Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide, nudity and scams


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Recently people have been trying to run big scams on by daily: obviously I get the little ones everyone gets the bitcoin etc... They did this years ago with a friend and eventually they convinced him to give naked images, they posted them on his timeline and everywhere, he attempted suicide. I wonder if this is the plan for me. The thing is my friend and I are very much alike so as much as I would like to believe its impossible could they fool me the same way if we are that much alike? So some modelmayhem members must have had bad experiences with  nudity how does one deal with unwanted, illegal even nudity that goes further than you want? How does one survive it?

I also hope not to lose money the same way. Don't get me wrong I knew they would try and get me again: people for writing occult books: but thought it would come from my country did not think it would be the internet. Any advice would be helpful after all I have one advantage my friend did not have: modelmayhem members.

Apr 26 23 04:05 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Not really worried about me anymore more worried about others. Apparently America has a big problem with this sort of thing: I live in UK. It must be terrible for young people. I do wonder though if this will turn out to be yet another attack on me for occultism such as when my first 12 books were published with the old Finbarr books and was followed around when everyone was released, or the kidnapping etc.... I do get in some scrapes.
How should young people cope with this because itt must be terrible for a youngster to deal with scams money loss, people posting naked pictures of them around. I can only imagine what a teenager must feel like. But what is acceptable changes and when I was younger it was the norm for miss whiplash kissagrams to strip naked men whose birthday it was in public. You could tell the men were not happy but felt they had to go along with it or be seen as a bad sport. Sometimes they used to use force on older men to strip them in public. Some of these things they did was sexual assaults but somehow it did nott matter because it was males and did not happen to females.
I think they used to have big guys with them that would intervene if anyone looked like they would get violent. The same happened with mud wrestling with women mud wrestlers forcibly stripping men and heavies stopping anyone from intervening. I think the 80's and 90's were times of a lot of anti male sexual abuse. The police of course did nothing. I just hope that people do not refuse to act when males get sextortion or revenge porn. I am not certain even today the police would do anything even if the make was a teenager even if school age. I could be wrong but am guessing they are probably next to useless.

Apr 27 23 04:09 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Well as nobody gives a shit I have decided to entertain with a post.
I get it you don't care about kids committing suicide because of scams or revenge porn: this is where thsi thread has went: because you have papered the walls of modelmayhem with you arses and vaginas: most of the work here is for nudes. But have you thought if revenge porn: forgetting scams takes off any more the world will be papered with free porn and everyone will be naked and how the hell will you sell your naked bodies are photos or images of naked bodies when you will be competing with a world of endless free porn: even more so than now.

Just saying what will you do when the whole world has as much free porn: of everyone in it: as modelmayhem?

Apr 28 23 11:04 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
I get it you don't care about kids committing suicide because of scams or revenge porn...

I'm sure most members DO care about suicide, revenge porn... etc.

Simon Rob wrote:
I do wonder though if this will turn out to be yet another attack on me for occultism such as when my first 12 books were published with the old Finbarr books and was followed around when everyone was released, or the kidnapping etc....

Simon Rob wrote:
Well as nobody gives a shit I have decided to entertain with a post.

The issue is almost every time you create a post it's a backhanded way for you to 'boast' about your self proclaimed accomplishments as an author, publisher, and an expert on occultism even though the topic doesn't have anything to do with any of those things.

For that part, you're correct.  "Nobody gives a shit".

Apr 28 23 11:27 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I write about myself because i can only claim to write from my perspective and my life is like that and occultist authors do get lots of problems: Spanish inquisition anyone.

But more importantly I thought that as most of the jobs here are for naked models that models that spend most of their working life with their kit off could help people: especially young people: come to terms with revenge porn and stuff. The problem with attacks of a sexual nature: which revenge porn is: is that its about shame and the feeling people will have of shame whenever they see an image of themself or knowing they will be out there is going to be huge. The models especially can make a contribution that is important because its not theoretical knowledge of what nudity is like and of seeing themselves naked in pictures. The kids need this help. Forget about me, help the people: especially the young ones.

Apr 28 23 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 2500

Syracuse, New York, US


Apr 28 23 12:49 pm Link


G Reese

Posts: 916

Marion, Indiana, US

JQuest wrote:


Apr 28 23 01:27 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6642

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

Your initial and subsequent posts sound like the ramblings of a paranoid person or someone dealing with some mental health issues. I sincerely encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified counselor. I believe in the UK you can dial 988 for help.
If you're worried about scams, don't answer emails or phone calls from unknown people. If you're worried about revenge porn, don't send naked pictures to anyone or post them on the internet.

Apr 28 23 01:27 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

All occult writers are a bit odd. Its just that in my initial post I was thinking that as my friend got scammed like that and has many of my traits that this could mean I am conable: able to be conned in this way. I don't post naked pictures anyway but neither did they and they got conned.

I am very proud of my new word: "Conable". . .

However when stranded in gru airport years ago for a month they had hidden cameras everywhere in medical section even in toilets. So probably everyone that ever went there is on video on toilet or in medical place.

Apr 28 23 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Model MoRina wrote:
Your initial and subsequent posts sound like the ramblings of a paranoid person or someone dealing with some mental health issues. I sincerely encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified counselor. I believe in the UK you can dial 988 for help.t.

I didn't want to say it in public, but I agreed somewhat with MoRina.

Simon Rob wrote:
...However when stranded in gru airport years ago for a month they had hidden cameras everywhere in medical section even in toilets. So probably everyone that ever went there is on video on toilet or in medical place.

Now after seeing this I think she's spot on.
It's not a dig at you nor an attempt to embarrass you, but somethings obviously off here.
You probably should call that number instead of rambling to an audience of photographers and models.
I seriously hope that you do.

Apr 28 23 04:56 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Its not paranoia I was told by a cabin crew member who I spent some time with when in the airport for a month. We ate together, talked and he showed me a hidden camera in the toilet. It was Brazil it was basically lawless then probably still is now.

Different rules different countries. It won't be illegal there lots of things aren't for instance there are no censorship in Brazil so there will probably be publishers of really sick kiddie porn made there too. Most of the world's illegal publications could be there for all I know.

Apr 28 23 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 2500

Syracuse, New York, US

Apr 28 23 05:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Simon Rob wrote:
Its not paranoia I was told by a cabin crew member who I spent some time with when in the airport for a month. We ate together, talked and he showed me a hidden camera in the toilet. It was Brazil it was basically lawless then probably still is now.

Different rules different countries. It won't be illegal there lots of things aren't for instance there are no censorship in Brazil so there will probably be publishers of really sick kiddie porn made there too. Most of the world's illegal publications could be there for all I know.

Those particular bolded words that you have written in these forums gives me pause for concern for your mental health. It has nothing to do with the Modelmayhem forums.

Apr 28 23 07:36 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I was told by a friend "But Brazil has no censorship", after he was amazed that a book of mines portugese translation was no released as a paperback by amazon upon him finding that it was not purchasable in Brazil. I took this to mean what it says that anything is publishable there legally. I do not know the relevant laws but seem logical given the statement he made. My mental state is normal please focus on what I say and not your opinion of my mental state.

To me this whole thing about my mental state sounds quite bigoted anyway that somehow a mentally ill person: if I were: is not supposed to write things. I have written hundreds of books and so far never been called ill before but if I was I would still have the right of expression or to paraphrase an autistic term the neurotypical people would have all the rights.

However if anyone is concerned I wish to reassure you I am fine. Did work today as normal after going out to a city all is well.

Apr 28 23 07:58 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8278

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Simon Rob wrote:
Most of the world's illegal publications could be there for all I know.

In other words, you don't know.  But you will make the salacious statement anyway.  Even though it is rather easy to check. 

BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian police arrested 132 men on Thursday in the country’s largest offensive against child pornography on the internet, seizing more than 1 million picture files in 284 cities across the country, the government said.

The operation involved 2,600 police officers, who seized computers, thumb drives and cellphones for inspection.

Public Security Minister Raul Jungmann said the men arrested in the operation faced charges of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

Under Brazilian law, anyone found in possession of child pornography can face a prison sentence of up to four years, increasing to six years for selling pictures and eight years for producing pornographic material with children. … KKCN1II2QI

Censorship in Brazil, both cultural and political, occurred throughout the whole period following the colonization of the country. Even though most state censorship ended just before the period of redemocratization that started in 1985, Brazil still experiences a certain amount of non-official censorship today. The current legislation restricts freedom of expression concerning racism (Paim Law)[1] and the Constitution prohibits the anonymity of journalists.

Can't take your word for it.

Apr 28 23 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
I was told by a friend "But Brazil has no censorship"...
... I took this to mean what it says that anything is publishable there legally...

Anyone that claims to be a respectable author KNOWS that it's important to get verifiable facts, and not just the words of a friend that heard it through a friend that heard it through a friend.

Simon Rob wrote:
... I do not know the relevant laws but seem logical given the statement he made.

It's pretty easy to find the factual answers.  Only a few seconds on Google.
Now that Tucker Carlson is ousted at Fox News, maybe you can replace him.  It seems you both get your 'facts' from the same type of sources.

Apr 28 23 08:06 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I was working from information told to me by a Brazilian friend. Plus child prostitution still happens there so lets not get all misty eyed for the Brazilian police.

The correct information on Brazil comes from its people not the internet. Every country in the world would love a trade deal with Brazil because as it stands it levies hundreds of percent tax on foreign products so it would make any small country very rich and a large one still significantly richer.

In my opinion the current trend of getting all information from the internet for nonfiction is wrong you got to talk to the people.

Apr 28 23 08:07 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8278

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

From where does the information on the internet come from?  It isn't that it is all factual, but there are reputable sources.  Getting information from people is much like getting it from a tweet.  Gossip is as reliable as, well, gossip.

Perhaps you were shown a hidden camera, but if they were all over the bathrooms and medical areas, it would have been reasonable to find many more.

Apr 28 23 08:16 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

He showed me one as an example I don't think he would have gotten away with showing me all the cameras. Why is this controversial in UK some lampposts in Newcastle have hidden microphones to catch criminals? Granted the UK is supposed to be the most surveiled society in the world. Witness testimony from one person is not gossip.

The mainstream news sources are just rewriting press releases these days or using other online news sources which are probably also rewriting press releases. Journalist school teaches people these days to go to the internet for research no one calls anyone these days so the quality of research is lower than years ago when I was growing up.

Another problem is that many online sources of countries would be travel news or similar and these cannot be too negative or the travel companies will not pay for ads. For instance when I went to Brazil the online news sources said it was much safer than it was: so the advertisers would advertise. So before you think that this could not be biased do remember that advertising revenue is one source of bias and not even the only one. The search engines all get revenue from advertisers paying to be ranked in the search engines so bias is inevitable. I am not saying the internet cannot be used but it must be done very carefully because its like panning for gold in a sewer.

Apr 28 23 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Apr 28 23 08:28 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8278

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Why did he have to show them to you?  You couldn't find them yourself?  Once you knew what you were looking for?  How many places can you hide a camera in a bathroom stall to the point of not being able to identify it?

Fact is, that what you were told is not collaborated.  You took the word of someone with minimal evidence and did not do any investigation beyond that?  Is that journalism?  It seems like you did what you rail against above. 

"In my opinion the current trend of getting all information from the internet for nonfiction is wrong you got to talk to the people."  "I am not saying the internet cannot be used but it must be done very carefully". Seems like you walked that first statement back.  If the various crimes you cite were as wide spread as you claim, then would you have dozens of first hand accounts to share?  As well as published sources?

"I was working from information told to me by a Brazilian friend. Plus child prostitution still happens there so lets not get all misty eyed for the Brazilian police.

The correct information on Brazil comes from its people not the internet. Every country in the world would love a trade deal with Brazil because as it stands it levies hundreds of percent tax on foreign products so it would make any small country very rich and a large one still significantly richer."

Those two paragraphs are dodges.  In which country would any police force be 100% on top of things?  In which country is child prostitution not happening at all?   Why bring trade up at all?  If Brazil is levying tariffs, isn't it Brazil that gets the money, not other countries?

You made the prevalence of cameras in Brazil an issue.  Why are you comparing the situation to Great Britain?   You are saying they are hidden in Brazil.  Don't the people of GB know they are being monitored?  Why are you drawing false equivalences?

Apr 28 23 09:07 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I don't even see the camera thing as that unlikely after all its an airport and so terrorists could case major problems so they would need cameras I am more concerned about it being a pretty lawless place.  Also saying the Brazilian police aren't 100% on top of things is an understatement they are generally incredibly corrupt: some aren't however. In fact it is the Brazilian police that tortured me of which I put a picture of from afterwards: when I got home in another thread: I do not look tortured there which was the only reason In posted that thread because i thought it may be helpful to someone eventually from an artistic standpoint if they ever wanted to depict something like that. NOTE I will not be talking of my torture here for any reason whatsoever.

I hope you understand my viewpoint.

Apr 29 23 12:24 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Well one of the scam artists from a few days ago appeared again with new identity and hair and makeup on instagram. This may be the new normal until she gets dealt with or gets tired.

Bad sign.

Apr 29 23 02:15 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

You can choose to just stay off the socials you know.

Sounds like a great solution.

Apr 29 23 04:20 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

The only bloody solution. Of course its worse than that and I believe that she is a female rapist and i know you will ask for supporting evidence but I will give none because i do not have the time or inclination because this shit is difficult and complex because I have know female rapists before so can smell the buggers a mile off. I am not going to say what I am going to do but think its bloody obvious really: and please you lot don't speculate because although she doesn't know about this place still need to be careful. Just thinking maybe this will help someone down the line after this has all blown over and someone else finds themself in this situation.

Nut much proof unfortunately but she knows this already: just my luck to get a clever one.

Apr 29 23 08:33 am Link



Posts: 4660

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Simon Rob wrote:
The only bloody solution. Of course its worse than that and I believe that she is a female rapist and i know you will ask for supporting evidence but I will give none because i do not have the time or inclination because this shit is difficult and complex because I have know female rapists before so can smell the buggers a mile off.

I am not going to say what I am going to do but think its bloody obvious really:

and please you lot don't speculate because although she doesn't know about this place still need to be careful.

Just thinking maybe this will help someone down the line after this has all blown over and someone else finds themself in this situation.

Nut much proof unfortunately but she knows this already: just my luck to get a clever one.

Before you do ANYTHING, please talk to someone.  This is really important.  BEFORE TAKING ANY ACTION OF ANY KIND.

Remember, you say that you have no evidence of any kind.  But you believe that you can spot that she's a "female rapist" and a "clever one".  And you are going to take some kind of "action" that might "help someone down the line".

So you definitely want someone that you can discuss it with, to make sure that you aren't about to make an incredibly serious, and life changing, mistake, for EVERYONE involved.

SO DO YOURSELF A REALLY BIG FAVOUR by talking it through with someone FIRST.

Apr 29 23 11:33 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

That sort of action was not my intention I meant instead that maybe if things work out well for me as I expect people will know what to do when in a similar situation and if it doesn't they can learn from that. I do not intend to end up in jail unless unavoidable because ultimately I will not risk getting harmed because of the law.

Apr 29 23 01:10 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11762

Olney, Maryland, US

Simon Rob wrote:
Of course its worse than that and I believe that she is a female rapist and i know you will ask for supporting evidence but I will give none because i do not have the time or inclination because this shit is difficult and complex because I have know female rapists before so can smell the buggers a mile off.

Simon Rob wrote:
I meant instead that maybe if things work out well for me as I expect people will know what to do when in a similar situation and if it doesn't they can learn from that. I do not intend to end up in jail unless unavoidable because ultimately I will not risk getting harmed because of the law.

I hope that things work out well for you and that the female doesn't rape you.

Apr 29 23 01:38 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

So do I. I have had to deal with nutters before so should be fine. It will be because of my occult books again. Why are people so offended by someone writing books? I will never understand it. Odd thing is I think she likes Harry Potter but somehow hates occultism. Seems odd. Maybe its not the books but its bloody suspicious that the guy with: what will soon be: 675 books almost all on occultism seems to get all the shit: that wasn't meant as a plug for my books by the way just a statement of how I see things.

I have this terrible feeling I will be stuck somewhere as an old man fleeing somewhere seeking asylum from a developed nation. Probably just me being negative.

Apr 29 23 02:27 pm Link



Posts: 4660

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Simon Rob wrote:
The only bloody solution. Of course its worse than that and I believe that she is a female rapist and i know you will ask for supporting evidence but I will give none because i do not have the time or inclination because this shit is difficult and complex because I have know female rapists before so can smell the buggers a mile off.

I am not going to say what I am going to do but think its bloody obvious really:

and please you lot don't speculate because although she doesn't know about this place still need to be careful.

Just thinking maybe this will help someone down the line after this has all blown over and someone else finds themself in this situation.

Nut much proof unfortunately but she knows this already: just my luck to get a clever one.

Simon Rob wrote:
That sort of action was not my intention I meant instead that maybe if things work out well for me as I expect people will know what to do when in a similar situation and if it doesn't they can learn from that. I do not intend to end up in jail unless unavoidable because ultimately I will not risk getting harmed because of the law.

You have no idea how close you came to getting an "official" visit.   And I'll describe the address that they were looking at in a way that won't publicly publish it, but that will leave YOU with no doubt...   Let's just say that the alley has a bit of an "ashen" look.  You'll get that reference pretty quick.

Yes.  That's how close you came due to the nature of what you went to great lengths to imply was an active threat to somebody that you had seen on Instagram.  That you believed was in disguise and, supposedly, a very "clever" "female rapist".  As you knew "all the signs".   It all sounded utterly deranged and, as a result, possibly quite dangerous.

And, as you put it, "I am not going to say what I am going to do but think its bloody obvious really".

Implied threats to others (especially when someone sounds deranged), have consequences.

Apr 29 23 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 4660

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

P.S.  If you falsely feel that you are being "persecuted" (supposedly due to your books, rather than your actions), feel free to cast one of your "attack your enemies" spells (that you currently have for sale) against me.

What was the latest one?  Oh yes (OnlyFans):

Simply repeat the words of the magick and Catubodua the Celtic war goddess shall attack your enemies. Potent magick indeed."

I am quivering in my boots, waiting for your dark magic spell "attack"...

Don't forget to tell everyone once you've "cast it", so that we can all see how well it works.  Hey, it's free "advertising"!

Apr 29 23 03:08 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Of course I will use magick. I am not persecuted on here at all. People disagree that is all.

Oh god people who go into denial the great awful force in society. They must have went o the wrong address my street does not look like that. Better be wrong and live that be wrong take a chance and die. I have been here before. I fail to see what harm it does others I really do if they disagree. Instagram is America I am in the UK and my local bobbies do not answer to instagram or America.

Apr 29 23 03:20 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

LightDreams wrote:
... feel free to cast one of your "attack your enemies" spells (that you currently have for sale) against me...
...I am quivering in my boots, waiting for your dark magic spell "attack"...

Don't forget to tell everyone once you've "cast it", so that we can all see how well it works.  Hey, it's free "advertising"!

It won't work.  The victim (errrr.... so called 'rapist') has spell check enabled.

Apr 29 23 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 4660

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

SayCheeZ!  wrote:
It won't work.  The victim (errrr.... so called 'rapist') has spell check enabled.


As far as myself?  Well, I did go out to buy a lotto ticket...

Apr 29 23 05:59 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Please someone tell me this is a satire AI account

Apr 29 23 06:33 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Please someone tell me this is a satire AI account

Apr 29 23 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 4660

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dea and the Beast wrote:
Please someone tell me this is a satire AI account

I'm sorry to say that it's all too real...

I did some quick research when he kept talking about how influential he was, as part of another thread where he asked MM members about some related stuff.  And I was trying to solve some puzzling statements that he said.  Instead I stumbled across a very different story, largely based on selling "spells" to vulnerable people.  I was quite taken aback, so I looked a little closer.

From his one man registered company (public financials - very poor) self-publishing himself, to his residence, to his financial accountant, to his websites (and now OnlyFans) trying to sell people magic spells (for a bigger d*ck, or breast enlargement), etc, it's all WAY TOO REAL.  Well, the part about SELLING the "dark magick spells" is, not the part about them actually working...

Sadly, his "become a big success" spells didn't appear to work when it came to his own (public) financials.

I would love to tell you this was just the creation of an AI chatbot, but no.

Apr 29 23 07:30 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:

I'm sorry to say that it's all too real...

I did some quick research when he kept talking about how influential he was, as part of another thread where he asked MM members about some related stuff.  And I was trying to solve some puzzling statements that he said.  Instead I stumbled across a very different story, largely based on selling "spells" to vulnerable people.  I was quite taken aback, so I looked a little closer.

From his one man registered company (public financials - very poor) self-publishing himself, to his residence, to his financial accountant, to his websites (and now OnlyFans) trying to sell people magic spells (for a bigger d*ck, or breast enlargement), etc, it's all WAY TOO REAL.  Well, the part about SELLING the "dark magick spells" is, not the part about them actually working...

Sadly, his "become a big success" spells didn't appear to work when it came to his own (public) financials.

I would love to tell you this was just the creation of an AI chatbot, but no.

I run 7 accounts now and after the meassages i get I'm not surprised at anything any more, but a gal can dream


Apr 29 23 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

LightDreams wrote:
I'm sorry to say that it's all too real...

Andy Kaufman is alive and well and living his life as a British guy named S Rob.

Apr 29 23 08:48 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 159

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Note you didn't quote any of my replied of mention the many publishers I have written for. You guys on here crack me up most don't realise that  you are mediocre and that many are below that the ones above mostly aren't that fantastic some are really good on modelmayhem but not that many like everything else in the world.

I suppose you will take this as an insult when its simply a truth.

Apr 30 23 07:11 am Link