Forums > Newbie Forum > Operation and modelling and when


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I have a problem I may need to have an operation for an abdominal, hernia. The problem is that this mayt change my dimensions and just starting out. As I will soon get z cards what time would be best for operation assuming the pictures will be no good after a while? It maybe that the operation would be ill advised: I did not know about the abdominal hernia before getting pictures taken and z cards etc...

However abdominal hernias sometimes don't cause symptoms and I had it probably for many years so can wait for the right time: it generally takes 8 weeks for people to get back to work after having the operation. Is there a quiet time of year when I would miss least work> How long do z cards last: I cannot remember how many I get but not a huge amount.

Apr 04 23 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 33

Stacy, Minnesota, US

Health is ALWAYS more important that modeling, or any other career.  If you need the surgery, you should get it regardless of its impact on any photos you have had taken.  Simply explain to prospective photographers what has happened and that some of your photos may be out of date due to dimension changes; reputable ones will likely still be happy to work with you.

Apr 04 23 12:29 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I was just thinking that as I have had it for a decade or more then it may be best to choose the right time. But if I am given twoi dates how do I choose the best one?

Apr 04 23 12:33 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

Simon M Robson wrote:
But if I am given twoi dates how do I choose the best one?

Ask a family member to help you choose.

Apr 04 23 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 175

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Simon Rob wrote:
Is there a quiet time of year when I would miss least work> How long do z cards last: ...

Aren't these questions that your agency could answer more accurately (for your specific booking potential) than random internet people? Isn't fostering your career in their best interests?

Apr 08 23 08:49 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Sliver-Sliver wrote:

Aren't these questions that your agency could answer more accurately (for your specific booking potential) than random internet people? Isn't fostering your career in their best interests?

To be honest glad I didn't because think agencies I had were scams so left and have found a new agency they do modelling but also walk on parts and stuff too. I think I will just have an operation as soon as I can and give out the z cards like confetti when (or if because still need consultant yet) operation appointment is made. Anyone have any idea how to give out best part of 21 z cards productively? Yes this is a basic question but never had z cards before.

Apr 19 23 11:37 am Link


Studio NSFW

Posts: 813

Pacifica, California, US

For best distribution of Z cards, I'd advise finding a time machine and set it for the epoch between 1980 and 1995.

in 2023, promote on the media that you are reading this post from.

Apr 19 23 08:28 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Simon Rob wrote:
I have a problem I may need to have an operation for an abdominal, hernia. The problem is that this mayt change my dimensions and just starting out. As I will soon get z cards what time would be best for operation assuming the pictures will be no good after a while? It maybe that the operation would be ill advised: I did not know about the abdominal hernia before getting pictures taken and z cards etc...

However abdominal hernias sometimes don't cause symptoms and I had it probably for many years so can wait for the right time: it generally takes 8 weeks for people to get back to work after having the operation. Is there a quiet time of year when I would miss least work> How long do z cards last: I cannot remember how many I get but not a huge amount.

The wonders of private medicine: here in the UK we have a state medicine as well as private. Well I went private and they said it was a misdiagnosis and don't need an operation. The middle abdominal going down the centre has stretched and although don't technically need to do anything so was not told of any exercises to do i should be able to close it up with forearm planks. LOL

Apr 20 23 08:14 pm Link