Forums > Newbie Forum > Hi MM fam!



Posts: 3

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hi ModelMayhem family!

My name is Gabriel (from Sydney, Australia) and I am the epitome of a newbie - Both to ModelMayhem and to the modelling industry in general!

I'm glad I've bit the bullet and decided to sign up here and see where modelling can take me

I've completed some photoshoots (a tiny fraction of these have been uploaded here) and have a few questions for some advice/guidance!

1. Should i add more photos than those I have already added? Ive been told it's best not to reveal absolutely everything adding abit of mystery and a client will request more if they wish

2. I've browsed through "castings" (I assume this is available work) and have found barely anything - Am I looking at the right location? Is there another way to find potential work through Model Mayhem, or is just through the "castings" link at the top of the page?

Any general advice when it comes to modelling & finding work will be much appreciated!

I hope to be someone valuable to help other people on these forums in the future


May 02 23 09:15 pm Link


Nor-Cal Photography

Posts: 3721

Walnut Creek, California, US

ggabriel wrote:
1. Should i add more photos than those I have already added? Ive been told it's best not to reveal absolutely everything adding abit of mystery and a client will request more if they wish

2. I've browsed through "castings" (I assume this is available work) and have found barely anything - Am I looking at the right location? Is there another way to find potential work through Model Mayhem, or is just through the "castings" link at the top of the page?

1. Three images have another image that is virtually identical. Delete the identical images. Then add more images ONLY if they will show another aspect of your modeling skill. Why would you want to add mystery? Let the world know what talent you have.

2. Castings is where you can see what potential work is available. As a male model who is located far from the vast majority of MM members, you are not likely to find much work. You can place a casting notice asking for photographers to work with you.

But just one worthless opinion.

Best wishes and welcome to the mayhem!


May 02 23 10:46 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11734

Olney, Maryland, US

Yes, get those duplicate images out of your portfolio. To me, this implies a careless, disorganized person.

Be active in the forums.

Use the "browse" feature at the top of this page to search for photographers in your area.

ggabriel wrote:
... a client will request more if they wish...

How will a client know what to request? Will you both waste time just talking about random stuff?

May 03 23 01:51 pm Link



Posts: 3

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Thanks for the replies all

i'll remove the duplicates now! The only reason they're there is because I wasn't super familiar with how this all works

I wanted to set a picture as an avatar but could only use public photos where I had everything initially set to members only

I created another folder for public viewing for the purpose of setting the avatar up - and now for that reason I have duplicates!

I'll spend more time fixing up my photos

Thanks again!

May 03 23 03:19 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11734

Olney, Maryland, US

You don't need a folder in order to set up an avatar. Just go to mystuff/photos and click on set as an avatar.

Why do you want to make some images private?

Edit: You have complicated matters by having six folders for images that are not essentially different.

May 04 23 07:35 am Link



Posts: 3

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Thank you,

I figured i'd make the photos only viewable to members so that randoms from the internet do not have access to all my photos? is this not a good approach?

I cannot set an avatar from photos that are in albums that are not set to public - this is why I created a public album to set an avatar

Let me know if im mistaken here or have it all wrong! I will change as necessary

Do you think all the photos should be within the one album?

Sorry i'm very new to all this!

Thanks again

May 04 23 07:26 pm Link


Skylark Photo

Posts: 29

Austin, Texas, US

ggabriel wrote:
Thank you,

I figured i'd make the photos only viewable to members so that randoms from the internet do not have access to all my photos? is this not a good approach?

I cannot set an avatar from photos that are in albums that are not set to public - this is why I created a public album to set an avatar

Let me know if im mistaken here or have it all wrong! I will change as necessary

Do you think all the photos should be within the one album?

Sorry i'm very new to all this!

Thanks again

Welcome to the club. You can keep your profile private by going to my stuff/settings/profile privacy and adjusting it as you wish. I'm relatively new here myself so it's nice to see another new face.

May 04 23 08:39 pm Link