Forums > General Industry > Predator Eric Weinberg MM connection.



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US … legations/

KTLA wrote:
A Hollywood television writer and producer was arrested again on Tuesday (Oct 5) for a series of rape allegations involving five women.

Eric Weinberg, 62, is facing 18 sexual abuse and assault charges filed by prosecutors including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, false imprisonment and more. The alleged assaults date back to 2014.

Weinberg was a co-executive producer on hit shows such as “Scrubs,” “Californication,” and “Anger Management,” and has credits dating back to the mid-90s, according to his IMDB page. … 235209912/

The Hollywood Reporter wrote:
Weinberg had reached out to (Cassidy) Rouch in February 2019 after he saw her profile on Model Mayhem, a networking site for amateur models and photographers. He introduced himself in an email, saying he worked in television and had shot for agencies in L.A.

I doubt he was a member of MM, but wouldn't be surprised if he tried to recruit more women on MM.

Oct 11 22 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

As a side note, Eric Weisman looks like Jeffrey Epsteins doppleganger.,c_limit/Farrow-JeffreyEpstein-2.jpg

Oct 11 22 08:35 pm Link


Green Wave Photo 312

Posts: 118

Chicago, Illinois, US

Soooooo… there is no MM connection. Deceiving subject line.

Nov 25 22 04:02 am Link


Studio NSFW

Posts: 810

Pacifica, California, US

The Hollywood Reporter wrote:

Weinberg had reached out to (Cassidy) Rouch in February 2019 after he saw her profile on Model Mayhem, a networking site for amateur models and photographers. He introduced himself in an email, saying he worked in television and had shot for agencies in L.A.

So, not a deceiving subject line..

Nov 25 22 09:06 am Link



Posts: 2831

Los Angeles, California, US

Studio NSFW wrote:
The Hollywood Reporter wrote:

Weinberg had reached out to (Cassidy) Rouch in February 2019 after he saw her profile on Model Mayhem, a networking site for amateur models and photographers. He introduced himself in an email, saying he worked in television and had shot for agencies in L.A.

So, not a deceiving subject line..

AND giving credence AGAIN to warnings to models here to be diligent in vetting photographers before accepting gigs.

Nov 25 22 09:25 am Link



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Updated (but month old) news: … arges-case

TV producer Eric Weinberg has $5-million bail revoked after judge labels him danger to society

Los Angeles Times wrote:
A Hollywood producer charged with sex crimes was remanded into custody Tuesday after a judge characterized him as a potential danger to society.

Eric Weinberg, best known for his work as co-executive producer of the TV show “Scrubs,” was led away in handcuffs by a deputy after pleading not guilty to 18 felony counts of rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual battery, false imprisonment, assault by means to cause great bodily harm and sexual penetration by a foreign object.

Weinberg was rearrested this month after prosecutors expanded previous charges against him to include the claims of five additional women. He had been free in lieu of $5-million bail following an arrest in July...

The article goes on to say:

Philip Cohen, an attorney for Weinberg, said his client has proved he is not a flight risk as he has been under investigation for some time and remained in the jurisdiction. Cohen argued that electronic monitoring and house arrest were viable alternatives.

This reminds me of the Dean Kelly case.  Dean Kelly was a fake photographer that also claimed to be a modeling agent, producer, and whatever else to lure attractive females mostly for the same reasons as Eric Weinberg.  Dean Kelly's  MM profile "dashphoto" was removed after complaints were made.

Dean Kelly would go up and down the east coast, starting in Florida as part of his scam.  Later he was caught at SMU in Texas, but the police and university could do nothing but ban him from the property and publish warnings to the public.

A short time later he was arrested in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Similar to Eric Weinberg, he had a couple million dollar bail which his mom provided, so he was released and placed under house arrest where HE CONTINUED THE SCAM.

He was arrested again, and mom bailed him out again.  Eventually he got off easy with a 10 year suspended sentence. 
All he had to do was NOT attempt his bullshit con, but his urges got the best of him and he was caught yet again, this time placed in prison to complete the ten year sentence which ended in June 2022. … /40151335#
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the Judge in the Eric Weinberg case is 100% correct in locking Weinberg up because history shows that predators of this type will not stop for anyone or any reason.

Nov 26 22 05:08 am Link


Randy Poe

Posts: 1639

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

changed my mind, carry on

Nov 27 22 03:31 pm Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

So, apparently MM isn’t magically immune to all the online scammers and predictors.   A good reminder to be mindful regarding online interactions.  People aren’t always what the first seem to be.

Nov 30 22 06:01 am Link