Forums > General Industry > MAGIC is over WPPI is here! Anoyone going???



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The summer MAGIC (one of the largest fashion events in the world) is over and WPPI (one of the largest photography conventions) is here!  Anyone going???

Before Scott Kelby took over the company a few years ago the convention was HUGE.  I'd spend 2 full days going from expo booth to expo booth.  I don't know what happened but it's only a fraction of the size it used to be.  Almost all of the mom and pop shops are gone and even most major companies have left or downsized their booths tremendously. Last time I was done in 45 minutes.

I have a feeling this year will even be smaller because of the uncertainty of the pandemic.

Added: Yikes!!!  I just saw the exhibitor list.... less than 50!!!
The only major companies exhibiting will be Canon and Sigma
Previous to Kelby there were HUNDREDS!

Aug 15 21 08:40 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17824

El Segundo, California, US

SayCheeZ!  wrote:
I have a feeling this year will even be smaller because of the uncertainty of the pandemic.

I attended most of the WPPI conferences, though usually just the trade show floor rather than the full program. But even if it were full-sized, I'd skip this year for the reason you state.

But 50 exhibitors? Wow. sad

Aug 15 21 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The Expo is nothing short of PATHETIC this year.
I spent more time walking from the parking lot to the convention center than I did at the event.

Many people like to blame it on the Pandemic, but ever since Scott Kelby's company took over, WPPI has been rapidly and exponentially going down the tube.  Previous to his takeover there were hundreds of exhibitors and it would take me 3 or 4 days to see it all.  The last time I went it was a 45 minute trip.  Today I wasn't even there for a half hour.

The 'goody bags' that some companies give out so you can carry all the pamphlets, swag, and products were being put back on the racks as people were leaving because there was nothing to put in 'em.


Aug 17 21 02:58 pm Link


Eye of the World

Posts: 1396

Corvallis, Oregon, US

I wouldn't just blame Kelby though. In my non-photography professional life, conventions have been steadily declining for years, and then the trend accelerated with COVID. The younger generation is less prone to attend in-person meetings, preferring to do their research and buying online. Exhibitors are continually downsizing their meeting budgets and moving to other forms of marketing. It has become a vicious circle, with less attendees, fewer exhibitors are willing to be at the show, and with fewer exhibitors, fewer people decide to register.  It is a death spiral.

We see the same things with the demise of brick and mortar camera stores. People come in to evaluate merchandise then go to Amazon to buy because they can save a few bucks. Difficult to maintain a business in that environment.

Aug 25 21 12:52 pm Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Eye of the World wrote:
I wouldn't just blame Kelby though. In my non-photography professional life, conventions have been steadily declining for years, and then the trend accelerated with COVID. The younger generation is less prone to attend in-person meetings, preferring to do their research and buying online. Exhibitors are continually downsizing their meeting budgets and moving to other forms of marketing. It has become a vicious circle, with less attendees, fewer exhibitors are willing to be at the show, and with fewer exhibitors, fewer people decide to register.  It is a death spiral.

We see the same things with the demise of brick and mortar camera stores. People come in to evaluate merchandise then go to Amazon to buy because they can save a few bucks. Difficult to maintain a business in that environment.

I shoot primarily corporate events. It makes up over 90% of my business. Covid lockdowns have pretty much killed the industry right now and WPPI never should have been put on. MAGIC had 20% attendance of what it did in 2019. World of Concrete 15%. I used to shoot for four magazines for the Mr Olympia competition each year at the Orleans Arena here in Vegas. They moved the event to Florida and they specifically gave as their #1 reason for doing so was because of our idiot governor of Nevada and the lockdowns. There were so few people registered for the large licensing expo a few weeks ago that the event promoters cancelled the entire event while all the vendors had their booth components en route. While trade show attendance has been declining a little bit, it's not even relevant to the conversation of what's happening in the industry right now. I had conversations with numerous officials at the LVCC and various hotel convention centers around last Vegas about a year ago. The number they were all citing as a return to somewhat normal of the convention industry was autumn of 2023. That seems pretty likely at this point.

As for WPPI though, I'm astounded the event promoters for that expo weren't fired years ago. The -ONLY- people to blame is Kelby. For those of you who may not remember, it wasn't all that long ago that WPPI consumed not one, but TWO entire convention halls at the MGM Grand. When it moved to the Mandalay Bay, it was half that size. The one I went to a few weeks ago could fit in a suite at the Motel 6 a few blocks away. Every vendor I normally go see every year wasn't there. Hell, even NIKON didn't even show! Think about that, one of the largest camera companies in the world didn't even show up to a photography expo! That's like Ford not showing up to the Detroit Auto Show  or McDonalds not showing up to the Franchise Expo. They never should have put the event on this year.

Sep 01 21 09:43 am Link



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Shot By Adam wrote:
As for WPPI though, I'm astounded the event promoters for that expo weren't fired years ago. The -ONLY- people to blame is Kelby. For those of you who may not remember, it wasn't all that long ago that WPPI consumed not one, but TWO entire convention halls at the MGM Grand. When it moved to the Mandalay Bay, it was half that size. The one I went to a few weeks ago could fit in a suite at the Motel 6 a few blocks away. Every vendor I normally go see every year wasn't there. Hell, even NIKON didn't even show! Think about that, one of the largest camera companies in the world didn't even show up to a photography expo! That's like Ford not showing up to the Detroit Auto Show  or McDonalds not showing up to the Franchise Expo. They never should have put the event on this year.

The latest news is that  PBR (Championship Bull Riding that FILLED LV with cowboys for a week) will no longer be here.

In addition to the reasons already discussed in the thread I think the greed of the resorts have also caused much of the problem.  Hell, it can cost anywhere from $15 to $100 just to park a car for a day (depending on the venue).  "Resort Fees" (unadvertised charges tacked on to the hotel room bill) can cost more than the room rate,which is why they do the "resort fees"... it's sort of a bait and switch... advertise a nice room in a great hotel for under $100, but surprised the customer with a daily rate of $200 after they check out ($100+parking fees+resort fees).

The restaurants got greedy too.... I haven't been there but I heard that a hot dog at Resorts World costs @ $15.

I totally agree with blaming WPPI shrinkage on Kelby.  The huge expo immediately shrunk after he took over.  Those MGM days were great because even small mom & pop companies were able to show their products, so a convention goer could find really cool, unique, interesting and useful products that they otherwise would have never heard about.

For those that don't understand the difference:

ONE HALL of WPPI EXPO before Kelby:

The ONLY Hall of WPPI 2021... opening day (usually the busiest) … IESrSwz8Xj

Sep 01 21 10:22 am Link