Forums > General Industry > Nudity necessary to advance in this profession?


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Adrianaaxgx wrote:
In my very limited time here I've already been approached by photographers on MM & Instagram about potentially shooting either nude/ lingerie/ fetish. Some seem professional while others are outright creepy bringing up erotic photography so obvi huge red flags!

My question is, how necessary is nudity to build ones portfolio/ actually advance in my "artistic career" as an aspiring model? I know that photographers can be predatory but I'm more than open to that type of work if it opens new venues of opprotunity. I just don't want to come off as naive, I would like to know what do you ask when proposed that type of work? and how best to handle yourself?

- thank you in advanced!💛

Only shoot what you want to shoot more of. Direct, honest and to the point answers shutting down any further conversation about it is best. Time is too short to deal with manipulators or users.

If someone has an awesome portfolio full of material that you do want to shoot and you have an ongoing relationship of shooting what you want and they ask you to shoot what you do not want to shoot, then be honest and tell them you do not want to shoot that.

If someone tries to manipulate you into shooting something you do not want to shoot, then be direct, respectful and honest, tell them no.

You are your own agent, boss and support team here. There is no need to get into something you do not want. There is definitely no need to rush into it because someone is pressuring you.


Oct 20 22 04:02 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

The short answer to this is, no, of course not. I got into this "business/career" by being comfortable in my own skin. Back in 2003 I was complimented by several people in one day on my skin, eyes, and bone structure. I googled (well, before Google was a thing) modeling and I found a website that connected models and photographers. I took 4 Polaroids. Two of them were nude - it did not occur to me not to do that- against a wall in my apartment. I was flooded with messages about shooting. That kind of launched my career. I have been all over the world doing this because I AM comfortable in my skin. It isn't that I don't like clothes, I just don't care. If a photographer asks me to bring clothing, fine, okay we can do that. Especially if it is a cool idea.

But otherwise...

I am an aesthetic light reflector at the end of the day and I have proof of that all over the world.

Oct 29 22 07:43 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dan Howell wrote:

I get where you are coming from, but I think that you are missing a huge point, tall and attractive models can also go to casting for commercial projects and often do. Some models have different agencies for fashion and commercial work. There is not an upper height limit on commercial projects. What is probably more salient is that fashion models likely have more experience in front of a camera, more photos to show in a portfolio and more past experience/connections with photographers and casting entities than strictly commercial models. If you think that fact is not weighed in a casting decisions, I really question whether you have actually been a party to them.

Many of what people consider fashion agencies have commercial divisions that cross list models from other divisions. I would say that your statement of 'An overwhelming majority of modeling assignments go to people that somewhat fit the looks of an average person.' is inaccurate, possilbly grossly so, but there is a problem quantifying it because 'average looks' is very subjective. Then you also have to factor in styling that can, in most cases, make a fashion model look like (gasp) a human.

I know a model (former Elite, Wilhelmina agencies) who simultaneously appeared in a skincare product campaign (ie. beauty shot) and on the package for an 'As Seen on TV' product. I don't know which paid more, but I'm sure the checks cashed just as easily.

But getting back to the OP. There are few, if any absolutes in the photography/modeling industry. I would caution that anyone who says that nudity is mandatory is incorrect. However, anyone who says that availability for more areas, including nude, doesn't bring the chance a more opportunity is similarly inaccurate.

Took the words out of my mouth

Oct 29 22 11:11 am Link



Posts: 13

Tucson, Arizona, US

Britneyy_Ruiz wrote:
In my very limited time here I've already been approached by photographers on MM & Instagram about potentially shooting either nude/ lingerie/ fetish. Some seem professional while others are outright creepy bringing up erotic photography so obvi huge red flags!

My question is, how necessary is nudity to build ones portfolio/ actually advance in my "artistic career" as an aspiring model? I know that photographers can be predatory but I'm more than open to that type of work if it opens new venues of opprotunity. I just don't want to come off as naive, I would like to know what do you ask when proposed that type of work? and how best to handle yourself?

- thank you in advanced!💛

Oct 29 22 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 13

Tucson, Arizona, US

Britneyy_Ruiz wrote:
In my very limited time here I've already been approached by photographers on MM & Instagram about potentially shooting either nude/ lingerie/ fetish. Some seem professional while others are outright creepy bringing up erotic photography so obvi huge red flags!

My question is, how necessary is nudity to build ones portfolio/ actually advance in my "artistic career" as an aspiring model? I know that photographers can be predatory but I'm more than open to that type of work if it opens new venues of opprotunity. I just don't want to come off as naive, I would like to know what do you ask when proposed that type of work? and how best to handle yourself?

- thank you in advanced!💛

Oct 29 22 03:02 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

Unless you have spectacular acting skills, posing for any type of photo that makes you uncomfortable will show in your facial expression, tension in your hands, awkward posing, etc.

Choose what you feel comfortable with and the photos will turn out much better.
Sometimes we would like to experiment with new and different things, there is nothing wrong with that. If you establish a comfortable relationship with a particular photographer you can try things that you want to experience in a safe environment.

Do what you can do well, there are many successful models who never have and never will model nude. There are also many successful models who do pose nude, that is their choice alone to make.

Best of luck to you!

Oct 31 22 10:37 am Link



Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

Read the question.
See lots of responses
Is there a digest with summary?😉
Eg in a nutshell the answer is______.

Oct 31 22 09:44 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

FFantastique wrote:
Read the question.
See lots of responses
Is there a digest with summary?😉
Eg in a nutshell the answer is______.

You have no opinion?
Everybody else does.
All different.
Choose one.
Or make up your own.

In a nutshell, it's that simple...  :- D

Oct 31 22 10:23 pm Link


david durkee

Posts: 105

Long Beach, California, US

Another market to consider is lingerie and "fit modeling". A friend of mine does well as a fit model as she's 5'10' with a 36" inseam. Really long legs and clothing designers need someone that can wear a garment and show how it moves, how it feels while bending over, climbing stairs, sitting, etc. If you are a natural F cup as your stats say, there are bra makers that need specific sizes of women to fit garments to while designing. Making and fitting bras is a complex as women's bodies vary so much. I've had several girlfriends that have been so grateful that I took them to a custom bra maker and and bras made specifically for them. There are a lot of B cup fit models, not a lot of F cups. As I'm not in that market, I don't know where to direct you to other than agencies and lingerie manufacturers - perhaps some fit models on the site could suggest?

And good luck to you.

Nov 03 22 08:06 pm Link


Ricky Dorn

Posts: 55

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

No it's not. Figure out what kind of modeling you want to do, find photographers that can help you get that look. Practice posing often and only show your best. I'd book a model with two great images over a model with 15 images that are okay.

Nov 03 22 11:19 pm Link



Posts: 2

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I have no problem posing nude but cqn see why some don't want to do so for whatever reason.  For me if it pays then I pose it.  I guess it's all in what you want to brand yourself as.  I guess the secret is get exposure to those who shoot in the job types you are Interested In working.

Nov 15 22 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 1218

Orlando, Florida, US

The short answer is "NO", nudity is absolutely not necessary to advance a career in modeling. 

But....Is Model Mayhem really "modeling"?   That's probably the more important question to ask.....and, answers will vary...hehe. 

Modeling agencies are not exactly combing through Model Mayhem to find the next Kate Moss or Gigi Hadid.  And, outside of commercial fashion, where is the MONEY?    Basically, the exchange of money on Model Mayhem is mostly between nude models and the photographers who pay them.'re on Model Mayhem, where nude modeling moves money around.  That is why you are encountering that flavor here.

Nov 22 22 01:18 pm Link


peter vic

Posts: 57

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I think nudity is necessary to 'advance'.

Nov 23 22 05:41 am Link