Forums > Newbie Forum > Am I serious about this gig? Well...



Posts: 1

Orlando, Florida, US

You bet I am.

As a creator on Youtube for three years now and with a loyal following of 12k subs my passion has pulled me towards photography now. I still work on the YouTube thing but this photography thing has me seriously by the cojones.

I'm looking to expand from motorsports into portrait and model work but having a hard time finding people willing to give their time, which is precious, I know. Any tips you guys could offer for doinng talent-for-talent swaps with models would be helpful.


Aug 24 22 05:19 pm Link


G Reese

Posts: 914

Marion, Indiana, US

Looks to me like you have subjects, you just are not thinking of them as models. Then too, your about 10 years too late. Back then you'd likely find several. Now they all want paid. To me that is perfectly understandable. If you do find some let the rest of us know. :-)

Aug 24 22 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 3321

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

bremingtonphoto wrote:
You bet I am.

As a creator on Youtube for three years now and with a loyal following of 12k subs my passion has pulled me towards photography now. I still work on the YouTube thing but this photography thing has me seriously by the cojones.

I'm looking to expand from motorsports into portrait and model work but having a hard time finding people willing to give their time, which is precious, I know. Any tips you guys could offer for doinng talent-for-talent swaps with models would be helpful.


I have good luck by asking friends of friends and such who don't really consider themselves to be models and may have not even considered it. But if you choose to search here try the casting call feature.

Aug 25 22 08:52 am Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

Stay with Motorsports much less agro

Aug 25 22 12:48 pm Link


Flex Photography

Posts: 6472

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Since you already have experience in the area of motorsports, I think you could find potential talent that share that interest and approach them to shoot a few things related to that theme. Since that is already their interest they may want flattering images of themselves they can relate to. After a shoot or two with them, with a rapport established, you can suggest other genres.

Aug 29 22 08:57 am Link