Forums > Critique > Would appreciate some feedback



Posts: 73

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Going into my 3rd year shooting and any constructive feedback would be great. I'm in process of cleaning up my port here and would like to try to keep my best images here and toss the others as needed so any recommendations are appreciated. Thanks in advance

Dec 08 19 10:40 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I would say that You are moving in the right direction ( at least lighting wise )

I recall seeing your photo of AK Model a couple years back

And in Looking at the Newer Photo ( above hers ) I i can see the improvement

Dec 08 19 11:58 am Link



Posts: 73

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Thanks for feedback

Dec 08 19 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 1493

Saint Joseph, Missouri, US

I would say you have a very good grasp of lighting and mood in your work.  I’d like to see more variety in your portfolio both from a creative standpoint and your processing.  You have done a great job of keeping your portfolio lean and mean which is something a lot of us, me included, struggle with.

You have also done a good job of working with talented models.

I absolutely adore Kimberly J and Ahna so it was a nice surprise to see Kimberly in your port.   I work with them every chance I get and consider them dear friends.  I’ll be seeing them after the first of the year when they come to visit me in Austin.

Dec 08 19 10:43 pm Link



Posts: 73

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Thank you noted!

Dec 09 19 06:39 am Link



Posts: 6018

Memphis, Tennessee, US

The lighting and color tones of the most recent shots on your top row are vastly superior to those in the rest of your port.  It seems you are technically finding your way.  You seem to be either an introvert or somewhat intimidated by the model and shoot in that I do not sense your models are communicating with the viewer, which means you might not be communicating with them.  They are all saying the same thing in their expressions and poses. But anyone one who has worked as hard as you to up your skill level has something they want to say.  I don't see what you posted as being from your artist's heart.  Step up and step out and either post or just go shoot the shots that are obviously wanting to get out.

Jan 11 20 07:20 am Link