Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > It's cheering to hear about others' happiness



Posts: 4

Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom

Recently, it has been a very positive experience to hear about so many friends and colleagues (old and new) who are doing things, professionally and privately that show that there is light after the dark times we've all been through.

If you've got something to be happy about or proud of, and you don't know whether you should tell people about it, my advice is please do. It is cheering to hear.

We aren't all at the same stage, there is and has been (and continues to be) pain and grief and will be, but sharing your joy isn't wrong. When we've shared the downs, let's share the ups, too. And if you are more up than me, I can still share your joy and feel the warmth of your happiness. I'm sure others would feel the same way. If I'm wrong, please tell me that, too. I always want to learn and grow.

Jul 23 21 03:46 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

true! i get where youre coming from. its nice to hear good news, but theres a thin line between that and boasting.

most people are greedy and jealous, and everyone seems overly sensitive.
they would rather focus on what someone else has, even if that person has less than themselves, and fail to appreciate what they have, be it material possessions or otherwise. The pathetic situation is heightened by activity on social media enforcing the behavior.

for that reason i typically keep my mouth shut on such matters, but to go along with the good news theme of the thread, if it brings you joy to hear:

i'm happy im not a sad sack of shit like most people haha wink
i've been keeping busy by practicing my skill set, and spending time hiking and avoiding most things toxic.
all my bills are paid and i have access to food and clean water and my family lives near.

while waiting for the dust to settle and the new augmented reality to become the norm everyone should take time to appreciate what they have, including accomplishments, not just material crap.

Jul 23 21 05:55 pm Link