Forums > General Industry > When they cancel...


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28711

Phoenix, Arizona, US's never something simple, like "I just don't feel like shooting today", "My car is in the shop", "I'm sick", etc..

It's always something super dramatic like, "This morning when I was driving all of a sudden my car jerked to the right so I pulled over to see what happened and I noticed that one of my tires had flown off the axle and rolled across 5 lanes of traffic causing a huge multi-car pile up. While I was talking to the police, my dog jumped out of the car and got run over by a dump truck so I had to take him to the emergency vet but he's doing fine. But as I was leaving the vet getting ready to call an Uber to come to your studio I got a phone call from my brother telling me my grandmother got hit in the head by a golf ball and died. So, I'm not going to be able to make it to our shoot today. Can we please reschedule for tomorrow?"

(For the record, I appreciate when they at least let me know and I've never gone off on a model for cancelling no matter what the reason is.)

Jul 10 21 11:29 pm Link


Varton Photography

Posts: 203

New York, New York, US

Regardless of how simple or convoluted that reason is,  I wouldn't care.

Jul 11 21 11:25 am Link


Ken Marcus Studios

Posts: 9421

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

John Jebbia  wrote:
I appreciate when they at least let me know and I've never gone off on a model for cancelling no matter what the reason is.)

Well good for you . . . consider yourself lucky !

Most models that are going to flake don't bother to call with an excuse . . . they just disappear in a puff of smoke

Jul 26 21 06:50 pm Link



Posts: 3782

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

If I get a text or phone call that they won't make it to the shoot, I don't care how many times their grandmother died. I was notified. And I'm happy for your model that her dog is fine. Shame about model's grandmother. Being a model's grandmother seems to be a dangerous position. They come back as zombies or something, too.

Jul 29 21 05:17 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

Regardless of the excuse, at least when they call to cancel and offer to reschedule, it shows they are probably still genuinely interested and it sure beats setting up and waiting tirelessly for a no show.   Things do come up, but they come up with models astronomically more often than any other group I’ve ever worked with.  (and I’ve worked a lot with college students). 

I’ve had excuses, from their dog falling down the stairs to one model who honestly admitted that on her way to the shoot she just decided to go shopping instead.     

I guess the lesson is to not expect modeling agency dependability from independent internet models.   It is what it is.    (As Eric mentioned, the other lesson is grandmothers can pass away multiple times).

Jul 29 21 06:08 am Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

Jul 29 21 09:30 am Link


Michelle Genevieve

Posts: 1140

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

Eric212Grapher wrote:
Shame about model's grandmother. Being a model's grandmother seems to be a dangerous position.

I live in total dread of my granddaughter ever becoming a model.

Jul 29 21 05:09 pm Link



Posts: 225

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

This was a little different, ( for me anyway) first scheduled shoot got email -death in family but I still want to shoot, I respond my condolences we reschedule two weeks later at1pm. Two weeks later 3pm text can we do tommorow at 1? Little voice don't even respond but of course I say sure why not. Next day 2:15 pm text from model where are you?  My response, Me? I am here where you said you would be at 1pm. Model Oh lol! Me blocks # deletes emails and friend from MM list appreciates the fact that I straightened up my studio contacts other model/friend and plan next shoot. I kind of feel she never left her domicile. Do'ing stuff like this is maybe just a hobby for her or something.

Jul 29 21 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 6597

Uniontown, Pennsylvania, US

My last set:  Provided concept / wardrobe, rented an Airbnb, loaded up the gear and drove to Pittsburgh PA, about an Hour N.  Picked up the Model and drove to the location.  Unpacked the gear, set up.

Model states She's 'not feeling it'.


Packed up, dropped Model off, drove Home.  tail between legs.

The damning part was I had google maps accidentally set to Bicycle.  That was a long ride.

Jul 30 21 04:13 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28711

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My last set:  Provided concept / wardrobe, rented an Airbnb, loaded up the gear and drove to Pittsburgh PA, about an Hour N.  Picked up the Model and drove to the location.  Unpacked the gear, set up.

Model states She's 'not feeling it'.


Packed up, dropped Model off, drove Home.  tail between legs.

The damning part was I had google maps accidentally set to Bicycle.  That was a long ride.

About 2 weeks ago, I had a model show up for a paid shoot. She walked into my studio, set her things down, and said basically the same thing. That she just didn't feel like shooting and turned around and walked out. In 25 years of shooting models, I don't think I've ever had a model actually take the time to show up and cancel when she got there, and especially on a paid shoot.

I hadn't said anything more than "Hi, how are you?" and I was so taken aback that I couldn't say anything more than "Ummm.. Ok."

Whenever I shoot in my studio, I lock the front door behind them when they walk in and I usually tell them it's to prevent people from just walking in while we're shooting. I hadn't gotten far enough to explain that yet when she decided she didn't want to shoot. And it's about the only thing I can think of that might have freaked her out..

Jul 30 21 09:39 am Link



Posts: 3782

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Eric212Grapher wrote:
Shame about model's grandmother. Being a model's grandmother seems to be a dangerous position.

Michelle Genevieve wrote:
I live in total dread of my granddaughter ever becoming a model.

Should she model, you have my condolences for your early and multiple demises.

Jul 30 21 11:57 am Link



Posts: 18

Chicago, Illinois, US

I had one model from MM cancel the night before shoot on Instagram then blocked me. Go figure

Sep 03 21 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 30

Denver, Colorado, US

I once had a model contact me and schedule a shoot for two weeks later. Well, two weeks later comes and she said she can't because she's going on vacation.

Comes back, messages me again to reschedule. I say fine, whatever. The morning of she texts me saying she's too hungover and can we reschedule.

Needless to say, I blocked her.

Sep 03 21 05:54 pm Link


John Silva Photography

Posts: 591

Fairfield, California, US

Eric212Grapher wrote:

Eric212Grapher wrote:
Shame about model's grandmother. Being a model's grandmother seems to be a dangerous position.

Should she model, you have my condolences for your early and multiple demises.

I think grandmas are like cats, most have at least nine lives and just keep coming back!
I'm willing to bet that the average grandma is not even aware of her demise let alone her incarnation!!! LoL

Sep 03 21 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 534

Flagstaff, Arizona, US

Reminds me of the time a professor friend told me about student who asked if she could turn in her paper late because her grandmother had died. It was the third time she had used the same excuse to the same professor.

Sep 04 21 08:23 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

ooh! i got a cancellation yesterday, this is a new one so i thought i should share:

"modeling is just not what the Lord is leading me to do right now."

it was someone who sought me out, and i agreed to do trade to help her update her portfolio, so no worries or judgement on my part, i'll shoot with her if she changes her mind. she was perfectly polite and gave good notice. Actually sort of relieved i have less work to do. But also I'm sort of confused, does that mean some divine being literally told this model not to shoot with me? ouch! wink Let me process that.
sort of funny since this model speaks italian and my email address literally has the italian word for "devil" in it. wonder if that played a part in her decision making? oops.

Sep 04 21 11:46 am Link