Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Veteran's Day 2020



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

Veteran's Day 2020

To ALL who served, Thank You and Welcome Home.

To those career military that devoted their lives to service, Thank You!

And, THANK YOU to all the "regular" American men and women who served, came home and went back to raising families, and building America.

Nov 11 20 10:23 am Link


Jefferson Cole

Posts: 134

Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Thank you most sincerely for your understanding, and gratitude.

From a "regular" veteran.

Nov 11 20 10:30 am Link


Rhea Monson

Posts: 51

Walnut Grove, Alabama, US

Thank you all our veterans, past and present.  To those still with us, God bless you on veterans day and always.
In honor of those who have fallen, everyone look up a song by Terry Smith, titled,--You Traded All Your Tomorrows So I Could have to day.  Quote: When you see a veteran it takes little time, and little effort, to simply shake his hand and say.---- Thank you for my freedom, have a wonderful day!  ( Harlon Wilemon song writer.)

Nov 11 20 10:50 am Link



Posts: 205

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Rhea Monson wrote:
Thank you all our veterans, past and present.  To those still with us, God bless you on veterans day and always.
In honor of those who have fallen, everyone look up a song by Terry Smith, titled,--You Traded All Your Tomorrows So I Could have to day.  Quote: When you see a veteran it takes little time, and little effort, to simply shake his hand and say.---- Thank you for my freedom, have a wonderful day!  ( Harlon Wilemon song writer.)

"Freedom".  That's a term that is quickly fading away.

Nov 11 20 11:13 am Link


Jefferson Cole

Posts: 134

Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

JustHenry wrote:

"Freedom".  That's a term that is quickly fading away.

Just what are you talking about Greenville?

Nov 11 20 11:22 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8240

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

JustHenry wrote:

"Freedom".  That's a term that is quickly fading away.

And yet you have the freedom to write that and to politicize a thread that didn't need to be politicized.

Thank you to all our honorable veterans that faced the call to service even if they didn't want to go.

Nov 11 20 11:52 am Link


Keith NYC

Posts: 1735

Tampa, Florida, US

Happy Veterans day, and thank you all for your service!

Nov 11 20 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

The irony, those who thanking the vets while voting for a warmonger

I posted the above in another forum and here is what a vet replied
I'm a vietnam vet and i can't stand when people thank vets
didn't get any thanks when i went in
and i sure as hell don't need it now
when you go in the service you go in to serve your country
and keep it free then you get to watch a bunch of liberals
destroy the constitution and turn this country into a socialist mess
so you can take your insincere platitudes and shove them

action speaks louder then words

Nov 11 20 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

barepixels wrote:
The irony, those who thanking the vets while voting for a warmonger

Which branch did you serve in, if I may ask?


Sorry, posted before your edit showed up

Nov 11 20 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

I have never served but the country I was born in got destroyed in one of American's war.  Hence my hatred for warmongers such as both Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden

Nov 11 20 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

barepixels wrote:
The irony, those who thanking the vets while voting for a warmonger

I posted the above in another forum and here is what a vet replied
I'm a vietnam vet and i can't stand when people thank vets
didn't get any thanks when i went in
and i sure as hell don't need it now
when you go in the service you go in to serve your country
and keep it free then you get to watch a bunch of liberals
destroy the constitution and turn this country into a socialist mess
so you can take your insincere platitudes and shove them

action speaks louder then words

and yet another edit from you--- and my comment still stands.

some of us dont see it the same way. Protecting the right to disagree is one of the reasons I served.

as for your judgement of my sincerity---- well, fold that attitude until it is nothing but sharp little corners and stuff it up --your-- a##.

Nov 11 20 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

I didn't edited his quote.  here is a screen grab

let me emphasize

to serve your country and keep it free then you get to watch a bunch of liberals destroy the constitution and turn this country into a socialist mess

Nov 11 20 01:09 pm Link


Jefferson Cole

Posts: 134

Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Oh yes, let's mark veterans day by bitching and moaning, criticising strangers, questioning others motives, and decrying a constitutional conflict.

I am thoroughly through on here.

Nov 11 20 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

barepixels wrote:

let me emphasize

to serve your country and keep it free then you get to watch a bunch of liberals destroy the constitution and turn this country into a socialist mess

let ME emphasize:

To serve my country, to keep it free and then watch a draft dodging coward and his minions set about destroying the Constitution, the Courts and everything I hold dear---makes me want to gag.

Nov 11 20 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

Jefferson Cole wrote:
Oh yes, let's mark veterans day by bitching and moaning, criticising strangers, questioning others motives, and decrying a constitutional conflict.

I thoroughly through on here.

sorry- too many names of good men on too many memorials to stand by and listen to a bunch of crap about the draft dodger in charge.

Nov 11 20 01:32 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8240

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

barepixels wrote:
The irony, those who thanking the vets while voting for a warmonger

I posted the above in another forum and here is what a vet replied
I'm a vietnam vet and i can't stand when people thank vets
didn't get any thanks when i went in
and i sure as hell don't need it now
when you go in the service you go in to serve your country
and keep it free then you get to watch a bunch of liberals
destroy the constitution and turn this country into a socialist mess
so you can take your insincere platitudes and shove them

action speaks louder then words

Don't you have any opinions that are your own?

Nov 11 20 02:45 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8240

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Jefferson Cole wrote:
Oh yes, let's mark veterans day by bitching and moaning, criticising strangers, questioning others motives, and decrying a constitutional conflict.

I thoroughly through on here.

After my last client visit today, on the ride home, I was thinking I needed to make a post welcoming you back.  Sorry.  This bull is as bad as soapbox was.  But welcome back.

Nov 11 20 02:46 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8240

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

barepixels wrote:
I have never served but the country I was born in got destroyed in one of American's war.  Hence my hatred for warmongers such as both Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden

barepixels wrote:
I didn't edited his quote.  here is a screen grab

let me emphasize

to serve your country and keep it free then you get to watch a bunch of liberals destroy the constitution and turn this country into a socialist mess

And yet you remain here. 

What war did Clinton start?

What war did Obama start?

What war did Biden start?

Which of any these wars did the Republicans in Congress and the Presidency make a point of stopping? 

Would you mind listing the socialism that the government has forced upon the people?  Please.  I doubt you know anything about it.  You could ask Laura and Tucker to tell you what your opinion is.

Since the other half of the country is tired of watching the conservatives destroy the constitution through lies, stacking the courts, constantly increasing the defense budget beyond what is sustainable, eliminating habeas corpus, militarizing the police, ignoring human rights, gerrymandering districts to rob people of their representation, interfering with voting rights, lying about voter fraud- I guess we are doomed.

Nov 11 20 03:04 pm Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

as weapons continually become more and more unmanned I wonder what war will look like 50 years on.

picture a islamic warrior on the battlefield, and he's fighting and hiding, dashing from one large rock to another trying to be unseen, and the the day of making american soldiers pay with blood is over and instead he risks his life to take down unfeeling unmanned robots. how do you make any progress

Nov 11 20 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 1105

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

I spent 15 months in Vietnam, not defending the U.S., but idiot politicians afraid of commies.  No plan, no workable strategy, so we gave up and lost.  One alternative was to turn Vietnam into another Korea and we'd still be there killing Vietnamese and our soldiers being killed in return.  Or we could have leveled North Vietnam and we'd be fighting the Chinese instead.  Insanity!

Nov 11 20 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Don't you have any opinions that are your own?

I sure do.  I think you are a hypocrite for thanking the vets then vote for a warmonger

Nov 12 20 12:51 am Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
What war did Clinton start?

What war did Obama start?

What war did Biden start?

I will answer by explaining why they are warmongers

Bill Clinton, ordered U.S. military intervention in the Bosnian and Kosovo wars.  From Wikipedia "In early 1993 the Clinton administration decided on aggressive action, ignoring both the United Nations and key European allies." Biden supports this

Hillary Clinton, Support the Iraq war, let our boys die in Benghazi Attack.  Destroy Libya. … 91979a9b9d

Obama:  here is a list of all the Countries bombed by the U.S. under the Obama administration … index.html
and if you ever want to know why Obama and Hillary got us fighting in Syria then you should watch this.
BTW if Biden wins, we will go back to Syria because there are unfinished works.

Biden: when he was vice president, he took us from 2 wars to 7.  Biden, one of 77 senators who gave President George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq … alism.html

New Video Shows Biden Pushed Iraq War Years Before Invasion

Ask yourself what did Syrian people ever do to American people
Ask yourself why Bush support Biden

Nov 12 20 01:26 am Link


Camera Buff

Posts: 924

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

See Below

Nov 12 20 03:39 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8240

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

barepixels wrote:
I will answer by explaining why they are warmongers

Bill Clinton, ordered U.S. military intervention in the Bosnian and Kosovo wars.  From Wikipedia "In early 1993 the Clinton administration decided on aggressive action, ignoring both the United Nations and key European allies." Biden supports this

Hillary Clinton, Support the Iraq war, let our boys die in Benghazi Attack.  Destroy Libya. … 91979a9b9d

Obama:  here is a list of all the Countries bombed by the U.S. under the Obama administration … index.html
and if you ever want to know why Obama and Hillary got us fighting in Syria then you should watch this.
BTW if Biden wins, we will go back to Syria because there are unfinished works.

Biden: when he was vice president, he took us from 2 wars to 7.  Biden, one of 77 senators who gave President George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq … alism.html

New Video Shows Biden Pushed Iraq War Years Before Invasion

Ask yourself what did Syrian people ever do to American people
Ask yourself why Bush support Biden

Then you don't have any of your own opinions.  Thanks for the proof.  And you are the hypocrite because you only recognize what was done by the presidents you don't like.  trump not only bombed people, he gave them over to their enemies.  He deserted them.  You regurgitate the right's false premise that Clinton was responsible for Benghazi because she was secratary of state, yet it was Obama that was commander in chief.  You expect Clinton to have a crystal ball to predict an attack?  Then were is your condemnation of Bush for failing to prevent 911?

You wanted blame Biden for being one of the 77 and yet you don't complain about any of the other 76.  But as a Senator, he can only consult on what the president brings him.  You blame Biden for being vice president but I am not aware of him having any power to wage war.  I t must be nice to be able sleep in your warm home and condemn people out of hand for hard decisions they have to make, and not bother to learn anything more than your narrow political focus from the people that spoon feed you your opinions.

You want every spot in the world were there is a crisis to do it on their own?

You demand that we do not thank our vets because one person was not thanked in the way he felt was appropriate. 

If you ever once voted for a President then you voted for the person that was responsible for waging war on behalf of the American people and you are silly enough to condemn other people for doing so. 

You condemn warmongers, though I doubt you understand the definition of a warmonger.  It is a convenient slur for stupid people to use when they are too lazy and disingenuous to look into the events that bring us to various points in history.   

You have revealed about yourself is that you favor allowing genocide anywhere in the world, at anytime.  You favor allowing regimes to militarize and attack their neighbors at any time.  You disrespect those that have served our country.   You are the hypocrite because you lay false claim to value life when you don't give a damn about anybody's life.

Nov 12 20 04:49 am Link


Camera Buff

Posts: 924

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

This OP's thread is to celebrate VETERANS DAY (Known as REMEMBRANCE DAY and ARMISTICE DAY in other countries).

There are a number of other threads where one can go to discuss/argue about local political differences.

So please, let's keep the politics (including the politics of WAR) out of this thread.

On VETERANS DAY 2020 be proud, be grateful, be joyful and happy, to be AMERICAN.

REMEMBRANCE DAY 2020 - AUSTRALIA - Taking my moment of silence despite COVID. Lest we forget.

A Timely Video for Remembrance Day in Canada

Nov 12 20 05:45 am Link



Posts: 1105

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

Camera Buff wrote:
This OP's thread is to celebrate VETERANS DAY (Known as REMEMBRANCE DAY and ARMISTICE DAY in other countries).

There are a number of other threads where one can go to discuss/argue about local political differences.

So please, let's keep the politics (including the politics of WAR) out of this thread.

On VETERANS DAY 2020 be proud, be grateful, be joyful and happy, to be AMERICAN.

REMEMBRANCE DAY 2020 - AUSTRALIA - Taking my moment of silence despite COVID. Lest we forget.

A Timely Video for Remembrance Day in Canada

Unfortunitely it's the political leaders around the world that get us into wars.  So we remember those in the miltary who died fighting as a result?  What about the civilian deaths?  How about using the day to also promote better world harmony and preventing wars?

Nov 12 20 09:31 am Link


Camera Buff

Posts: 924

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

rxz wrote:
Unfortunitely it's the political leaders around the world that get us into wars.  So we remember those in the miltary who died fighting as a result?  What about the civilian deaths?  How about using the day to also promote better world harmony and preventing wars?

I believe that Veterans Day (in the US) is for honouring military veterans, that is, persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Soldiers aren't the only people (and animals) who serve their countries during WARS.

"What about civilian deaths?" ALL LIVES MATTER!

What about politicians? Sorry, but I'd rather not say … not on Veterans Day.

Nov 12 20 10:12 am Link



Posts: 1105

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

Camera Buff wrote:

I believe that Veterans Day (in the US) is for honouring military veterans, that is, persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Agreed, it's to remember fallen members of the military.  But it's also affects families who have lost someone, or civilians caught in the conflict.  In the US we also have Memorial Day for remembering.  It doesn't seem to stop the world from having new conflicts.

Nov 12 20 10:53 am Link