Forums > General Industry > The Right.Fit



Posts: 41

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

A question for both Models as well as Togs - input from both perspectives would be appreciated.

I have only heard about the site "The Right.Fit" in these last few days. While I have taken the chance to take a bit of a look around, I haven't had a full exploration of the full extent of the site yet - in things like making (or replying too) a casting call, or contacting a model for a potential shoot.

The long and short of it, is the question:

For those who have used it, what are your review of the site?

Is it solid and reliable or is it as much as a scam as an email from a Nigerian Prince?

Thanks very much.

Nov 16 23 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Surprisingly, the scams have gone down quite a bit.  They're very rarely seen here anymore. 

In it's heyday MM quickly rose to the top of the competitors (garage glamour, glamourmodels, OMP, and a few others).  Almost all of the competitors have gone the way of the dinosaur but MM is still here, at least for now.

During those times there would have been a few dozen replies to your question by now, and it may have even been buried on page 2 or 3 because there was so much activity in the forums.  Now, as you see.... crickets.

In those days there were many 'meetup' style groups of MM members that would get together once in awhile somewhere in their towns.  I haven't heard of anything like that happening in at least a dozen years.

Back then, MM was a fun place, lots of practical jokers and serious people all combined together.  Since then MM has become as strict as a Catholic school classroom... and because MM so desperatly wanted their (worthless) iphone app to be accepted by Apple, they chaged the rules on what may or may not be displayed.  The current situation is that if a photo shows less wardrobe than a catholic nun wears it must be marked "M".

At the time it was EASY to find people to work with.  Everyone actually put at least SOME effort into doing shoots.  Hell, back then I didn't have much experience at all but I never had any problems finding models and other people to do shoots with.  Now, it's crickets... even for well paying gigs.

The models that were on here used to at least have the intentions of doing photo shoots.  Now, many (if not MOST) simply use MM as their landing page to direct people to their social media pages, porn sites, cam sites, on fan sites.  (Yeah, porn isn't allowed on MM... wink wink, nudge nudge.... you may have to click their posted link to see that stuff).

Most of the remaining models fill their profiles with crappy selfies (which for awhile were not permitted) and demand a hundred bucks per hour to shoot them.  No thanks.

From what I understand, the phone apps don't communicate with the MM site, meaning if a message is sent they may never see it.

MM admnin is aware of all of these issues.  Many people have complained.  I personally offered solutions both behind the scenes and in public forums, but they continue down the lonely road to self destruction.

I try not to be a 'Debbie Downer", but it's the sate of the site.

Nov 16 23 03:05 pm Link