Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > People from the Future


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Why are they getting sent to our present time?

You would think the outcome of their decision to go to the past would be foreseeable for them...
So in cases where the results are not satisfactory; does that mean either they can't determine the results ahead of time, or perhaps they are being sent back as either a punishment, or against their will.
It would seem like time travel to the past would eliminate any events forward in time beyond the present for that individual.
Time travel to the future is SOOOOO much easier.

Jul 14 21 12:41 pm Link


peter vic

Posts: 57

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You hit the nail on the head. Going into the far past, like 35,000 years ago is actually easier than going say ... Twenty years into the past!

Jul 15 21 05:59 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

peter vic wrote:
You hit the nail on the head. Going into the far past, like 35,000 years ago is actually easier than going say ... Twenty years into the past!

I think 35,000 years ago is waaaaaaay too far back.
Too much ice over most the globe, and if you come across another human, that fucker is going to be way smarter and tougher than us. Perfectly adapted to their environment. Plus we wouldn't be able to communicate with them easily.
Most present day humans are not intelligent enough, or physically capable to survive in that time period.
Hell, most present day humans can't survive in this time period if you took away their smart phone and clothes, and kicked them out in the woods. Especially if it was snowing.

I think people from the future are coming to this time, (although i have no other times to compare by) because the foundation of what they know has been set in terms of technology and language. It feels like a comfortable spot. The problem is for the most part, they're even less capable and less intelligent than us, or rather they're more dependent on technology. I don't know what they teach in the future about our present day that makes it seem like an appealing destination.

Perhaps its the way we might fantasize about living in the old west, based on what we read in books or seen in movies, but if we actually went there we'd just feel lost, miserable, and shortly later die from dysentery.

Jul 15 21 12:01 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

there was someone possibly from the future near my front porch the other day, and there was a strange jacket on the ground in front of my gate. another person who also looked like a future person was walking up the street a little farther away.

i confronted the guy who was near my porch steps. he had a strange bandage looking thing on his head in the middle of his forehead. rectangular in shape and vertical in orientation. He asked me about the jacket on the ground. he was interested in it.
he asked me if it was mine, and he said since he had picked it up he couldnt put it back down because that would be "littering" and he got a ticket for that once before. i told him the jacket wasn't mine, and assured him he could have it. he was happy to take it away.

im thinking he mustve been a new arrival from the not too distant future.
perhaps theres a portal near my residence where they are arriving from?

Jul 15 21 12:08 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Interesting concept for a photo shoot.......

Jul 23 21 02:11 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

rick lesser wrote:
Interesting concept for a photo shoot.......

a person out of time?

Jul 23 21 05:44 pm Link