Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > How to defund Tai Chi


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

Ignore it, and it will go away.


Sep 23 22 08:56 am Link



Posts: 2602

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Shadow Dancer wrote:
Ignore it, and it will go away.


I admire your confidence and optimistic outlook...

Sep 23 22 09:58 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

P R E S T O N wrote:

I admire your confidence and optimistic outlook...

Thanks, it comes from persistent ignoring. Things cease to exist if you don't allow them.

Sep 23 22 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 54

New York, New York, US

Sep 23 22 02:22 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I was thinking of starting tai chi. I do yoga but aren't doing the classes as much because i prefer to do yoga in mornings and past a certain point I think its just as good tom do alone. Also the tai chi classes are way cheaper. Shadow kickboxing and shadowboxing makes you sweat but tai chi shouldn't I think which means I could fit it in in the afternoons sometimes  after morning yoga.

May 14 23 11:34 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Tai Chi is a general term, covering a range of activities. The Tai Chi that most people are familiar with is a form of exercise which aims to develop coordination, balance and harmony of mind and body, thought and movement. There are however also more combat-oriented forms of Tai Chi.

May 16 23 07:10 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

The place I am going does yang style, sun style and some Chen. But may have convinced a friend of mine to make a tai chi form up. Before you attack this you should know he is a 7th dan in 2 martial arts 8th dan in another also boxed etc..., was ex special forces, UN forces, ex mercenary, ex spy, ex Brazilian death squad: not the name of a band: and killed thousands of people: which in the military is good because that is the job. If he and the founder of Tai Chi met in their prime he would kick his arse if he was feeling charitable and kill him if not. He wants me to help with the occult side. Proper arse kicking tai chi.

Ok you don't have to like it but you know a guy with an actual fighting background may be able to make something great.

May 16 23 09:53 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I should point out my friend has designed and taught courses to merceneries and mercenaries are better qualified then regular army because they need at least one specialisation no standard GI Joe need not apply: no offence meant.

May 16 23 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 2477

Syracuse, New York, US


May 17 23 06:41 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

JQuest wrote:


A parody thread taken seriously?

May 17 23 08:51 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Shadow Dancer wrote:


A parody thread taken seriously?

I was just looking for a tai chi thread to write on. Thought I would write on a thread rather than start one. I thought someone would get a kick out of their old thread starting again. lol

May 17 23 09:46 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Shadow Dancer wrote:


A parody thread taken seriously?

I was just looking for a tai chi thread to write on. Thought I would write on a thread rather than start one. I thought someone would get a kick out of their old thread starting again. lol

May 17 23 09:46 am Link