Forums > Newbie Forum > London - how to start working with models?



Posts: 1

East Grinstead, England, United Kingdom

I've been a filmmaker/ photographer for a while, but finally bought a Leica already having M lenses and keen to get shooting with interesting subjects with a rangefinder... But how do I start on here?
What's the process, do people on here get together in groups or is it generally one on one?

Thanks in advance

May 11 23 03:46 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

Yes it is generally one on one.
Make yourself visible:

Use the browse feature at the top of this page to search for models and photographers near you.

Participate in the forums. Keep an eye on the Events and Travel Notifications.

Check the castings.

May 11 23 03:59 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

Ask a friend to model for you. Buy them lunch or something and give them some of the images.
Model Mayhem is a good resource but you probably have friends that will pose and it's best to just start in and take photos.

Lighting and composition are important. Knowing when to snap the shutter is essential. Some people pose well intuitively, others will need guidance. All of these are skills that come with practice.

So, practice. As your skills improve you can can expand your network.

May 11 23 05:24 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45302

San Juan Bautista, California, US

MascotFilms wrote:
I've been a filmmaker/ photographer for a while, but finally bought a Leica already having M lenses and keen to get shooting with interesting subjects with a rangefinder... But how do I start on here?
What's the process, do people on here get together in groups or is it generally one on one?

Thanks in advance

Welcome!  Congratulations on getting a Leica!  I would love to visit London someday!   Just by posting on here you are off to a good start.  I thought there was a "Purpleport" something or other that is British based for models and photographers but I can't find it at the moment. 

Start off by coming up with your own BRAND and LOGO.  You are serious about business, correct?  Then IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY .. set up profiles on all the social media sites that you have time for .. Facebook and Instagram are important!   There are many film makers, photographer, models, actors and musicians on both those platforms, with LinkedIn and Twitter being mildly as important for having a profile.  Since you are a film maker, you absolutely need a Youtube account!  Get on Twitch and Younow too.   Your chances of finding talent to work with increases the more web presence you have. 

Mostly you can ask friends or people near you to pose, practice and keep yourself motivated.  Having the camera that you do, that alone should provide motivation to get out there and shoot!  Feel free to use the casting calls section on here, and use the forums. It's been rather slow for the past few years but hopefully you'll get some interest from those in your area for projects you may have.  Best wishes to you!

May 11 23 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 92

Atlanta, Georgia, US

While you’ll find group sessions on other platforms, MM is typically one to one. Continue to shoot friends so that models have an idea of your style. At the same time befriend and message those you’d like to shoot according to your membership level.
It’s fairly simple and your mileage will vary as to response but most models here are professional. GL and Welcome.

May 12 23 11:48 am Link