Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Autism in boys and Aspartame


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Please keep the thread science based and non-political.

Aspartame, developed in 1965 and approved by the FDA in 1974 and 1981, "after initial obstacles to the legalization of this compound as a food additive, its large-scale production began in 1981" and has been studied for links to cancer and other diseases.  A new study regarding its relationship to autism has "found that boys with autism had more than three times the likelihood of having a mother who drank diet soda daily while pregnant or breastfeeding than boys without autism, per the findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients."

"The researchers did not find a statistically significant association with girls. "

"“These associations do not prove causality but taken in concert with reports from earlier studies of increased prematurity and cardiometabolic health impacts among infants and children exposed daily to diet beverages [or] aspartame during pregnancy, our findings raise new questions about potential neurological impacts that need to be addressed,” Raymond F. Palmer, author of the paper and professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at UT Health San Antonio, said in a news release."

"The study authors wrote that further research, including efforts with larger sample sizes, should be conducted to continue to explore the link between aspartame and developing autism."

"Still, they conclude that mothers might exercise caution while pregnant or breastfeeding when drinking diet sodas or consuming products with a commensurate amount of aspartame."

"These study results follow a June announcement from the World Health Organization when they deemed aspartame a “possible” cause of cancer. Still, WHO officials said they were not directing consumers to completely cut out the sugar alternative but to practice moderation with products. " … m-in-boys/

Sep 30 23 07:33 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
"These study results follow a June announcement from the World Health Organization when they deemed aspartame a “possible” cause of cancer. Still, WHO officials said they were not directing consumers to completely cut out the sugar alternative but to practice moderation with products. "[/i] … m-in-boys/

Because as we all know, when ingesting government approved poison created by the faux-food industry,, it's prudent to just eat less of it.

Oct 01 23 09:16 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

I don't think the statistics quoted really prove anything. "Autism" is just a blanket term that they seem to apply to any kid who reacts badly to being placed in a crappy abusive school environment.

Oct 01 23 09:35 am Link