Forums > Newbie Forum > I do Warrior/Huntress Themes

Clothing Designer

Warrior Wear Design

Posts: 8

Oceanside, California, US


I was on MM a while back but took a break from projects... but now I'm back.  Basically, I do Warrior/Huntress themed shoots and am trying to expand into some photography in the future.  Currently, I'm trying to build out my portfolio with new costumes, looks, and (hopefully) some of my own photography in the future.

Please feel free to take a look at my port.  Any feedback is appreciated and if anyone has any ideas or wants to work, please feel free to reach out!!!

Jan 22 24 06:26 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

You have good pictures. Female warriors are a historical reality, for example female gladiators fought in the Roman arenas, some were very successful. Apparently they were never called Gladiatrix or Gladiatrices in plural by the Romans, the term used was mulieres gladiatores, meaning women gladiators. When fighting human opponents they were equipped with a long curved sword and small round shield. … ladiators/

More here:

Since the whole idea was to entertain a mostly male audience the women fought naked or virtually so. In the Italian, or Roman summer heat this would have been quite practical and might have given them an edge in agility over armoured male opponents. The Roman satirical writer Juvenal tells us a story about a female gladiator called Eppia who kills six Roman legionaries, fighting two at a time, in one session. However she is herself killed in the arena the following day by another female fighter.

Women who were Roman citizens (feminae) as opposed to slaves were not supposed to fight in the arena, even when female gladiators were not banned altogether, but there were sometimes exceptions to this.

The theme of female gladiators has been used for movies, perhaps most notably this one with Pam Grier;

Jan 25 24 04:56 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

An informative History Channel video can be seen here; … ix-0018299

Apr 15 24 03:13 am Link