Forums > Newbie Forum > Hi From the Carolinas :)



Posts: 4

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Hi everyone,
I am new to this site and new to the modeling world. I am trying to navigate this site. I would love for someone to give me some feedback on my portfolio.
What other “genres” or styles/themes would be good to have in there?

Add me as a friend!

Thank you!

Mar 26 24 12:54 pm Link


Thomas Van Dyke

Posts: 3234

Washington, District of Columbia, US

"What other “genres” or styles/themes would be good to have in there?"
Adrial you'll find Mayhem photographers etc are primarily focused on the Glamour component of Fashion albeit soft porn is heavily represented on Mayhem also.
If you wish to transition into representation by a commercial agency then Lifestyle would be a viable option.

At your height (5'7") you may be limited to local markets in your area though.
However with your lovely tasseled blonde tresses and radiant smile, commercial lifestyle is indeed a possibility.

Funny how I recently tutored a ballerina and model through four years of academia assisting her getting a degree and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam. She graduated with honors and was immediately hired as an ICU Nurse in her local hospital. While working 12 tours is certainly demanding her recompense eclipses virtually all but a precious few Fashion/Runway models in NYC...     

Speaking of which...
Here is DNA Model Management's Development Board
and here is their Main Board (they represent a good number of Lifestyle Models)

Please carefully review and study the talent in the upper tier of the profession. It may help with your journey...

BTW, I work with a number of talent from the top agency in my market (The Artist Agency)
Here is a link to a former Mayhem Model (Samantha) who is now signed with THE
She has been my go-to MUA for years and an outstanding fashion model of considerable worth and merit

Wishing you much joy and success on your journey Adrial

Mar 26 24 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

There is nothing wrong with your portfolio from your perspective. I shoot to nude levels whereas you don't, so I guess it's my hard luck as far as that goes.

Mar 27 24 08:22 am Link



Posts: 4

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Thomas, would your friend Samantha be willing to speak with me?

Mar 27 24 11:39 am Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

Nice start Miss A  .  .  .  you'd certainly work for pretty much everything I shoot, you've got an open invite if you're ever down this way, lots we could do!


Mar 28 24 08:11 am Link