
Simon Rob

Posts: 154

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I have had to make a self tape for a possible online advert. I have a Canon EOS 700D. I was pressed for time: they wanted the self tape ASAP.  I didn't record external sound I have a zoom q2n 4k: I have problems using it for video but it works well for sound but did not use it because pressed for time: I dropped the sd card twice. What is the quickest, best and easiest way of making a self tape: balancing these factors out? Perhaps also what best quality method making would be? Any help would be appreciated.

May 05 23 12:29 pm Link


The Other Place

Posts: 556

Los Angeles, California, US

Simon Rob wrote:
What is the quickest, best and easiest way of making a self tape: balancing these factors out? Perhaps also what best quality method making would be?

There are a lot of variables involved in these questions, and a lot depends on what is "best" for your situation.

If you are shooting videos for auditions, they just need to see and hear you clearly.  So, you could face an eye-level window with the camera in front of you.  Of course, make sure the exposure isn't too bright nor too dark.  It couldn't hurt to remove any distracting objects or clutter in the background.

In regards to audio, you should have the mic as close as possible.  It can be inside the frame if it is an audition, as long as it doesn't obstruct any part of you that needs to be seen.  If you hold the mic, it might restrict your gesticulation, which is an expression that probably needs to be seen.

May 05 23 02:23 pm Link