Forums > Critique > What should stay and what should go?


DTP - Photography

Posts: 76

Chesapeake, Virginia, US

I'm looking to clean my port up a bit. I've become a much better editor over time while I have replaced some photos in my port there's just some I can probably get rid of or update for whatever reason. Some of my ports have good views and lists (is this still important?) and I hate to lose some of those lists. I wish MM had a feature where you can update the photo that way.
Which photos should I keep in my port and which ones should I reedit or just ditch altogether?

Oct 21 19 08:31 pm Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

For starters, get rid of all the outdoor snapshots shot at high noon. That's the worst possible time of day to shoot.

Then get rid of all the outdoor shots where the model is small and dead-center in a big landscape-oriented scene.

That's just a start. Tons and tons of snapshots. You've got 99 images in total and you could dump 80-90 of them. Forget about keeping an image because it's got comments and listings. Do you want a stronger portfolio or not?

Second row, you've got two nearly identical shots. Ignore the fact that they've both got comments and listings, Dump one or the other.
Dump this. It's a shadowy mess and poorly composed/framed. It shows off the balusters better than it does the model.
If you shot wider than this originally and still have the original, recrop and replace. Or just recrop it REALLY tight. You cut off both feet and one hand. Nicely lighted.
Dump in a bodice-ripping heartbeat. For a romance-novel cover, this has to be the most disengaged couple I've ever seen. What is each model looking at?
That white wristwatch is sticking out like a sore thumb, but this image is still one of your better ones. Keep.
IMO, your best work. Nice model, good use of light and color. KEEP. Keepkeepkeepkeepkeep.

Oct 21 19 11:28 pm Link


GSG Photography Studio

Posts: 221

Portland, Oregon, US

it's hard to put yourself out there, but to really want to know what people are thinking is to ask and if you don't get offended it will make you a stronger photographer.
If it was my Portfolio the first thing i would take out is all the Cliche shots, the apron kitchen one, the train tracks (so over done), Rose Petals on the bed, Christmas tree pose? the guy ripping the shirt off (BOTH OF THEM). of what is the plastic bubble? Focus on being original.

Next I would get rid of all the SHOW ME YOUR BREAST shots. with poor lighting they look cheesy.
the outside shots maybe bring in a fill light to get rid of the 12 noon shadows.

work on your camera angles, trying shooting on your knees instead of towing over your model, cropping and color correction.

here are a list of photos i do like and would keep.
lighting here is spot on!
i would retouch her cheeks
be careful check your white balance.

Oct 23 19 12:26 pm Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

GSG Photography Studio wrote:
maybe bring in a fill light to get rid of the 12 noon shadows.

Fill light won't fix those high-noon shots. OP needs to use a sunswatter or wait until the sunset hour.

Oct 23 19 05:15 pm Link


DTP - Photography

Posts: 76

Chesapeake, Virginia, US

GSG Photography Studio wrote:
it's hard to put yourself out there, but to really want to know what people are thinking is to ask and if you don't get offended it will make you a stronger photographer.

Not offended at all. This is why I'm asking. I need feedback. The angle shooting is a good tip. That's why I want to clean up a lot of this port. Either I've reedited the bad shots or just junked them altogether.

Oct 23 19 09:05 pm Link


DTP - Photography

Posts: 76

Chesapeake, Virginia, US

Orca Bay Images wrote:
For starters, get rid of all the outdoor snapshots shot at high noon. That's the worst possible time of day to shoot.

Then get rid of all the outdoor shots where the model is small and dead-center in a big landscape-oriented scene.

That's just a start. Tons and tons of snapshots. You've got 99 images in total and you could dump 80-90 of them. Forget about keeping an image because it's got comments and listings. Do you want a stronger portfolio or not?

Second row, you've got two nearly identical shots. Ignore the fact that they've both got comments and listings, Dump one or the other.
Dump this. It's a shadowy mess and poorly composed/framed. It shows off the balusters better than it does the model.
If you shot wider than this originally and still have the original, recrop and replace. Or just recrop it REALLY tight. You cut off both feet and one hand. Nicely lighted.
Dump in a bodice-ripping heartbeat. For a romance-novel cover, this has to be the most disengaged couple I've ever seen. What is each model looking at?
That white wristwatch is sticking out like a sore thumb, but this image is still one of your better ones. Keep.
IMO, your best work. Nice model, good use of light and color. KEEP. Keepkeepkeepkeepkeep.

Thanks I dumped a few and will dump more will see if I have versions that I can touch up better or take a different crop. My lightroom skills were pretty meh when I started and I know my framing stunk. I've been talking with more people to make this better. Thank you.

Oct 23 19 09:34 pm Link


Camera Buff

Posts: 924

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

My only suggestion is because you have (or did have) such a large number of portfolio images, perhaps you should consider creating Albums to suit the various genres of your photography. For example, a Glamour Album for your mature audience photographs and a Beauty Album for your portraits and so on.

Oct 24 19 07:41 am Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

Kill these images. Kill them with fire. They're not salvageable by cropping or editing.

Repeat after me. "High-noon titty shows do not work." +18

Kill one or the other. Period. Quit being so enamored with the responses from the Peanut Gallery. These images are redundant. Redundancies weaken a portfolio. +18 +18

File these two into the incinerator labeled "WTF Were You Thinking?"

Oct 24 19 11:16 am Link



Posts: 846

Charleston, South Carolina, US

I would add to the good suggestions that you learn to love shadows. Spending some time with classic art books is a wonderful way to discover interesting light.

Oct 25 19 03:52 pm Link


DTP - Photography

Posts: 76

Chesapeake, Virginia, US

Weldphoto wrote:
I would add to the good suggestions that you learn to love shadows. Spending some time with classic art books is a wonderful way to discover interesting light.

Thank you. Most of that stuff in the port has been up since before this year. I've smartened up in some ways and will keep that tip in mind when shooting. I'm still cleaning up some stuff and will be uploading some newer which hopefully gets better feedback. smile

Oct 26 19 07:58 am Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

The port is looking much better than it did at the start of this thread.

Oct 26 19 08:56 am Link


DTP - Photography

Posts: 76

Chesapeake, Virginia, US

Orca Bay Images wrote:
The port is looking much better than it did at the start of this thread.

Thank you. I knew I had some bad ones in here just needed that push.

Nov 02 19 08:35 pm Link