Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > What's everybody being for halloween?



Posts: 7

Kingston, New York, US

We all are creative and stylish people here and am sure some of you are dressing up for Halloween. What's everybody doing? also let me know about any cool and sweet costumes you might have done in years past. Best thing I ever did was dressing up as Alex DeLarge from "A Clockwork Orange" and best thing I ever did as a group was me and 3 other freinds dressing up as some "Reservior Dogs"... if I can find some pictures from back then I will totally share

Oct 15 21 08:27 pm Link


Immersion Studios

Posts: 812

Dayton, Ohio, US

For Halloween I'm going to be the old man sitting in the dark, pretending I'm not there,  waiting for the kids to pass.  Hoping I don't get egged. 

Just kidding, with where I live we don't get trick or treaters.

Oct 16 21 08:20 am Link


Jefferson Cole

Posts: 138

Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

What I'll be for Halloween is broke.

Oct 16 21 02:27 pm Link


John Silva Photography

Posts: 591

Fairfield, California, US

KingCityBennyBen wrote:
We all are creative and stylish people here.

Alex DeLarge from "A Clockwork Orange"

Man, you give us a lot of credit here!LoL
I dress as Alex Delarge every day except Sundays when I dress as Jesus!!!
My two best costumes were as a Backwards Man and another time as a Holstein cow.
The backwards dude was funny. I got an old suit and put it on backwards. I glued the front section of a pair of shoes to the backs of my shoes and put a mask on backwards. I actually had people come up and talk to the back off me and actually get angry when i didn't respond. Then when i turned around they realized they were talking to the my back would feel really stupid!
The cow won best costume at a party! Remember those computers that used to come in boxes with the black spots   Holstein Cow print on them? I got two of those and cut a hole in the top and bottom and wore them like a cow body. My wife had an inflated rubber glove on the bottom front, mine had a pair of balls hanging from it!!!
In the second grade I went as a tiger, maybe it's time to be a tiger again! LoL

Oct 16 21 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm gonna dress as an exhausted photographer.
Halloween is our "Black Friday" at the body painting company I shoot for.
It's usually two or three full days of shooting with few, if any breaks.

Oct 16 21 11:41 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

...i dont think i have anywhere to go, but if something pops up i'd probably go as one of the War Boys from Mad Max Fury Road. Slightly outdated but easy to throw together.

Oct 19 21 03:07 pm Link