Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Raise A Glass & Salute Jack Smith & The DOJ!



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

AT LAST the Big Dump will be indicted in Florida next Tuesday for his unauthorized federal document retentions; for making false statements meant to obstruct justice; and for endangering national security!


Jun 08 23 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
AT LAST the Big Dump will be indicted in Florida next Tuesday for his unauthorized federal document retentions; for making false statements meant to obstruct justice; and for endangering national security!


I will drink to that.  🍷

Note: Trump is indicted already, will be arraigned on Tuesday.

The judge trump will face on Tuesday was appointed by trump, and was involved in the case previously, having been overruled by Appellate Court when she improperly paused the investigation while an outside master reviewed thousands of documents involved in the case. … judge.html

Jun 09 23 08:36 am Link


Random Image

Posts: 335

Pocatello, Idaho, US

When they go after Hillary and Biden for the same crime you can cheer, until then this is a load a BS

Jun 09 23 08:41 am Link



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Random Image wrote:
When they go after Hillary and Biden for the same crime you can cheer, until then this is a load a BS

Looks like someone still believes the LIES that Trump claims when he whines like a baby claiming that everyone is picking on him. "What about Hillary, "What about Biden" waaa, waaa, waaa. That shit got old a long time ago.

That's all Trump is, a big fucking conman that cries like a baby.

Jun 09 23 08:48 am Link



Posts: 90

Seattle, Washington, US

Random Image wrote:
When they go after Hillary and Biden for the same crime you can cheer, until then this is a load a BS

But not Pence? Why is Pence above the law?

Same crime? Which of them stole classified national security documents, showed them to their friends, hid them, lied about having them, and obstructed the investigation into them

If you want to talk about Hillary’s emails, then I’ll point out how you left off Bush’s emails. Hillary had 33,000 missing. Bush Jr had 22,000,000 missing. Why isn’t Bush mentioned on your list?

You leave republicans out of every part of your complaint, but have the nerve to cry BS???

Jun 09 23 08:51 am Link



Posts: 90

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted twice for some reason.

Jun 09 23 08:51 am Link



Posts: 20634

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Jun 09 23 09:03 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Random Image wrote:
When they go after Hillary and Biden for the same crime you can cheer, until then this is a load a BS

When Hillary and Biden commit the same crimes as trump, you can cheer. Meanwhile,


Jun 09 23 09:55 am Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
Note: Trump is indicted already, will be arraigned on Tuesday.

The judge trump will face on Tuesday was appointed by trump, and was involved in the case previously, having been overruled by Appellate Court when she improperly paused the investigation while an outside master reviewed thousands of documents involved in the case. … judge.html

Thanks for the correction. That's terrible news about the judge though! That may be a real monkey-wrench, but she'll really need to be on her toes if she pulls any more B.S.  Smith & Co are not going to be very easy to push around.

Jun 09 23 10:00 am Link



Posts: 2477

Syracuse, New York, US

IMHO there's nothing here to celebrate, it's a sad state of affairs for our country. When holding someone accountable becomes a cause for celebration, we're all in trouble. At the same time it's equally sad when elected hacks like McCarthy, Scalise and Stefanik immediately begin condemning the rule of law, especially after what they tried to pull with Hillary and the E-Mail fiasco. They're little more than feckless partisan hacks. America deserves better.

So while I definitely approve of Trump finally being held accountable for his actions I'm not celebrating. For those who honestly believe Trump has done nothing wrong they should be looking forward to him finally having his day in court, so he can prove once and for all that he has done nothing wrong and his (bullshit) claims of continuous deep state persecution will be vindicated. Hopefully we can all respect the outcome of this ridiculously sad period in our nations history.

For those crying about Hilary, and Biden and Pence doing the same thing. You're wrong, while you're entitled to your own misguided and partisan opinions you are not entitled to your own facts. There are none indicating Hilary, Biden or Pence did anything resembling what Trump is alleged to have done. For the record, everything Trump touches turns to shit, and that's my opinion.

Jun 09 23 10:10 am Link



Posts: 90

Seattle, Washington, US

This gets even worse. This is text from the indictment. This is pretty scary.

3. The classified documents Trump stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods.


Jun 09 23 10:51 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

JQuest wrote:
IMHO there's nothing here to celebrate, it's a sad state of affairs for our country. When holding someone accountable becomes a cause for celebration, we're all in trouble.

Have to disagree.

We were all in trouble the day an unqualified, unfit, grifter was sworn in as President of the United States and began a relentless and unprecedented assault on American democracy. Despite the corruption of numerous democratic institutions, including the transformation of a major political party into a cult of personality following an autocratic authoritarian manque, the judicial system has nevertheless remained true to the proposition "No one is above the law." For that, we should be thankful. We should celebrate.

Jun 09 23 11:29 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Right on cue:



"“It is unconscionable for a President to indict the leading candidate opposing him,” Mr. McCarthy wrote on Twitter on Thursday evening, adding, “I, and every American who believes in the rule of law, stand with President Trump against this grave injustice.”

McCarthy lied.

Biden did not indict trump. A Grand Jury of Florida citizens indicted trump.

Jun 09 23 11:51 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US


"The 49-page indictment, containing 38 counts and seven separate charges, gave the clearest picture yet of the files that Mr. Trump took with him when he left the White House. It said he had illegally kept documents concerning “United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.” … ights.html

Anyone not terrified and outraged that Putin BFF and useful idiot trump hid possession of these documents is either a dumb MAGAt or a foreign agent.

Jun 09 23 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 2477

Syracuse, New York, US

Focuspuller wrote:
Have to disagree….

You’re welcome to disagree, and you should celebrate if you are so inclined. Personally I refuse to allow Trump to occupy any space in my head rent free. He lost in 2020 and he is unelectable in 2024. He will always have his 30-34% the rest of the country (elected Republicans aside) have moved on.

Jun 09 23 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 846

Charleston, South Carolina, US

JQuest wrote:
IMHO there's nothing here to celebrate, it's a sad state of affairs for our country. When holding someone accountable becomes a cause for celebration, we're all in trouble. .

This is so true. Regardless of which side of the aisle one sits, our country will suffer because of any and all corruption from the President, past, present or future. This is a time for us all to stop and look with care at our political choices. Our freedom, which we should never take for granted, is fragile and dependent upon a rule of law which must be followed by everyone. How this sorry situation will shake out, I have no idea. Let us hope and pray that cool heads prevail and justice is served. The world is watching how we as a nation will behave. I trust we will show that we are able to rise above the anger and finger pointing and show we are, in fact as great nation in spirit and action. Now is really a time "to stay calm and carry on."

Jun 09 23 06:34 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8256

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

To celebrate or not to celebrate?  What was normal, is gone.  This didn't start with trump.  Think back to Reagan and Clinton and what their misuses of power entailed.   Remember the glee that Republicans displayed when they finally had Bill Clinton were they wanted him.  How perjury and abuse of office became counts of impeachment.  How abuse of office was normalized with trump and extortion of a foreign dignitary was okay. 

Look at how stirring a mob to take back your country, even though they were taking it back from other people who also had a rightful claim to the country, became an offense that could be brushed aside because the man was no longer in office.

Consider that our shining beacon on the hill, the rule of law, was being rendered mute by the constant lies from a man that had all the proof that his claims were false and he has continued to stoke the aggrieved to this day, ... and he will not stop.

There are factions in this country who claim that they are at war with all of the others in the land, citizen and visitor.  We were at war for nearly four years in the forties and no one would have considered for a moment that it was not a cause to celebrate at the fall of Berlin and the capitulation of Tokyo.  This war has been going on far longer.  It has not been comparable in the loss of lives and spilt blood but it has been a war against our equal rights and freedoms just the same. 

Perhaps we should not be cheering that we are receiving affirmation that the law is for all of us, but what a sad state of affairs it has been that that has been in doubt- and for some- that it remains in doubt for those as they process the fallacy that for the law to apply to all, that they must demand that some must be above the law?

Should we be mourning for our loss of innocence, that yes, the abuses of this man, his administration, his family and his minions would so easily destroy the notion of the resilience of our democratic republic or render it clear that we have been but an allusion to our ourselves and the world?

At this point in time, is a cheer that we have crossed the threshold that has brought us to one of many long awaited indictments- many of which that were previously expected will never come- anything more than bracing ourselves for the next phase of our national nightmare?  Will we now endure those that didn't learn from January 6th and believe they can come to the call of the man who has risked our national security- for what? Ego?  Profit? - and stage physical attacks against our court system as the monster himself has verbosely done?  Are we entering a phase where the rightist monsters will be planning and plotting acts of violence that may be years away in retaliation for the events of 2023 with a version of the Oklahoma City bombing?  Two Republican congressmen- CONGRESSMEN, have already made calls alluding to circumventing our system of justice on the behalf of this particular criminal.

Is it too much to relish a victory in one battle in the midst of what may yet continue to be a long, long war?

Jun 09 23 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

While some may not want to celebrate the indictments, perhaps they will allow us a frisson of schadenfreude as we observe the delicious fact that Newsweek has confirmed that Dumpster Don was indicted under the very same law which he signed in an attempt to be sure that Hillary Clinton would be more severely punished if she were ever indicted back in his day. Ahh! So Delicious!


"As has been widely reported since the Mar-a-Lago raid last year, by outlets including The Washington Post and Insider, Trump in 2018 signed a national security bill that upgraded the seriousness of mishandling classified material from a misdemeanor to a felony.

Trump signed legislation that year that extended section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, part of which included a change to 18 U.S. Code §1924, increasing the penalty for "unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material" from one to five years.

According to Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute, this upgrades the offense from a misdemeanor to a Class E felony.

Before the legislation was signed, Trump had repeatedly attacked 2016 presidential race rival Hillary Clinton over claims that she had mishandled classified information; she was never charged."

Poetic and actual justice never felt SO GOOD!

Jun 09 23 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

I've begun reading through Dumpy Don's INDICTMENT (which I heartily recommend!) and was really struck by reading parts of the two quoted sections below on Page 9. It lays out in absolute clarity the obvious hypocrisy inherent in the man, and indeed, the pathological qualities of his mind's lack of integrity with his true nature.

Case 9 : 23- cr- 80101- AMC Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/08/2023 Page 9 of 49

22. As a candidate for President of the United States, TRUMP made the following
public statements, among others, about classified information:

. . .
On August 18, 2016 , TRUMP stated,
"In my administration I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law."

September 6, 2016 , TRUMP stated,
"We also need to fight this battle by collecting intelligence and then protecting , protecting our classified secrets. We can't have someone in the Oval Office who doesn't understand the meaning of the word confidential or classified ."

On September 7, 2016 , TRUMP stated,
"One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information ."

September19, 2016, TRUMP stated,
"We also need the best protection of classified information.    . . .

23. As President of the United States, on July 26 , 2018,
TRUMP issued the following statement about classified information:

"As the head of the executive branch and Commander in Chief, I have a unique, Constitutional responsibility to protect the Nation's classified information, including by controlling access to it. More broadly, . . . the practice of former officials maintaining access to our Nation's most sensitive secrets long after their time in Government has ended. . . .  is particularly inappropriate when former officials have transitioned into highly partisan positions and seek to use real or perceived access to sensitive information to validate their political attacks. Any access granted to our Nation's secrets should be in furtherance of national, not personal, interests."

Put all of that hypocrisy up against what the Orange Marshmallow actually DID, and see if he isn't truly a marvel of duplicity and propaganda. Completely amazing!

Jun 10 23 12:29 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8256

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

The Republican campaign to discredit federal prosecutors skims over the substance of those charges, which were brought by a grand jury in Florida. GOP lawmakers are instead working, as they have for several years, to foster a broader argument that law enforcement — and President Joe Biden — are conspiring against the former president and possible Republican nominee for president in 2024.

“Today is indeed a dark day for the United States of America,” tweeted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, soon after Trump said on his social media platform Thursday night that an indictment was coming. McCarthy blamed Biden, who has declined to comment on the case and said he is not at all involved in the Justice Department’s decisions.

McCarthy called it a “grave injustice” and said that House Republicans “will hold this brazen weaponization of power accountable.”

Republican lawmakers in the House have already laid extensive groundwork for the effort to defend Trump since taking the majority in January. A near constant string of hearings featuring former FBI agents, Twitter executives and federal officials have sought to paint the narrative of a corrupt government using its powers against Trump and the right. A GOP-led House subcommittee on the “weaponization” of government is probing the Justice Department and other government agencies, while at the same time Republicans are investigating Biden’s son Hunter Biden. … 32f4653f2b

Yep, just as crooked, flunkey, henchmen are expected to do, the Republican party brass disregards the rule of law and the seriousness of the indictment and the SERIOUSNESS OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY BREACHES and will not wait for the evidence to be heard in court.  Is this political grandstanding or a continued attempt to start a civil war?

Jun 10 23 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 4564

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Both Trump and Republicans have known for a long time that they would never be able to argue the specific facts of any of the cases. Thus the "entire system is corrupt" strategy. They know their followers don't want to read the details.. They really don't want to expose themselves to uncomfortable facts that don't fit the narrative.

Jun 10 23 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 1110

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

LightDreams wrote:
Both Trump and Republicans have known for a long time that they would never be able to argue the specific facts of any of the cases. Thus the "entire system is corrupt" strategy. They know their followers don't want to read the details.. They really don't want to expose themselves to uncomfortable facts that don't fit the narrative.

I'm guessing some of us don't understand the mind set of voters who still support trump and his elected legislator followers.  Where is their loyalty when it comes to the country and all it's citizens?  Or is it all about self interest for them?

Back in the summer of 1941, over half of Americans polled still supported U.S. companies trade and commerce with Germany.  I'm guessing again that changed on 11 Dec 1941 for most when Hitler declared war on the U.S.  And in Congress on 8 Dec, 82 Senators supported the declaration of war on Japan.  One House member voted no.

Jun 11 23 07:56 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
Both Trump and Republicans have known for a long time that they would never be able to argue the specific facts of any of the cases. Thus the "entire system is corrupt" strategy. They know their followers don't want to read the details.. They really don't want to expose themselves to uncomfortable facts that don't fit the narrative.

Facts don't matter. Truth doesn't matter. Details don't matter. It is a cult. Only the Leader matters - Trump Uber Alles. This is the fruition of the Southern Strategy hitched to "When the president does it, that means it is not illegal." It's Nixon's revenge. Hopefully this time there won't be a Gerald Ford to pardon an unrepentant criminal.

Jun 11 23 09:29 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8256

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

"Kari Lake, the unsuccessful Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arizona who pointedly said over the weekend that if prosecutors “want to get to President Trump,” they’re ”going to have to go through me, and 75 million Americans just like me. And most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA.”" … f37f79be81

Many Republicans ceased their support of trump on January 6th 2021.  Obviously, some have not and think violence is the answer to catching a man obstructing justice and putting our national safety at risk, even when the loser is a cretin.  Anyone think Lake is game enough to show up at the courthouse with her AR-15?  Or is she all bravado and looking for suckers to do as she says, not as she does?

When are Republicans going to show some balls and speak up against trump?

Jun 12 23 09:32 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
When are Republicans going to show some balls and speak up against trump?

Very funny! 😂😂😂

The so-called candidates for the republican nomination, with the exception of Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie, have proven they are pathetically weak and not serious. When you are in a primary contest for the presidential nomination, and your biggest opponent is INDICTED for serious federal crimes, and you attack the PROSECUTION, rather than demanding your opponent drop out of the race, you have signaled you are too lame and spineless to be considered for the highest office. PERIOD.

Jun 12 23 11:18 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8256

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Christie came out on some of the Sunday shows talking about the double standard that is being laid on trump.  He believes that trump is responsible for his own mess but also claims that Hillary Clinton's email mess should have resulted in criminal charges.  Of course, there was no legal explanation or illustration of fact to support criminal charges.

I have no objection to Hillary or anyone else being charged for crimes where crimes were committed.  However, if we are going to look at what Hillary did with emails, then we need to look at what George Bush did with them because it appears that his failure to save emails was a violation of the the law and it appears that it was really an obstruction game.  We should also be looking at crimes in the Bush administration for a variety of other things.

As long as Christie continues to distort the record, his accusations against trump still stir up trump's base with the repetition of all the Republican bullshit and double standards they have promoted over the years.

One thing for sure is that trump called for the political prosecution of Hillary for the purpose of retribution.  Too bad for him his words are bitting him in his fat, greasy ass now. … 731469007/

Jun 12 23 12:05 pm Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Christie came out on some of the Sunday shows talking about the double standard that is being laid on trump.  He believes that trump is responsible for his own mess but also claims that Hillary Clinton's email mess should have resulted in criminal charges.  Of course, there was no legal explanation or illustration of fact to support criminal charges.

I have no objection to Hillary or anyone else being charged for crimes where crimes were committed.  However, if we are going to look at what Hillary did with emails, then we need to look at what George Bush did with them because it appears that his failure to save emails was a violation of the the law and it appears that it was really an obstruction game.  We should also be looking at crimes in the Bush administration for a variety of other things.

As long as Christie continues to distort the record, his accusations against trump still stir up trump's base with the repetition of all the Republican bullshit and double standards they have promoted over the years.

One thing for sure is that trump called for the political prosecution of Hillary for the purpose of retribution.  Too bad for him his words are bitting him in his fat, greasy ass now. … 731469007/

True,  but Hillary hatred is a signature badge of honor all republicans share. Nothing new there, but criticism of trump to the degree Christie has expressed is extremely rare, but will be futile.. His hope that he can gain traction in today's GOP is as realistic as his previous hope he could help trump be a successful president - or even a decent human being.

As far as Dubya, all he did was start a massively disastrous war on ginned up false claims of WMD , subservient to his demonic VP, and for which he has not paid a price and whose reputation is actually being whitewashed.

Jun 12 23 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

LightDreams wrote:
Both Trump and Republicans have known for a long time that they would never be able to argue the specific facts of any of the cases. Thus the "entire system is corrupt" strategy. They know their followers don't want to read the details.. They really don't want to expose themselves to uncomfortable facts that don't fit the narrative.

rxz wrote:
I'm guessing some of us don't understand the mind set of voters who still support trump and his elected legislator followers.  Where is their loyalty when it comes to the country and all it's citizens?  Or is it all about self interest for them?

It seems to be very much akin to the way many people cling to their religious beliefs. They are afraid to examine life and the universe and to think for themselves, afraid to step out of line with their religious authorities and their fellow believers, and afraid of becoming unmoored from their fellow cultists, so they cling desperately to whatever brand of religiosity or political belief will tell them what to think and believe. It is a phenomenon as old as humanity.

Jun 12 23 01:47 pm Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Having now read the complete DOJ indictment, I'd say that it is extremely well-written, absolutely devastating, and just as clear as could be. The next hurdles will be whether or not the initial judge assigned to hear the case will recuse herself or, if not, whether she will continue in the vein of her earlier outlandishly favorable-to-Dump court orders, later overturned.

Beyond that, perhaps the highest hurdle for prosecutors will be to find an unbiased jury. While venue considerations have forced the DOJ to try the case in Florida, that forced choice could be the downfall for its ever proceeding in an expeditious manner.

Jun 12 23 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 4564

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The stunningly brilliant Kari Lake has decided to REVISE her previous claim that 75 million armed Americans were going to rise up and defend Trump.

Her NEW claim (on Steve Bannon's radio show) is that it will actually now be "more like 300 Million" Americans.

And yes, I'll save you the math.  There are 334 million Americans of which, according to her, more than 90% are going to rise up and "protect" Trump.

She obviously has been thinking very carefully about this.

Jun 12 23 08:40 pm Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

LightDreams wrote:
The stunningly brilliant Kari Lake has decided to REVISE her previous claim that 75 million armed Americans were going to rise up and defend Trump.

Her NEW claim (on Steve Bannon's radio show) is that it will actually now be "more like 300 Million" Americans..

Basic math is not exactly her strong point, as her endless quest for recounts in the AZ governor's race seemed to indicate.

Jun 12 23 11:10 pm Link



Posts: 4564

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

How much of a difference can actually READING the evidence outlined in the Trump indictment make?

Nikki Haley COMPLETELY REVERSED her position once she actually read it (once you eventually get into the really meaty section, including lots of text message exchanges, it is pretty devastating).

Two days ago, she was strongly against the (so-called) "legal overreach".

But yesterday (after reading it), she went on Fox News to make clear that, providing the very specific evidence that they included in the indictment is real, then she was completely throwing Trump under the bus.

She made it personal about her Husband serving in the armed forces and the very grave danger that Trump's actions put him, and the country, in.

Jun 13 23 08:51 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
Having now read the complete DOJ indictment, I'd say that it is extremely well-written, absolutely devastating, and just as clear as could be. The next hurdles will be whether or not the initial judge assigned to hear the case will recuse herself or, if not, whether she will continue in the vein of her earlier outlandishly favorable-to-Dump court orders, later overturned.

Beyond that, perhaps the highest hurdle for prosecutors will be to find an unbiased jury. While venue considerations have forced the DOJ to try the case in Florida, that forced choice could be the downfall for its ever proceeding in an expeditious manner.

However, it was a Florida grand jury that indicted trump. The trump-sympathetic judge is another matter, and very troubling

Jun 13 23 09:28 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

Basic math is not exactly her strong point, as her endless quest for recounts in the AZ governor's race seemed to indicate.

Kari Lake is running for Vice-President.

Jun 13 23 09:31 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
How much of a difference can actually READING the evidence outlined in the Trump indictment make?

Nikki Haley COMPLETELY REVERSED her position once she actually read it (once you eventually get into the really meaty section, including lots of text message exchanges, it is pretty devastating).

Two days ago, she was strongly against the (so-called) "legal overreach".

But yesterday (after reading it), she went on Fox News to make clear that, providing the very specific evidence that they included in the indictment is real, then she was completely throwing Trump under the bus.

She made it personal about her Husband serving in the armed forces and the very grave danger that Trump's actions put him, and the country, in.

I think it was less a reading of the actual charges than it was a calculated move on the primary chessboard. And, she is still trying to triangulate:

"In a Fox News interview on Monday, Ms. Haley, the former South Carolina governor who was an ambassador to the United Nations under Mr. Trump, continued to claim that the Justice Department and F.B.I. had lost credibility with the American people, but she also acknowledged the seriousness of the charges against Mr. Trump." … trump.html

Jun 13 23 09:40 am Link



Posts: 1028

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
However, it was a Florida grand jury that indicted trump.

I'm not sure how grand jury indictment decisions are made,i.e., whether the decision to indict requires a unanimous grand jury, but there must be jury unanimity in reaching a guilty verdict at the criminal trial, and so just a single holdout or dishonest juror can scuttle the entire thing. Given the political climate in Florida, I'm not sure how many honest jurors will be available in the jury-pool.

Jun 13 23 11:47 am Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

I'm not sure how grand jury indictment decisions are made,i.e., whether the decision to indict requires a unanimous grand jury, but there must be jury unanimity in reaching a guilty verdict at the criminal trial, and so just a single holdout or dishonest juror can scuttle the entire thing. Given the political climate in Florida, I'm not sure how many honest jurors will be available in the jury-pool.


"Federal law requires that a grand jury be selected at random from a fair cross section of
the community in the district or division in which the federal grand jury convenes"

"The judge will then direct the selection of 23 qualified persons to become the members of the grand jury."

"It should be remembered that at least 16 jurors must be present and 12 members must vote in favor of the indictment before it may be returned." … ndbook.pdf

I cannot find the actual grand jury vote - it may be confidential. One thing is certain: If the trump-friendly judge remains on the case, jury selection and trial progress may well be the most contentious, fraught process in the history of American jurisprudence.

Jun 13 23 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 4564

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Focuspuller wrote:
One thing is certain: If the trump-friendly judge remains on the case, jury selection and trial progress may well be the most contentious, fraught process in the history of American jurisprudence.

For those that aren't aware, she has an amazing ability to mess with the case.  Some of it is "not so subtle", i.e.  deciding what evidence and what legal arguments the Jury will be allowed to hear.  She may (yet AGAIN) be completely reversed on appeal, but that could drag out over years.

The one way she clearly CAN mess up the case, WITHOUT being reversed on appeal, is much more subtle.  She is in absolute control of how quickly, or how slowly, the case will proceed.  And remember, Trump's big "hail mary pass" is to win election as President.  Effectively stopping all legal proceedings until after he's left office (if he lives that long AND willingly gives up power at the end of his term).

So all she has to do is NOT significantly speed up the entire process.  Which every other Judge has worked hard to do (despite Trump's lawyer's efforts), as they are acutely aware of the 2024 Presidential election.   AND, in the meantime, she can control what information is released publicly and what is "kept under wraps" until "the end of the trial".   Plus by not making any controversial rulings too early on, she improves her odds of remaining in control of it all, especially that oh so critical timing.

She really is Trump's "Dream Judge" in this particular situation.

Jun 13 23 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 2837

Los Angeles, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
For those that aren't aware, she has an amazing ability to mess with the case.  Some of it is "not so subtle", i.e.  deciding what evidence and what legal arguments the Jury will be allowed to hear.  She may (yet AGAIN) be completely reversed on appeal, but that could drag out over years.

The one way she clearly CAN mess up the case, WITHOUT being reversed on appeal, is much more subtle.  She is in absolute control of how quickly, or how slowly, the case will proceed.  And remember, Trump's big "hail mary pass" is to win election as President.  Effectively stopping all legal proceedings until after he's left office (if he lives that long AND willingly gives up power at the end of his term).

So all she has to do is NOT significantly speed up the entire process.  Which every other Judge has worked hard to do (despite Trump's lawyer's efforts), as they are acutely aware of the 2024 Presidential election.   AND, in the meantime, she can control what information is released publicly and what is "kept under wraps" until "the end of the trial".   Plus by not making any controversial rulings too early on, she improves her odds of remaining in control of it all, especially that oh so critical timing.

She really is Trump's "Dream Judge" in this particular situation.

IF trump is elected again (just typing that makes me ill) he will not only pause federal case(s) against him, he will absolutely try to pardon himself and escape justice completely. Of course, if trump is elected again,  pardoning himself will be trivial compared to the "retribution", aka "reign of terror" which will ensue.

We have 16 months.

Jun 13 23 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 4564

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The American Government has been conducting "a 7 year campaign" of "Psychological Warfare" "against the American Public"

That's Trump's latest explanation as to why his supporters should ignore the tape and video recordings of what Trump actually said and did, let alone ignoring all of HIS OWN LAWYERS that were forced to testify against him because he asked them to commit illegal acts on his behalf (NOT covered by Client / Lawyer Privilege).  Or the text messages by his own (unidentified) female family member.

Just "ignore it all(!)".

Oh, and the purpose of this intensive 7 year "Psychological Warfare" campaign on the American Public?  All to make the public think "that Trump is something that he's not".

Just ignore ANY evidence of any kind to the contrary.

As usual.

Jun 13 23 06:33 pm Link