



Posts: 2048

New York, New York, US

I have little to no interest in the fashion world...But I watched "The devil wears Prada"...I thought that Meryl Streep did a pretty good job giving me a glimpse...Did she?

Oct 23 19 10:14 am Link


Rays Fine Art

Posts: 7504

New York, New York, US

Udor, I can't argue with your argument about the immensity and dollar value of the fashion industry.  It's correct, at least as far as it goes, and I'm glad that you did not equate cost with value--they are not always the same.

But I hold that anything that is so self congratulatory can't exist without the development of a great deal of puffery which quite simply demands the presence, from time to time, of a pinprick, which is what this young lady was.  It was a happening, a piece of informal theater and it might easily have been staged by the ones promoting the show themselves.  It wouldn't be the first time and they did get a fair amount of extra publicity out of it.

And  if you don't my borrowing from the theater (my favorite and equally self-congratulatory activity) ... "whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure."--c W. Shakespeare.  So let the show go on!  I think Shadow Dancer sums it up pretty well.

All ;IMHO as always of course

Oct 23 19 11:02 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Personally I found the Woman’s stunt far to tame

I would have appreciated something more outrageous

I have been involved with or attended 34 straight seasons of my City’s Fashion Week and have only witnessed 2 Fashion Shows sabotaged - one by animal rights folks protesting a fur show and another where a Model involved  tore down the runway backdrop ( possibly due to mental health issues ,drug use or both)

In both situations the audience was quite transfixed by what occurred - and I believe some thought what had occurred was part of the show

and of course in this day and age - a bit of scandal gets more media attention

I can see the other side of the issue though as well -if I were a serious designer / fashion house  I would probably be pissed sales of the related fashion could be negatively affected by a flawed runway presentation

Really though it’s incumbent upon the organizers of such fashions shows to have the proper security in place to thwart such intrusions and disruptions

Oct 24 19 12:11 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Oct 24 19 12:11 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

Garry k wrote:
Personally I found the Woman’s stunt far to tame

I would have appreciated something more outrageous

I have been involved with or attended 34 straight seasons of my City’s Fashion Week and have only witnessed 2 Fashion Shows sabotaged - one by animal rights folks protesting a fur show and another where a Model involved  tore down the runway backdrop ( possibly due to mental health issues ,drug use or both)

In both situations the audience was quite transfixed by what occurred - and I believe some thought what had occurred was part of the show

and of course in this day and age - a bit of scandal gets more media attention

I can see the other side of the issue though as well -if I were a serious designer / fashion house  I would probably be pissed sales of the related fashion could be negatively affected by a flawed runway presentation

Really though it’s incumbent upon the organizers of such fashions shows to have the proper security in place to thwart such intrusions and disruptions

I lke this post!

Oct 24 19 12:14 pm Link


DMotion Picture Group

Posts: 11

Los Angeles, California, US

This is an issue of safety also.

I produce live shows. If someone comes out of the audience and tries to get on stage, I am taking it as a direct physical and safety threat to the performers in the show and I am going to grab that person in a very painful way and haul their ass off the stage and hold them for the police.

Protesting is not only a right but a responsibility, BUT there are limits, and trespassing and becoming a physical threat are not acceptable.

This woman's protest doesn't come off as serious. It's more a publicity stunt to promote herself.

Oct 24 19 02:29 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

DMotion Picture Group wrote:
This is an issue of safety also.

I produce live shows. If someone comes out of the audience and tries to get on stage, I am taking it as a direct physical and safety threat to the performers in the show and I am going to grab that person in a very painful way and haul their ass off the stage and hold them for the police.

Protesting is not only a right but a responsibility, BUT there are limits, and trespassing and becoming a physical threat are not acceptable.

This woman's protest doesn't come off as serious. It's more a publicity stunt to promote herself.

Your viewpoint is understood and understandable. It has been mentioned that this might also be an "inside job" to secure more publicity. I don't know but it certainly seems possible.

Oct 24 19 03:01 pm Link