Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Cyber Squatters


Moda Atlanta

Posts: 66

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Cyber squatting is illegal.  I've noticed many of my previous and present usernames being squatted for domain names.  Again, this practice is illegal and you'd be responsible for legal fees.

Sep 05 23 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 4594

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Far more difficult than most people think...

For example:

- Do you have registered trademarks?  if so, in which countries do they apply?  Or, worse yet, what countries do they NOT apply in?  I.E.  Where potential domain name buyers CAN make use of the same name...

- In what countries do the domain squatters actually live?  Can you track them down?  What are the laws where they live?  How enforceable are they?   Keep in mind that a lawsuit against someone unknown and can't track down, or in a place where you don't legally have a case, isn't very useful.

- As a practical matter, many of these squatters grab all sorts of potentially useful names, without even realizing (in some cases) that it may be targeting someone in particular.   I've always been amazed each time a really "unique" name comes to mind, to discover just how many businesses all over the world, are using something either identical or very similar.  That's why the domain squatters grab anything that potentially sounds useful.

Now I don't know your specific situation.  Maybe everything does come together for you.  If so, great!

But, in either the cases of a legal "bluff", or of someone that just doesn't know better, the "large scale" domain name squatters are certainly VERY aware of what they CAN get away with.

I also know of a local situation where squatters hid themselves well and DELIBERATELY tied up a major trademarked domain name.  Then they made it clear that the legal costs to get the domain name, considering the country that they rerouted the registration in (and hid their own identities) would be extremely expensive.  And SLOW.  But for a LOT (but still LESS than the legal costs AND much faster), they would sell them back their own domain name.  And the larger company that I'm thinking of, just viewed it as the "smarter move" and paid the price.  I suspect that many other companies, with large legal resources, would also make the same decision.

I'm not talking about the small guy in your city that's doing it deliberately, hasn't hid himself, and has no understanding of what he can and can't get away with legally, or the trademarks involved.  That latter situation may be much more "doable".

Whatever your situation, I hope it works out for you!

Sep 05 23 07:21 pm Link