Forums > General Industry > Outdoor/Desert Locations near Phoenix/Scottsdale?


IvyVine Art

Posts: 29

San Jose, California, US

I'm going to be visiting Arizona soon and would love to take advantage of the desert landscape for a nude fine art shoot. Does anybody have a suggestion for where to go where we can shoot nudes with nice scenery but also in an area that's secluded enough that there won't reasonably be onlookers, etc.? I've heard that popular hiking spots are patrolled (and I wouldn't want to be on a heavily traveled path for a lot of reasons, anyway).

I'm hoping for something relatively close to the Scottsdale/North Phoenix area.


Jun 08 23 02:17 pm Link


Adventure Photos

Posts: 124

Palos Park, Illinois, US

It's the DESERT!    Rent a 4WD vehicle, check a REAL paper map with topography , and drive out somewhere into a canyon or gully that will keep you hidden from view.  BLM land is vast, and every bit of it can be scenic.   
   But if you are not an outdoorsy kind of person, then do inquire from a local backpack or Jeep outing service about the 'where' to go for your first visit.  No need to tell them you will be doing nude model photography while there.   Good maps and GPS to keep yourself safe, to know your way back out to highway.

Sep 02 23 06:53 pm Link


Managing Light

Posts: 2678

Salem, Virginia, US

BEEE careful out there in the desert: most of the plant and animal life can cause painful injury.  Having to go to the ER to remove thorns, etc. is a known model shoot killer.

Sep 06 23 07:08 am Link


Lallure Photographic

Posts: 2086

Taylors, South Carolina, US

I do not think you will find much cover in the desert. Nor will you find any quiet secluded places where there are trees and water. Not to mention you have to be aware of where the Native tribal lands are, and avoid those as well.

Most of my travels out there, have been in the south of the state, or NM. A friend used to shoot out in the desert a lot, with models, but I don't recall whether that was in NM or AZ. I can tell you it was pretty much out in no where, and not anywhere near any large cities, like Phoenix. Be prepared for anything in the desert. You will need supplies, medical first aid, and anti-venom would be recommended, to have on hand. I was in the Mojave years ago, and while there would certainly be places to go, there, at that time, I have no idea how it might have changed since then. I can tell you, the sidewinders were everywhere., and four wheel jeep is the standard for traveling the back roads, in the desert.

Good luck.

Sep 06 23 02:58 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

The desert can be tricky to shoot in, there are areas/spots where there is water and tree coverage, sometimes it is a constant stream of people, other times you wont see anyone for miles and/or hours.

My favorite place to shoot is out in the desert, but my spots are usually 10 - 20 miles off the beaten path, sometimes there are canyons in the background, other times its just the vast wide open desert in all its glory, some locations require 4WD, others you can drive right up to in a Prius.

I usually take a popup canopy to provide some form of shade, because even in the cooler months, the sun can get pretty harsh and you just need to get out of the sun for a bit.

Don't just take a bunch of water, also take something like Gatorade, Powerade, etc,  take some light snacks in the event you or the model/s start feeling heat exhaustion creeping up, I have been out there and had it creep up on me a couple times as well as a couple models over the years.

Be very careful of the wildlife, some are fun to look at, but some aren't so friendly, never reach under a bush or move anything with you hands or feet, use a long stick if possible, watch out for the Teddy Bear Cholla cactus ( AKA jumping cactus ) they hurt, a LOT, trust me, I know.

This isn't necessarily directed at you, it is possible you already know this stuff being from CA, but for anyone else reading this post that may not be familiar with the AZ desert, and are considering taking a trip out to the desert to shoot, it can be lots of fun if you do it safely, but people have gone hiking and have lost their lives because they weren't prepared.  Its also a good idea to let someone know where you are heading and when you should be back, and if they don't hear from you by a certain time to come and find you, vehicles do break down at the most inopportune time, if someone know where you are supposed to be and the route you will be taking, its much easier to track you down, depending on how deep you end up in the desert, you may not have cell phone service and there may not be anyone else for days.

As far as where to go, you can almost point you vehicle in any direction and be into the open desert within an hours drive, as someone else mentioned,. be careful not to wander on to the res ( tribal land ) if you stay on BLM land you should be fine.

Enjoy your trip to the AZ desert.

Sep 07 23 05:01 pm Link


Francisco Castro

Posts: 2630

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Head out towards Lake Pleasant in Peoria, AZ. There are large areas of open land that's not blocked by fencing. Look for a hill, and shoot on the other side of the hill; the side not visible from the road.

Sep 08 23 04:18 am Link