Forums > General Industry > Unexpected “Escort”



Posts: 2056

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have a casting up that requires erotic nudity.  A model responded to it with the comment, “I don’t normally do nude work, but I’m trying to raise some funds in a short time.”  I had actually sent her a PM a few years ago asking if she’d be interested in working nude.  She has in her port one of my favorite photos on MM. But I never heard back from her.

I was eager to work with her, and went over the details to be sure she was comfortable with my requirements, including some rough sketches of my concepts.  Her responses were enthusiastically agreeable.

On the day of, she sent a number of texts telling me she was having transportation problems, and it looked like we’d need to start about an hour and a half later than the set time.  I need window light for my shoots, and it was beginning to fade.  I asked her if we could reschedule, and she pleaded, “I’m so sorry!  But I’m almost there, and I’ve been on the bus and train for two hours.”

As I was watching for her out my studio window, I saw a woman who looked nothing like her crossing the street with a baby carriage.  I said to myself, no that can’t be her!”  Well it was.  My bell rang and there she was with a four month old infant in tow.  She said “Did I tell you I was bringing my baby?”  I said no, and she asked if it was Ok.  I wasn’t sure if it was, but I said it was.  As she undressed, she said, I also have some scars.  I hope that’s OK.”

I think there is a wonderful beauty in the body of a woman who had recently given birth, but I was looking for a young ballerina type.  The process of giving birth had not been kind to her, but I think that someday her figure would restore itself.  But between that and the infant who wailed loudly and incessantly for most of the shoot in my small studio, it made for an unsatisfactory shoot. There wasn’t much I could use.

I don’t regret going on with it, though, because I sympathized with her circumstances, and I felt she was trying both to give me her best and raise money for her family of two.  Unfortunately for her, she had another two hours commute in the dark ahead of her.

I’m not looking for advice or a “what would you have done?”

Just sharing an example of one of my adventures on Model Mayhem.

Sep 27 22 02:07 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8256

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

I would have shot with her just like you did.  I would have made the best out of it. 

I might have incorporated the baby into some of the shots.  That could have helped calm the baby and would represent future art work.  I would have edited the release on the spot to include the baby.

I would edit with my paintbrush to make her figure what you had in mind for the ballerina figure type and would happily use her figure as is for something else. 

I think you did the right thing even if it was an inconvenience and you wasted some money- at least regarding the short term perspective.

Sep 27 22 03:03 pm Link


Francisco Castro

Posts: 2630

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

aquarelle wrote:
I’m not looking for advice or a “what would you have done?”

You're not looking for advice, but by posting, you're implying that you are looking for some feedback, so here goes. I would have offered her a ride home. 2 hours on a bus/train commute is about 30 minutes by car.

You stated that the light was fading before you even started. I can't imagine what it would be like for her heading home in the dark of night with an infant in tow on public transportation. You're in the Chicago area; I've been there and the public transportation can be sketchy in the later hours. The fact that she risked it means that she was really desperate for cash.

Sep 27 22 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 2056

Chicago, Illinois, US

Because I had a commitment, and we were already running an hour and a half late, I wouldn’t have been able to drive the model home, much as I would have liked to—it would have been almost a two hour round trip for me.  I gave her traveling money, but she said she’d rather take the train.  Actually, it was the El to the train, train to a bus. 

The one small silver lining is that she said she’d had two gigs before mine, so at least she made a good haul for the day.

Sep 27 22 10:20 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Early on I did a Shoot with a Fashion Model who brought her baby along

I still have the Image in my mind -of Her wearing a Fendi dress and changing baby’s diaper mid shoot

Fortunately He was a good boy and didn’t poop on it


Sep 28 22 12:22 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Francisco Castro wrote:

You're not looking for advice, but by posting, you're implying that you are looking for some feedback, so here goes. I would have offered her a ride home. 2 hours on a bus/train commute is about 30 minutes by car.

Exactly. I would have given her a few bucks and sent her walking. I have -ZERO- respect or patience for people that waste my time and lie to me.

aquarelle wrote:
On the day of, she sent a number of texts telling me she was having transportation problems,

Major red flag #1. Instantly I would have insisted on rescheduling for another day.

“I’m so sorry!  But I’m almost there, and I’ve been on the bus and train for two hours.”

Major red flag #2

As I was watching for her out my studio window, I saw a woman who looked nothing like her crossing the street with a baby carriage.

Major red flag #3

She said “Did I tell you I was bringing my baby?”

Major red flag #4. Truly, at this point you should have stopped being a doormat and said, "I'm really sorry, this is absolutely not working out, I have a very bad energy about all of this, and I am very uncomfortable working with you at this point. Here is 50 bucks and best of luck to you."

As she undressed, she said, I also have some scars.  I hope that’s OK.”

No, it's not OK, and it's misrepresentation (at best). I had a model pull this on me once. I booked her for a shoot and she neglected to tell me that she had gained 50 pounds since all the photos in her portfolio were taken. I wasn't even so kind as to give her gas money I was so pissed.

There wasn’t much I could use.

I know you don't want to hear this but you already know asked for this! I know for some people it's hard to say "no" to some people but you asked for this. Consider this a learning lesson.

Sep 29 22 06:32 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11734

Olney, Maryland, US

Francisco Castro wrote:
I would have offered her a ride home. 2 hours on a bus/train commute is about 30 minutes by car.


Sep 29 22 06:56 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Shot By Adam wrote:
Exactly. I would have given her a few bucks and sent her walking. I have -ZERO- respect or patience for people that waste my time and lie to me.

Jesus christ. Aren't you fun.

There are ways to handle situations like this, and being an asshole is not one of them. I think the OP is very admirable for his reactions. He felt empathy for her. Should he be pissed? Absolutely. Would I have done what the model did? Nope. She was trying her hardest to get to work. Do you know how many people are struggling in this country? It's a shoot not a lifelong commitment. The whole point is a lesson and clearly showing character in a person. Let's just say there are two types of people so far in this thread.

Sep 29 22 10:08 am Link


Liv Sage

Posts: 431

Seattle, Washington, US

Model Sarah wrote:
Jesus christ. Aren't you fun.

There are ways to handle situations like this, and being an asshole is not one of them. I think the OP is very admirable for his reactions. He felt empathy for her. Should he be pissed? Absolutely. Would I have done what the model did? Nope. She was trying her hardest to get to work. Do you know how many people are struggling in this country? It's a shoot not a lifelong commitment. The whole point is a lesson and clearly showing character in a person. Let's just say there are two types of people so far in this thread.

Agree. I would not do what the model did, but then again, I've also not been in desperate straits while being completely responsible for the life of a newborn child.
I can understand wanting to tell her off and being livid. But reacting with anger to a desperate person with a baby - the desperation was obvious from the initial interaction where she doesn't even do nudes but agreed to erotic to raise money fast - would be in very poor taste. A random young girl being dumb and showing up not looking like her photos, sure. Go off. This situation is different and sounds really unfortunate.
I would ask some people - would your gut instinct be to yell at this girl? There's something wrong that the best probiotic will never fix if so.

Even in the case you weren't going to work with her, I'd at least drive her home or give her travel money before, as kindly as possible, turning her down.

Sep 29 22 11:50 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Liv Sage wrote:

Agree. I would not do what the model did, but then again, I've also not been in desperate straits while being completely responsible for the life of a newborn child.
I can understand wanting to tell her off and being livid. But reacting with anger to a desperate person with a baby - the desperation was obvious from the initial interaction where she doesn't even do nudes but agreed to erotic to raise money fast - would be in very poor taste. A random young girl being dumb and showing up not looking like her photos, sure. Go off. This situation is different and sounds really unfortunate.
I would ask some people - would your gut instinct be to yell at this girl? There's something wrong that the best probiotic will never fix if so.

Even in the case you weren't going to work with her, I'd at least drive her home or give her travel money before, as kindly as possible, turning her down.

Yep. I think his post is quite telling. I don't know about you, but when I see behavior like this on this site or anywhere, I remember the person and I warn other models about potential danger citing why.

My ONLY bad experience I ever had as a professional model of 18 years was similar to this guy. I showed up 15 minutes EARLY and the guy was livid. Like, VISIBLY livid. He proceeded to yell at me and berate me for "fucking his day up" I literally ran away from him as a gut instinct to my car crying. This behavior is just not acceptable and in my opinion, telling.

Sep 29 22 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 2056

Chicago, Illinois, US

Just some small points of clarification:  I may have misquoted the model saying “I don’t normally do nude work.”  She does, but does not list it in her profile.  She explained that she is interested in erotic work if she has worked with the artist previously.  And she doesn’t list nude work, because it keeps the PMs  more manageable. 

I hope I didn’t infer that the model was offering to work in a genre in which she was uncomfortable because of her dire straights.  She was actually pretty uninhibited, and showed me some of her previous erotic work on her phone.

Also, I can take a train across the street from my studio and be in in the loop in 12 minutes, or out in the suburbs in 20 minutes; driving to the same places at rush hour can easily take an hour.

Sep 29 22 04:55 pm Link


Liv Sage

Posts: 431

Seattle, Washington, US

aquarelle wrote:
She explained that she is interested in erotic work if she has worked with the artist previously.  And she doesn’t list nude work, because it keeps the PMs  more manageable. 

I hope I didn’t infer that the model was offering to work in a genre in which she was uncomfortable because of her dire straights.  She was actually pretty uninhibited, and showed me some of her previous erotic work on her phone.

Also, I can take a train across the street from my studio and be in in the loop in 12 minutes, or the the suburbs in 20 minutes; driving to the same places at rush hour can easily take an hour.

Okay this all makes more sense now.
And yeah, I often forget about big cities (despite having been based in NYC for years). When I am offered uber/lyfts during rush hour in NYC, unless I'm carrying way too much stuff, I just take the train too.

Sep 29 22 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 217

Washington, District of Columbia, US

aquarelle wrote:
I have a casting up that requires erotic nudity. 
Just sharing an example of one of my adventures on Model Mayhem.

Thank you for the story, it was quite entertaining.

Sep 29 22 10:54 pm Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Model Sarah wrote:

Jesus christ. Aren't you fun.

There are ways to handle situations like this, and being an asshole is not one of them.

Excuse me, you're totally out of line here and are taking the side of the asshole while calling me one. Let it be known that the MODEL was the "asshole" here for lying and misrepresenting herself.

I'm going to bet that if you saw an ad for something, went to go buy it only to find out that it was completely not what you saw in the ad, you'd buy it anyway, right? Of course you wouldn't, and you'd probably the first person to be screaming at a manager about bait-and-switch. It's no different here. Believe it or not, some people actually put a lot of time and energy in setting these things up and when people blatantly lie and misrepresent themselves, they don't deserve a lot of sympathy.

Imagine you got booked by a photographer and when you showed up to the shoot, he says he's not going to pay you now or if it's a TFP shoot, he completely lied about his portfolio or never delivered the photos. You know as well as I do that you'd be the first one in these forums screaming about it.

Sep 30 22 09:38 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Liv Sage wrote:
Agree. I would not do what the model did, but then again, I've also not been in desperate straits while being completely responsible for the life of a newborn child.
I can understand wanting to tell her off and being livid. But reacting with anger to a desperate person with a baby - the desperation was obvious from the initial interaction where she doesn't even do nudes but agreed to erotic to raise money fast - would be in very poor taste. A random young girl being dumb and showing up not looking like her photos, sure. Go off. This situation is different and sounds really unfortunate.
I would ask some people - would your gut instinct be to yell at this girl? There's something wrong that the best probiotic will never fix if so.

Even in the case you weren't going to work with her, I'd at least drive her home or give her travel money before, as kindly as possible, turning her down.

Infant on set is a hazard. First of all. For me and for itself (it's a petri dish, or it'll somehow "catch corona from my pet Llama" ,and now that's my fault... NOPE..
Secondly, bait and switch is never okay, misrepresentation is never okay, not from guys, not from women, not from models, photographers, MUAs, I don't care who you are. Bait and switches are some of the vilest practices out there, they cost time, resources, and, worst ofall, they cost faith in humanity.
Thirdly, while I (to an exrend, we've all had a rough time), I can crsympathize with the young mother, the crotch fruit is is not my responsibility, it's hers.

If I buy a product/ service, I only pay if it is as advertised,  otherwise it's a simple breach of.. whatever it is. Agreement, contract, etc.
If I book an appointment at (fill ijn facility), and I don't adhere to the rules/regulations/agreed upon standard, I will surely get turned away, otherwise why bother with an agreement in the first place. 

Hunter is more of a mensch than a great many of us, it's been abundantly evident from his well- handled arguments and adventures here..

The model is now an addition to the pile of DNR (Do Not Recommend) though.

Oct 01 22 03:13 am Link


ML Retouching

Posts: 82

New York, New York, US

I worked as a photographer for a while, so I can relate a bit. It is all about honesty and mutual respect. We all have busy schedules and being on time is the most important thing in this business. I believe the model could have handled it differently, being honest upfront about changes in her body, bringing the baby and time of arrival, for starters.

Of course we should help each other but we still need to respect other people's time and energy. The relationship between a photographer and a model is so important to produce quality work, any tension is detrimental to both parties.

Oct 06 22 02:16 am Link



Posts: 67

Neumayer - permanent station of Germany, Sector claimed by Norway, Antarctica

I'm sorry, but there is so much wrong in this story. Allowing a child to be present during an erotic nude photoshoot? Extremely poor decision making at the least (by both parties), possibly criminal. Hopefully you aren't going to be subpoenaed in a future Child and Family Services Hearing.
But hey, you got your precious pictures. Sorry the infant had the nerve to cry while you were trying to shoot.

Oct 06 22 11:30 am Link


ER Photography

Posts: 4

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

Thanks to the OP for sharing the story. It was kind of you to work with her under those conditions. It had to be stressful. I no longer live in Chicago, but I was born and raised there. Riding on the El at night is a dangerous thing, but necessary in this case. It wasn't an ideal shoot all around, but I hope it worked out in the end.

Nov 20 22 07:20 am Link


Roaring 20s

Posts: 141

Los Angeles, California, US

not only did you continue the shoot but you also paid for this

OP wrote:
I don’t regret going on with it, though, because I sympathized with her circumstances, and I felt she was trying both to give me her best and raise money for her family of two.

huh. that is an adventure. I wonder what other things she's tried to raise funds in a short time, at least those things would have been consensual and not crossed anyone's boundaries, but I guess the manager didn't like her look at the audition.

Nov 21 22 09:13 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 464

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I don't like babies at shoots because they cry and it's distracting

Nov 21 22 06:09 pm Link


Zap Industries

Posts: 85


I think a lot of people in life just have no idea that what they are doing is wrong. I have two cases like this:

1) About a dozen years ago, I hired a model for a paid nude shoot. She didn't tell me that she had her period. She also didn't have a tampon or anything. She just kept asking me for napkins! The entire photoshoot was ruined.

2) Recently, I did a nude beach photoshoot. Her pictures in her profile were all hairless from the neck down. When she undressed, she had hairier legs than I did, long underarm hair, and a full bush. I guess she saw the look of shock on my face, because she said "I don't shave any more."

Lessons learned.

Nov 25 22 11:20 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

This is one of those situations which seems completely uncomfortable for everyone. For me bringing an infant along for an erotic nude shot, would make me incredibility uncomfortable on any side of the camera. I do think it is important everyone be transparent when setting up a shoot. But Model Mayhem can be an adventure. We all have our interesting stories. I once was hired with a male model for a lifestyle shoot. He arrived looking like he hadn't slept in a week. He informed the photographer he had driven 1,000 miles to arrive at the shoot and had been driving for over 24 hours straight. Was awake for 36 hours. He said he just needed to nap. This was for a client mind you and a whole home was rented for the usage for the day. The photographer discussed it with the client. The client decided to contact an agent and they found another male model who was prepared to shoot to replace him. The second male model arrived ready to work and rested within the hour. It made for a longer day for everyone.

I tend to think, you arrive on set really for your call time and ready for make up. But again, model mayhem can be different because some people on model mayhem aren't professionals. A lot are. But not all are. But even when working on professional sets I have come across interesting characters. Not everyone treats this as a business.

Dec 01 22 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 225

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

I was going to start a new post but this is in a similar well actually not even close to the OP but I have a question I scheduled a paid shoot with a model who states she has five years of runway ,tv shows, videos etc. Great! I spend a couple hours setting up different backgrounds ready to shoot and when she shows up her bodyguard? gets out opens the door for her ignoring me and after she introduces herself I ask is your companion dropping you off or waiting in the car. He says I'm coming inside the house. So I just sent them off since the last pair I had inside decided to do a private tour of my home while I was "downloading " the shoot for her to take with her.
There is no mention of a bodyguard on her portfolio so the question is I feel very tempted to tag a note mentioning this on her profile to prospective photographers as it seems pretty intentional and I did mention to her if it was stated in her port I would not have contacted her in the first place and two weeks later it is still not listed in her profile.

Dec 02 22 06:56 pm Link


Zap Industries

Posts: 85


Acraftman1313 wrote:
I spend a couple hours setting up different backgrounds ready to shoot and when she shows up her bodyguard? gets out opens the door for her ignoring me and after she introduces herself I ask is your companion dropping you off or waiting in the car. He says I'm coming inside the house. So I just sent them off since the last pair I had inside decided to do a private tour of my home while I was "downloading " the shoot for her to take with her.
There is no mention of a bodyguard on her portfolio so the question is I feel very tempted to tag a note mentioning this on her profile to prospective photographers as it seems pretty intentional and I did mention to her if it was stated in her port I would not have contacted her in the first place and two weeks later it is still not listed in her profile.

How did they take it when you turned them down? How did you put it?

Dec 03 22 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 225

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Zap Industries wrote:
How did they take it when you turned them down? How did you put it?

I explained my reasons for not having two people in my house since my previous experience and the guy who was probably twenty-five at most told me don't worry he was a ex-cop , at which time I pointed to my neighbor who is a Sheriff mentioning he is still a cop as you can tell by his Sheriff's car in the driveway and they said okay got in there new Jaguar and left.

Dec 03 22 05:21 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28704

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Jesus Christ! You allowed a child to be present during a nude/erotic shoot and then you admit it on a public forum? Oh let me count the ways this could come back to bite you in the ass in 6 months when baby daddy finds out.

Dec 03 22 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 41

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Acraftman1313 wrote:
I was going to start a new post but this is in a similar well actually not even close to the OP but I have a question I scheduled a paid shoot with a model who states she has five years of runway ,tv shows, videos etc. Great! I spend a couple hours setting up different backgrounds ready to shoot and when she shows up her bodyguard? gets out opens the door for her ignoring me and after she introduces herself I ask is your companion dropping you off or waiting in the car. He says I'm coming inside the house. So I just sent them off since the last pair I had inside decided to do a private tour of my home while I was "downloading " the shoot for her to take with her.
There is no mention of a bodyguard on her portfolio so the question is I feel very tempted to tag a note mentioning this on her profile to prospective photographers as it seems pretty intentional and I did mention to her if it was stated in her port I would not have contacted her in the first place and two weeks later it is still not listed in her profile.

I always thought it was a standard industrial practice that a model (particularly a female model turning up to a photography shoot with someone she doesn't know) would always have a friend along.

Call that friend what ever you like. A bodyguard, a chaperone, whatever. It was for all the obvious reasons why they would won't one. It seems odd to me that people expect it not to happen.

I kind of make it clear that the friend/bodyguard/chaperone has a place to sit out of the way and shut up and mind their own business - perhaps read a book or what ever. If they feel the need to be a busybody, then good, they can help out with positioning lights or if they are particularly tall enough, stick them somewhere with a hand held light to get an angle I can't with the fixed lights.

Dec 05 22 12:21 am Link


Zap Industries

Posts: 85


MatthewGuy wrote:

I always thought it was a standard industrial practice that a model (particularly a female model turning up to a photography shoot with someone she doesn't know) would always have a friend along.

Call that friend what ever you like. A bodyguard, a chaperone, whatever. It was for all the obvious reasons why they would won't one. It seems odd to me that people expect it not to happen.

I kind of make it clear that the friend/bodyguard/chaperone has a place to sit out of the way and shut up and mind their own business - perhaps read a book or what ever. If they feel the need to be a busybody, then good, they can help out with positioning lights or if they are particularly tall enough, stick them somewhere with a hand held light to get an angle I can't with the fixed lights.

They have to ask first though. No one should ever just show up with an escort. Let the photographer know first. I have done countless photoshoots, and so far no model has ever showed up with one. A few have asked though.

Dec 05 22 07:27 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

John Jebbia  wrote:
Jesus Christ! You allowed a child to be present during a nude/erotic shoot and then you admit it on a public forum? Oh let me count the ways this could come back to bite you in the ass in 6 months when baby daddy finds out.

John I missed your frank posts! Haha... I haven't been on MM in a while. But you said what we were all thinking. I've softened in my years after being away for a couple of years. But I love you are as blunt as always.

Dec 11 22 10:06 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28704

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Samantha Grace wrote:
John I missed your frank posts! Haha... I haven't been on MM in a while. But you said what we were all thinking. I've softened in my years after being away for a couple of years. But I love you are as blunt as always.

Well I'll be damned. Long time no see. How you been?

Dec 11 22 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 65

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

aquarelle wrote:
On the day of, she sent a number of texts telling me she was having transportation problems, and it looked like we’d need to start about an hour and a half later than the set time.

As I was watching for her out my studio window, I saw a woman who looked nothing like her crossing the street with a baby carriage.  I said to myself, no that can’t be her!”  Well it was.  My bell rang and there she was with a four month old infant in tow.  She said “Did I tell you I was bringing my baby?”  I said no, and she asked if it was Ok.  I wasn’t sure if it was, but I said it was.  As she undressed, she said, I also have some scars.  I hope that’s OK.”

It's your fault that you accepted all of these things. I would have sent her back home.

Jan 14 23 01:33 am Link



Posts: 1602

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Mark Salo wrote:



Jan 17 23 06:16 am Link



Posts: 1602

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

MatthewGuy wrote:
I always thought it was a standard industrial practice that a model (particularly a female model turning up to a photography shoot with someone she doesn't know) would always have a friend along.

No. It's a standard industrial practice that adult people do not bring a "friend" to work.
Otherwise offices and factory buildings would be overcrowded. Not to mention working safety and insurance questions...

Jan 17 23 06:19 am Link


Random Image

Posts: 335

Pocatello, Idaho, US

FWIW I once did a great shoot while holding a toddler most of the time because the model's babysitter bailed at the last moment.  I give you props for being a good human being and making the best out of a mess.

Jan 17 23 10:26 am Link