Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > literally selling the presidency!



Posts: 1043

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Uhmm., uh, well, um ...

New York Times
May 11, 2024

What Donald Trump Would Do for $1 Billion

"Not to spend too much time writing about Donald Trump this week, but I was struck by this report in The Washington Post on the former president’s recent overtures to oil executives.
After hearing one executive during an event last month at his Mar-a-Lago club complain about supposedly burdensome environmental regulations promulgated by the Biden administration, Trump made a proposition.

'You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation. Giving $1 billion would be a “deal,” Trump said, because of the taxation and regulation they would avoid thanks to him, according to the people.

The rest of the story goes on to describe Trump’s plans to gut the federal government’s response to climate change and facilitate more and greater fossil fuel extraction.

Trump told the executives that he would start auctioning off more leases for oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a priority that several of the executives raised. He railed against wind power, as The Post previously reported. And he said he would reverse the restrictions on drilling in the Alaskan Arctic.

This would be a generational setback on climate change, a large and disastrous mortgage on the future so that oil and gas giants could fill their coffers for just a little bit longer before they are overtaken by clean energy.

I’m obviously angered by the blatant disregard for the planet and its inhabitants. But I’m also struck by the in-your-face brazenness of Trump’s reported quid pro quo. This is more than the hint of corruption; it is the overpowering scent of the rotting corpse of corruption. It is influence trading of the sort that would embarrass a Boss Tweed or a Roscoe Conkling, whose “honest graft” came with at least the pretense of pursuing the public good.

Even more striking than Trump’s corruption, however, is the fact that we seem to be completely unfazed by the fact that the former president has apparently offered to sell his prospective administration to fossil fuel interests. . . .
If Trump’s latest instance of corruption isn’t a campaign-ending scandal, it may be because it is nothing new. Trump is corrupt to his bones and now that appears to be as noteworthy as the weather."

So there you have it folks! 
I can't say it any better than what Mr. Bouie has written here.

IF THAT DOESN'T GET OUR ATTENTION –NATIONALLY! then bend over and kiss democracy goodbye for real this time.
–No trials needed!

All that's needed is for our confused, ill-informed, grossly manipulated, and far too unprincipled society to continue to blunder into electing the future Orange Dictator who studied Mein Kampf.

. . . and for the rest of your lives?

May 12 24 02:03 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Donald Trump is a televangelist clown who would sell his own grandmother for enough money to pay a call girl, I think.

May 12 24 02:26 am Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

Politicians , ALL OF THEM, so and say enough stupid stuff that we dont need hater creating wet dream fantasy and fellow travelers reposting drivel that would not normally be seen.

May 12 24 06:51 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

Bob Helm Photography wrote:
Politicians , ALL OF THEM, so and say enough stupid stuff that we dont need hater creating wet dream fantasy and fellow travelers reposting drivel that would not normally be seen.

Apparently it is your choice to live in a delightful fantasy world and avoid confronting reality.

I'm not defending politicians but there is no reason that one particularly incompetent one can't be discussed as a single issue.

You of course have the option to barrage us with your own beliefs but know that generalizations like yours above say more about you than they do about politicians.

May 12 24 07:54 am Link



Posts: 1116

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

The case of Mc Cutcheon vs the Federal Election Committee the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5 vs 4 ruling on 2 April, 2014, basically said political  offices are for sale to who has the most money.  Trump wants to take advantage of that.  The political parties do access dark money, contributions from unknown donners.  The Republican Party seems to take more advantage of that versus the Democrats according to observers who track that activity.

May 12 24 08:46 am Link



Posts: 1043

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Bob Helm Photography wrote:
Politicians , ALL OF THEM, so and say enough stupid stuff that we dont need hater creating wet dream fantasy and fellow travelers reposting drivel that would not normally be seen.

Speaking of drivel, that blathering word-salad isn't even an English language sentence!
Write much?
Think before writing much?
Didn't think so.

May 12 24 10:37 am Link



Posts: 1043

Hilo, Hawaii, US

rxz wrote:
The political parties do access dark money, contributions from unknown donners.

Yes, but in this case the donors ARE known. 
AND, they are being asked by a former President to give him enough money –ONE BILLION DOLLARS! – to virtually guarantee his victory in November.

AND, he has promised in return to grease the chutes so that the environment can be destroyed –FOR ALL TIME and FOR ALL FUTURE GENERATIONS– just to gratify his lust for power, and to satisfy the endless, unprincipled greed of his donors.

Making false equivalences between Sneaky Don and "all politicians" is disingenuous and absurd!
The man is auctioning off the very functions of the government!
Political platitudes about the venality of common corruption are out of place here, and they belie a complete non-comprehension of the scale and danger of what has been proffered by our DearBalloonBoy.


May 12 24 11:00 am Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Bob Helm Photography wrote:
Politicians , ALL OF THEM, so and say enough stupid stuff that we dont need hater creating wet dream fantasy and fellow travelers reposting drivel that would not normally be seen.

Poor Bob . So infuriating when your guy is caught out blatantly and corruptly promising government policy in return for cash.  I guess that is what you have to put up with when you sign on to the MAGAt human centipede.

Maybe though, you were blindsided because your trusted news sources didn't cover it? 😂

May 12 24 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 1116

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

Modelphilia wrote:

Yes, but in this case the donors ARE known. 
AND, they are being asked by a former President to give him enough money –ONE BILLION DOLLARS! – to virtually guarantee his victory in November.

AND, he has promised in return to grease the chutes so that the environment can be destroyed –FOR ALL TIME and FOR ALL FUTURE GENERATIONS– just to gratify his lust for power, and to satisfy the endless, unprincipled greed of his donors.

Making false equivalences between Sneaky Don and "all politicians" is disingenuous and absurd!
The man is auctioning off the very functions of the government!
Political platitudes about the venality of common corruption are out of place here, and they belie a complete non-comprehension of the scale and danger of what has been proffered by our DearBalloonBoy.


Agreed, trump's move here is not related to dark money.  But it is a tactic successfully used by Hitler and Putin.

May 15 24 07:45 am Link