Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Trump Energy Policies For Sale!



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

AT LAST the story of The Orange One's recent criminal offer to sell policies to the oil and gas industries will be more surely brought to the attention of the public, after first quickly dropping out of sight due to the lack of journalistic pursuit and any public outrage:

The above story relates that two Senate committees (the Senate Committee on the Budget, and the Senate Committee on Finance) have begun requesting "any draft executive orders, regulatory proposals or other policy-related documents that the companies may have created “for the purpose of potential use in a possible Trump administration” in preparation for their investigations into the matter.

The original (buried) story involved a recent Mar-A-Largo dinner with energy execs where "Big Adolf" offered to sell his future  energy policies to the energy companies –in return for ONE BILLION DOLLARS in campaign contributions!

This tawdry and naked corruption and collusion by the former President and the energy companies needs to be placed front-and-center before the country's voters so that it is clear to all what he is up to. Earth's future climate is in extreme danger under a potential 2nd term for the would-be American "Fuerher" and his recently proposed "Reich".

Get after him while that is still possible!

May 23 24 11:26 am Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Which means, if successful Big Oil will charge whatever the hell they want for fuel.
(If you think inflation is high right now wait till that happens)

AS DONE BEFORE the Trump administration will also remove EPA policies allowing Big Oil to make HUGE messes and have the taxpayer pay for cleanup.

Drain the Swamp?  Trump IS the Swamp!

May 23 24 11:49 am Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

NakeyPiX wrote:
Drain the Swamp?  Trump IS the Swamp!

Or at least he certainly likes to swim in it.

Yesterday three energy-industry execs held a fundraiser for Swamp Dog ($250K admission-fee), and raised $25-million for the old boy. He thanked them by stating that he would "open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling", as he already attempted to do when he was previously our own "Dear Leader."

Anybody think the environment would survive another one of his administrations?
      .... Didn't think so.

May 23 24 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Modelphilia wrote:
AT LAST the story of The Orange One's recent criminal offer to sell policies to the oil and gas industries will be more surely brought to the attention of the public, after first quickly dropping out of sight due to the lack of journalistic pursuit and any public outrage:

You need to understand. It's not lack of journalistic pursuit or any lack of public outrage...

There's just SO MUCH of it ALL at the same time.

Keep in mind in the last couple of days ALONE, Trump:

- ONE)  He raved about his upcoming major policy changes in terms of restricting the availability of birth control for women.

Only AFTER someone pointed out that 89% of Americans DO NOT WANT THIS CHANGED, was he finally convinced that it would be "election suicide" to announce this before the election and started walking his own statements back...

- TWO)  The heavily reported events of his current criminal court trial.

   PLUS in another day in another court case (the top secret documents trial, with new information released), Trump's favorite Judge, Judge Canon, implied she might take over the trial from any jury as it "may be too difficult for jurors to understand".

- THREE)  During the lunch hour of his criminal trial, his Truth Social account posted what the country would look like after Trump "wins".

REPEATED mentions of (and I quote) the U.S. becoming a "UNIFIED REICH".  Literally!

And only after 15 hours of intense criticism did he finally take down the post.   His team blamed it on an unnamed staffer that was posting under his name, that supposedly had no idea what "Unified Reich" referred to, and Trump just couldn't get around to taking in down (for 15 hours).  As this is one of his favorite recurring themes (in different variations), no one really believes his teams belated explanation...

- FOUR)  And somewhere in all that, yes, Trump asked the oil companies for a Billion Dollars, and in exchange he would scrap the climate laws, etc, for the oil companies.

- FIVE)  Trump claims that Biden had the FBI "try to assassinate Trump" during the Classified Documents Search Warrant Raid (Fox News is actually pushing that one!  Seriously!)

- AND OH. SO MUCH MORE... (serving "3 Presidential Terms", etc, etc)


You have to remember just how much sh*t and chaos Trump is capable of causing, just in a few days.  So yes, TONS of major sh*t simply gets lost in the giant piles of what he's been shoveling.

May 23 24 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

LightDreams wrote:
You need to understand. It's not lack of journalistic pursuit or any lack of public outrage...

There's just SO MUCH of it ALL at the same time.
. . .

You have to remember just how much sh*t and chaos Trump is capable of causing, just in a few days.  So yes, TONS of major sh*t simply gets lost in the giant piles of what he's been shoveling.

While what you are saying is true, those facts make it all the more important to "separate the wheat from the chaff". Rude Boy and his cohort count on all the chaos to do what you are pointing out. Your Fox News anecdote is a perfect example of their strategy of flooding the media with as much B.S as possible IN ORDER TO BURY THE LEAD! Our task is to prevent their subterfuges from doing that successfully.

I would argue that the extremely obvious selling of disastrous anti-climate policies, in return for massive and massively corrupt campaign funding, are FAR, FAR more important than the entire "hush-money" case, for instance. Yes, there is a massive amount of purposeful political noise flooding the zeitgeist, but we can't just throw up our hands and say "Oh, well...!", so calling out the examples of truly awful and obvious corruption is more important than ever. Thus, the basis for this thread, and for my concern that the import of such "casual" political activities not be forgotten in the public mind.

So, THREE CHEERS for the upcoming Senate and Congressional oversight hearings!

May 23 24 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I get it.  Let's talk about what candidate Trump may or may not do should he win the presidency (50/50 chance at best) and let's totally ignore the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president.

May 24 24 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Feel free to compare.

Just be careful with your facts instead of generalities.  One thing that some of the far-right media is known for, is suggesting that Trump's behavior is in any way typical of "all of the other Presidents before him, or after him".

So they avoid an awful lot of specifics when it comes to the sheer seriousness of each comparison and instead go with generalities, like "they all do it".  Or "they're all just as corrupt", etc, etc.  And when that doesn't work, just make up complete sh*t.

Case in point (on making up sh*t).  Trump and Fox News pushed the idea that Biden had the FBI try and assassinate Trump.  Based on what?  Based on standard FBI instructions in each and every search warrant, about what the FBI can and can't do to defend themselves if necessary.   The SAME language was used on Biden's voluntary cooperation search warrant for his papers.

Plus the FBI carefully coordinated with the Secret Service in advance of the Mar-a-Lago raid to make sure Trump WASN'T GOING TO BE THERE AT THE TIME (pretty damn sloppy for an "assassination attempt").  That's been public record in the released court documents for ages.  And yet Fox News, just pretends that they didn't know any of this and claims that it was all a plot to kill Trump (apparently orchestrated by Biden and the FBI).   That's why people laugh at them.

So chime in, but please double check the facts you decide to use.  Especially when rating the seriousness of the issues that you decide to compare them on.

Any actual, real, earth shattering actions by Biden are definitely fair game!

May 24 24 05:35 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

TDSImages wrote:
I get it.  Let's talk about what candidate Trump may or may not do should he win the presidency (50/50 chance at best) and let's totally ignore the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president.

No, you don't "get it" at all!

We are talking in this thread about recent public statements repeatedly made by your "Dear Fuehrer" friend, in which he has –point-blank, and in-public– asked oil & energy-industry executives for a ONE BILLION DOLLAR BRIBE, in return for his public promise to remove all regulations which they might disapprove of, while saving them much more than that in tax-relief.

So, that's the topic.
Do you actually have anything to say that's on topic?

If you just wanna whine about your views on President Biden, you should start or join a thread on that topic, not pollute this one.

May 24 24 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 2852

Los Angeles, California, US

TDSImages wrote:
I get it.  Let's talk about what candidate Trump may or may not do should he win the presidency (50/50 chance at best) and let's totally ignore the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president.

"...  the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president."

Let's see your list.

May 25 24 11:58 am Link


Studio NSFW

Posts: 813

Pacifica, California, US

Focuspuller wrote:
Let's see your list.

Well, there was that time he incited a damned riot in the hopes of pulling off a coup, despite having lost the election.  Complete dereliction of duty, instead of doing what any rational, non-complete narcissistic asshole would do, he chose to hunker in the White House and wait out to see if his brown shirts could actually disrupt the process to a point where he could just declare himself dictator for the "duration of the emergency" - an emergency that he fully caused.

There could be the absolute spiraling of the national debt with ill conceived polices and tax break handouts to those that absolutely need them the least.  My f*ckin taxes sure as hell didn't go down.

Or you could talk about absconding top secret information, including information about the military posture of Israeli, and refusing to return them - while sharing them with god only knows who.   

He engaged in a relentless and ongoing campaign of disinformation about "Everything" he possibly could - starting on the day of his inauguration re: the size of the crowd all the way through continuing the story that the election was somehow "Stolen" with out one single shred of evidence of that.   Combining that with complete disregard for law enforcement and the constitution - even constitutional facts such as the term limit amendment inserted BY REPUBLICANS to limit the damage a would-be dictator could do.

oh wait...that was the other guy...ol whasisname - Cheeto Benito or whatever it is.

As the son of a Bronze Star/Puprle Heart vet sent to Europe specifically to help put an end to a fascist regime all too eerily similar to what Trump dreams of - I find the fact that the party of Eisenhower now is pushing for the same kind of dictatorship that hundreds of thousands died for absolutely sickening.   

THe country isn't going to turn into some totalitarian nightmare under a 2nd Biden term any more than it did from the first.  Biden ain't worth a bucket of warm spit but he's neither dangerous or evil, just old.  The alternative is old, dangerous and evil.

May 25 24 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Focuspuller wrote:

"...  the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president."

Let's see your list.

The list is long but for brevity, I'll condense it down to two points that I feel are the most important:

1.  Due to Biden caused inflation (it was at 1.4% when he took office), I am paying a hell of a lot more for EVERYTHING.  Under Trump, inflation was under control as were interests rates, gas prices, food prices, etc. 
2.  Due to Biden's weak and ineffective "leadership" on the world stage, it seems that the world is at war or just about to go to war.  Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Hamas (Iran), China showing aggression against Taiwan, N Korea threatening us, the Taliban back up and running in Afghanistan, etc., etc.  During Trumps four years, all these bad actors mostly played nice because of his leadership (as unorthodox as it was in some cases).

There you go.  You can dispute this all you want, but these are cold, hard facts.

May 25 24 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I hate to point out the stunningly obvious, but...

Trump left during the massive economic crush of the pandemic.  Duh.

He left 2.8 Million FEWER jobs than when he came into office, the unemployment rate rose to 6.8% and his final ecomonic growth rate was -3.4%.  There were 154,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than when he took over, and the U.S. Trade deficit was up by 40.5% and he left the Federal Deficit 50% higher than when he took over.   (

After the pandemic ended, as a result of that worldwide disruption, there were massive shortages and worldwide transportation of goods problems.   Scarcity means higher prices.  And as the economy kicked back in again, and people went back to work, there were massive worldwide shortage, transportation and inflation problems as a result.

Over twenty major countries had MUCH higher inflations rates that the U.S. did under Biden.   But I'm sure that TDSImages will blame all of those much higher inflation rate countries (during that same pandemic recovery period) on Biden as well.   Remember, TDSImages claimed that it was (and I quote) "BIDEN caused Inflation" (worldwide, apparently).

And you definitely won't give Biden credit for the numbers that show he did much better than all of those other major countries in reducing inflation.

I know that for most of you, this is all very basic / obvious facts and very old news.   But for some people they're determined to ignore the then massive worldwide inflation numbers, claim that it was all Biden's fault and that Biden's lower U.S. inflation numbers, and much faster recovery, shouldn't be compared to the other major Western countries who were facing the same situation.  After all, it must be "Biden's fault" and nothing to do with the international pandemic recovery mess.


As far as the other part of his fantasy claims, I'll leave that for others.   It's the classic Trump sh*t.  You know, "none of these problems would have occurred if Trump was running things".  Of course!

Just like he (compared to the rest of the major western countries) managing the U.S. which had such a stunningly worse PER CAPITA COVID DEATH RATE compared to the other comparative countries.  You know, he was just SO GOOD at managing all of these problems (like telling people to inject bleach into themselves, etc).  Just so sad, that so many extra Americans had to unnecessarily die, under Trumps "management of the crisis" compared to the others.

But don't let Trump's disastrous track record from when he ACTUALLY had to deal with a major crisis confuse you.  Listen to Trump's current fantasy sh*t ("it wouldn't have happened if I...") instead of checking his ACTUAL track record.  Hah!

May 25 24 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Modelphilia wrote:

No, you don't "get it" at all!

We are talking in this thread about recent public statements repeatedly made by your "Dear Fuehrer" friend, in which he has –point-blank, and in-public– asked oil & energy-industry executives for a ONE BILLION DOLLAR BRIBE, in return for his public promise to remove all regulations which they might disapprove of, while saving them much more than that in tax-relief.

So, that's the topic.
Do you actually have anything to say that's on topic?

If you just wanna whine about your views on President Biden, you should start or join a thread on that topic, not pollute this one.

Ok, you want me to stay on topic?  Here goes...these sources that are coming out with these stories on Trump-would they happen to be by the same people (group of people) that told us for four years that Russia collusion was the reason for Trump's presidency?  The same people that said Hunter's laptop was Russia disinformation?  The same people that told us COVID came from bats and that the vaccine was safe?  I could go on an on, but I think you get the idea.

Now let me ask you an obvious question-if this were true and Trump was actually trying to bribe someone, don't you think this would be front page news on every main stream media news station?  Don't you think that the DOJ and every other left wing AG would go after him with a vengeance like they have with all these other ridiculous cases that they are presently doing?

One more point-stop with the fuehrer/nazi rhetoric already.  It makes you sound like an uneducated person that has a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  You know nothing about me and to call him my "Dear Fuehrer" friend is ignorant.  I am not his friend nor would I be as he an I are a world apart.  I just so happen to agree with most (not all) of his policies and feel he did a helluva better job than our current president.

May 25 24 04:01 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

LightDreams wrote:
I hate to point out the stunningly obvious, but...

Trump left during the massive economic crush of the pandemic.  Duh.

He left 2.8 Million FEWER jobs than when he came into office, the unemployment rate rose to 6.8% and his final ecomonic growth rate was -3.4%.  There were 154,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than when he took over, and the U.S. Trade deficit was up by 40.5% and he left the Federal Deficit 50% higher than when he took over.   (

After the pandemic ended, as a result of that worldwide disruption, there were massive shortages and worldwide transportation of goods problems.   Scarcity means higher prices.  And as the economy kicked back in again, and people went back to work, there were massive worldwide shortage, transportation and inflation problems as a result.

Over twenty major countries had MUCH higher inflations rates that the U.S. did under Biden.   But I'm sure you'll blame all of those much higher inflation rate countries (during that same pandemic recovery period) on Biden as well.   Remember, he claimed that it was (and I quote) "BIDEN caused Inflation" (worldwide, apparently).

And you definitely won't give him credit for the numbers that show he did much better than all of those other major countries in reducing inflation, in comparison to the rest of the world.

I know that for most of you, this is all very basic / obvious facts and very old news.   But for some people they're determined that the rest of the world doesn't exist and shouldn't be compared (at least when it makes Biden look that much better).


As far as the rest of that fantasy I'll leave it for others.   It's the classic Trump sh*t.  You know, "none of these problems would have occurred if Trump was running things".  Of course!

Just like he (compared to the rest of the major western countries) managing the U.S. which had such a stunningly worse PER CAPITA COVID DEATH RATE compared to the other comparative countries.  You know, he was just SO GOOD and managing all of these problems (like telling people to inject bleach into themselves, etc).  Just so sad, that so many extra Americans had to unnecessarily die, under Trumps "management of the crisis" compared to the others.

But don't let his disastrous track record from when he ACTUALLY had to deal with a major crisis confuse you.  Listen to Trump's current fantasy sh*t instead of checking his actual track record.  Hah!

Right...just like Bush left a mess that Obama had to clean up, the same that Trump was lucky to follow Obama and was successful only because of O's great policies, the same as Biden taking office and having to clean up Trump's mess.  You see a pattern here??

Instead of quoting all these stats and other government crap (which we all know can be interpreted a hundred different ways, I'm asking a simple question-is the world a safer place today than when Trump was in office and are you paying more or less for food, gas, clothes, etc.  I promise, this is not a trick question and it really isn't that hard to answer truthfully.

May 25 24 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

TDSImages wrote:
Instead of quoting all these stats and other government crap (which we all know can be interpreted a hundred different ways, I'm asking a simple question-is the world a safer place today than when Trump was in office and are you paying more or less for food, gas, clothes, etc.

Absolutely, prices are higher WORLDWIDE (but are now settling down).  Due to a little thing called the Recovery from the PANDEMIC.  All the major shortages, and transportation of goods problems, etc.  I'm sorry that you missed that.

I'm also sorry that you believe that Biden created that massive worldwide inflation hit back in 2022.  There's clearly nothing I can say to convince you of the obvious (i.e. "worldwide"...).  Your mind is made up.

I'm sorry too, that you write off EVERY MAJOR economic stat (economic stats AREN'T something you can "interpret" to make say whatever you want, despite your claims), as they reflect so badly on Trump's very real record.  And the stats that are currently doing so much better under the Biden administration's recovery program.

As I say, your mind is completely made up, making it very easy for you to just completely ignore every single unfortunate actual FACT that tells the story.  Instead of Trump's fantasy bulls*t.

I'm incredibly sorry that you have no clue what Trump did in terms of managing the COVID crisis AND the ECONOMY during that time.   Many of us (in other major western countries) did FAR BETTER, comparatively, on both fronts compared to how Trump did.  His track record is about the same as his string of bankrupt casinos, his Trump University scam and other infamous business disasters.  Except for the horror of all of those unnecessarily large numbers of American lives lost in the process.

The facts are there.  But I understand that you have an entirely different set of recent historical "facts".  And that's just the way it is.  And nothing is going to convince you of anything contrary to that.

May 25 24 04:29 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2908

Palm Coast, Florida, US

TDSImages wrote:

The list is long but for brevity, I'll condense it down to two points that I feel are the most important:

2.  Due to Biden's weak and ineffective "leadership" on the world stage, it seems that the world is at war or just about to go to war.  Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Hamas (Iran), China showing aggression against Taiwan, N Korea threatening us, the Taliban back up and running in Afghanistan, etc., etc.  During Trumps four years, all these bad actors mostly played nice because of his leadership (as unorthodox as it was in some cases).

There you go.  You can dispute this all you want, but these are cold, hard facts.

You notice how lightdreams skated around this important statement?

He can't come up with a reply, so he'll run with what he can.

Same old shit. Different thread.

May 25 24 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US


May 26 24 12:56 am Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

TDSImages wrote:
Ok, you want me to stay on topic?  Here goes...
. . . -if this were true and Trump was actually trying to bribe someone, don't you think this would be front page news on every main stream media news station?  Don't you think that the DOJ and every other left wing AG would go after him with a vengeance . . .

I think it should be ALL-OVER the news, but it's not!
THAT is why I posted this thread of course  –because it's almost unknown! I am asking WHY it is so little known, and so posted here to CELEBRATE and broadcast the fact that it IS NOW under examination in both houses of Congress.

Apparently you need to expand your news-feed! T-Boy actually DID offer that bit of bribery-exchange TWICE in 2-3 days just this past week! AND, there are both Senate and House Oversight committees that are each now initiating hearings to establish and expose those very facts.

TDSImages wrote:
One more point-stop with the fuehrer/nazi rhetoric already. . .  You know nothing about me and to call him my "Dear Fuehrer" friend is ignorant.

Hate to break it to you, but just the other day your orange-hero had a T-boy-Social post up online for 15 hours which spoke about creating a "UNITED REICH"!      Yeah, his words!

And he throws in strategically-uttered Nazi words, concepts and imagery "on the regular". Pay better attention for a few days and you will no doubt hear him imitating –and trying to best– Joseph Goebbels, the head of Hitler's Nazi Propaganda Office. The problem we have in our democracy now is that His-Orangeship's own particular genius is to simultaneously try to occupy both the Head-of-Government and the Chief-Propagandist offices. That's his "secret-sauce," one that has proven quite addicting to millions.

It seems that, regarding the actual facts, your admonition for me to ditch-the-Nazi-rhetoric would be more aptly addressed to "Your-Orangeship", no?

It will be too late for regrets if "Dear Fuhrer" ever regains office.

May 26 24 12:58 am Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

TDSImages wrote:
Ok, you want me to stay on topic?  Here goes...
. . . -if this were true and Trump was actually trying to bribe someone, don't you think this would be front page news on every main stream media news station?  Don't you think that the DOJ and every other left wing AG would go after him with a vengeance . . .

Modelphilia wrote:
I think it should be ALL-OVER the news, but it's not!
THAT is why I posted this thread of course  –because it's almost unknown! I am asking WHY it is so little known, and so posted here to CELEBRATE and broadcast the fact that it IS NOW under examination in both houses of Congress.

The reason why most people don't notice it in the news is because that treasonous piece of orange shit does so many stupid, crazy, illegal, insane things EVERY DAY that people are immune to it!

Sadly, as mentioned in a couple of articles it's (arguably) NOT Illegal for the orange turd or anyone else to ask for large donations in exchange for consideration.  It most likely IS illegal to act upon it.  It's definitely immoral, outrageous, sinful, and disasterous, but not necessarily illegal at the moment.

To answer the Trumptard's question: … es/678333/
Trump Flaunts His Corruption
The former president’s shakedown of oil executives may not have been illegal, but it is undeniably scandalous. … rcna151576
Trump’s reported deal-making with oil executives sure looks corrupt
Trump’s alleged attempt at a quid pro quo with oil execs could violate federal bribery laws. … -donations
Trump to Big Oil Execs: Give Me $1 Billion and I'll Help You … e-00157131
Trump pressed oil executives to give $1 billion for his campaign, people in industry say … rcna151621
Trump pitches a highly dubious $1 billion deal to Big Oil execs
'Wow': Trump Openly Extorts Billion-Dollar Bribe From Big Oil … 72fd9576c8
Senate Democrats Probe Trump’s $1 Billion Oil Industry ‘Quid Pro Quo,’ Report Says … mp-big-oil
Top US ethics watchdog investigating Trump over dinner with oil bosses … orruption/
California Gov. Newsom calls out Trump at Vatican, accuses him of "open corruption" … on/Report: Trump Promised to Scrap Climate Laws if US Oil Bosses Donated $1 Billion … l-campaign
Trump's Sleazy $1 Billion Shakedown of Oil Execs … orruption/
Trump reportedly promised that, in exchange for $1 billion in campaign contributions, he'd roll back Biden's environmental regulations when he's reelected.

of course, the Trump Kool Aid drinkers don't know about this because the Fox Propaganda service doesn't mention it... and when they do they claims it's "fake news"

May 26 24 07:27 am Link



Posts: 1122

Madison, Wisconsin, US

TDSImages wrote:
I get it.  Let's talk about what candidate Trump may or may not do should he win the presidency (50/50 chance at best) and let's totally ignore the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president.

Which b.s. MAGA talking points are you going to regurgitate for us?

May 26 24 09:29 am Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kevin K wrote:
You notice how lightdreams skated around this important statement?

He can't come up with a reply, so he'll run with what he can.

Same old shit. Different thread.

NO.  It was pretty obvious...     (re: Trump on the world stage versus Russia, etc)

The claim is completely based on TRUMP'S bullsh*t claims about how things WOULD have been completely different if ONLY he was in charge.   As anyone can check his track record of the only real major crisis he ever ACTUALLY FACED (Covid), his track record is crystal clear.  Pretty disastrous.

I know the difference between Trump's bullsh*t and his actual track record.


The generally agreed to reason that Russia started feeling far more confident about a military expansion (Putin's stated desire to "reclaim" all sorts of old Russian Empire countries, INCLUDING certain NATO countries), was Trump's repeated suggestion that he WOULDN'T defend NATO.  His excuse was that he didn't like the amount of money that other countries contributed.

And remember, Trump's "I will solve the Ukraine war in the first 24 hours" bullshit, basically boils down to just surrender the Ukraine to Russia.  Along with the other "next steps" for Russia involving NATO countries.

And most of us know just how effective the Trump / Neville Chamberlain type "APPEASEMENT STRATEGY" works with dictators like Putin....

Oh, and Trump's ever-changing excuse as to why he won't support the EU NATO countries in a war against Russia?  Now that so many of them have reached his 2% of spending target (his previous excuse), he now claims that it needs to be much higher again.  ANYTHING, to just let Russia take whatever they want without Trump complying with the NATO "an attack on one, is an attack on all" military commitment.  You know, appeasement.  Just give Putin whatever he wants...

Plus it's not exactly breaking news that the analysts believe that Russia decided some time back that despite their results, they should keep fighting in the Ukraine until (they hope) Trump gets re-elected.  I wonder why?  Ummm, it will be SO MUCH EASIER for Russia to take over the Ukraine if Trump wins the election and cancels U.S. military and economic support for the Ukraine.  You think?

But HEY!  Trump tells you that Russia, is actually AFRAID of Trump.  HAH!!!


And no, Kevin.  After seeing your previous attempts at presenting your "case", it became pretty clear to everyone how seriously you should be taken.  Remember, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, EVEN BOTHERED responding to your last round.  That's quite a feat.

May 26 24 10:59 am Link



Posts: 2852

Los Angeles, California, US

TDSImages wrote:
The list is long but for brevity, I'll condense it down to two points that I feel are the most important:

1.  Due to Biden caused inflation (it was at 1.4% when he took office), I am paying a hell of a lot more for EVERYTHING.  Under Trump, inflation was under control as were interests rates, gas prices, food prices, etc. 
2.  Due to Biden's weak and ineffective "leadership" on the world stage, it seems that the world is at war or just about to go to war.  Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Hamas (Iran), China showing aggression against Taiwan, N Korea threatening us, the Taliban back up and running in Afghanistan, etc., etc.  During Trumps four years, all these bad actors mostly played nice because of his leadership (as unorthodox as it was in some cases).

There you go.  You can dispute this all you want, but these are cold, hard facts.

"cold, hard facts"

If Biden is responsible for inflation and the horror of you "paying a hell of "a lot more for EVERYTHING."then your cult leader idiot is responsible for the Covid pandemic and malfeasant response,  and over one million Americans PAYING WITH THEIR LIVES.

And as for the rest of your lame "two points that I feel are the most important":

After Putin's useful idiot, if not outright asset,  weakened NATO and attacked US allies during his shambolic term of misadministration,  OF COURSE Putin was emboldened to invade Ukraine,

OF COURSE Iran was emboldened after the Mango Moron mindlessly freed them from the constraints of the nuclear deal.

"China showing aggression against Taiwan, N Korea threatening us, the Taliban back up and running in Afghanistan, etc., etc., " A:LL occurred under Donnie Dickhead's moronic presidency. Kim Jong un  even sealed his "beautiful letter" to his new BFF  by aggressively test launching missiles.


"During Trumps four years, all these bad actors mostly played nice because of his leadership (as unorthodox as it was in some cases" 😂😂😂

Utter MAGA gaslighting and delusion. As usual.

May 26 24 11:26 am Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

SayCheeZ!  wrote:
To answer the Trumptard's question:

https://www. . . .

Thanks for that public service. It was gratifying to see that there has been more on-target coverage of the bribery angle than I'd previously seen myself.

Carry on!

May 26 24 11:59 am Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2908

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:

NO.  It was pretty obvious...     (re: Trump on the world stage versus Russia, etc)

The claim is completely based on TRUMP'S bullsh*t claims about how things WOULD have been completely different if ONLY he was in charge.   As anyone can check his track record of the only real major crisis he ever ACTUALLY FACED (Covid), his track record is crystal clear.  Pretty disastrous.

I know the difference between Trump's bullsh*t and his actual track record.


The generally agreed to reason that Russia started feeling far more confident about a military expansion (Putin's stated desire to "reclaim" all sorts of old Russian Empire countries, INCLUDING certain NATO countries), was Trump's repeated suggestion that he WOULDN'T defend NATO.  His excuse was that he didn't like the amount of money that other countries contributed.

And remember, Trump's "I will solve the Ukraine war in the first 24 hours" bullshit, basically boils down to just surrender the Ukraine to Russia.  Along with the other "next steps" for Russia involving NATO countries.

And most of us know just how effective the Trump / Neville Chamberlain type "APPEASEMENT STRATEGY" works with dictators like Putin....

Oh, and Trump's ever-changing excuse as to why he won't support the EU NATO countries in a war against Russia?  Now that so many of them have reached his 2% of spending target (his previous excuse), he now claims that it needs to be much higher again.  ANYTHING, to just let Russia take whatever they want without Trump complying with the NATO "an attack on one, is an attack on all" military commitment.  You know, appeasement.  Just give Putin whatever he wants...

Plus it's not exactly breaking news that the analysts believe that Russia decided some time back that despite their results, they should keep fighting in the Ukraine until (they hope) Trump gets re-elected.  I wonder why?   Ummm, it will be SO MUCH EASIER to win if Trump wins the election and cancels U.S. military and economic support for the Ukraine.  You think?

But HEY!  Trump tells you that Russia, is actually AFRAID of Trump.  HAH!!!


And no, Kevin.  After seeing your previous attempts at presenting your "case", it became pretty clear to everyone how seriously you should be taken.  Remember, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, EVEN BOTHERED responding to your last round.  That's quite a feat.


Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

That's Trumps fault?  Why did they wait till the US has the greatest leader to ever be in office to invade?

May 26 24 02:09 pm Link



Posts: 2852

Los Angeles, California, US

Kevin K wrote:

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

That's Trumps fault?  Why did they wait till the US has the greatest leader to ever be in office to invade?

"...the greatest leader to ever be in office..."

Dear boy, you are so confused.

The only one making THAT stupid claim is the incompetent, grifting liar you seem to admire so much.

May 26 24 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kevin K wrote:

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

That's Trumps fault?

Absolutely no concept of the arguments presented and/or an astonishing ability to ignore absolutely every fact that you don't like.  And that all of Trump's DIRECTLY RELEVANT actions related to Russia, NATO and the Ukraine, according to you, should be completely ignored (and even blamed on Biden!).

Which is exactly why everyone just quit responding to anything you said in the other thread.  For some reason, every single person participating in that thread decided that your unique logic just wasn't worth bothering with.

I responded in this thread for the benefit for anyone else out there that might have honestly had the same question, which has now been done.  If you had then raised any points that might have actually raised any new questions, or other aspects that should be considered, then of course it would be worth a response.


Serious debate, based on actual facts, is always welcome.  And encouraged!  That's how everyone (on all sides) advances in terms of their ideas and understanding.  Approaches that rely on just ignoring any facts that you don't like, or that is based on promoting outright bullsh*t, doesn't help anyone and is just a waste of time.

May 26 24 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

TDSImages wrote:
Ok, you want me to stay on topic?  Here goes...
. . . -if this were true and Trump was actually trying to bribe someone, don't you think this would be front page news on every main stream media news station?  Don't you think that the DOJ and every other left wing AG would go after him with a vengeance . . .

This question suggests that TDS even thinks Trumps bribe solicitation act is outrageous because it would be front page news.
Now that it's been shown that it's been top stories on several news outlets, it's expected that (like every other cult member) he'll no longer find Trumps actions to be outrageous, and will rationalize the whole situation.

That's what every one of them does.  They can't deal with reality, they just make up excuses or scream out "What about Biden (or Hunter, or Hillary).

May 26 24 04:03 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2908

Palm Coast, Florida, US

SayCheeZ!  wrote:

TDSImages wrote:
That's what every one of them does.  They can't deal with reality, they just make up excuses or scream out "What about Biden (or Hunter, or Hillary).

Trumps not been in office for years, yet everyone is still going after him. Y'all are living in the past.

You brought up a good point, What about biden and hunter? It was okay for someone to have classified documents in his garage that he took when he wasn't even president? Yeah hunter is a real stand up person too.

biden got off due to being senile. Great quality in the most power man in the US. … -rcna96666

"WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents but said in a report released Thursday that Biden’s practices “present serious risks to national security” and added that part of the reason he wouldn't charge Biden was that the president could portray himself as an "elderly man with a poor memory" who would be sympathetic to a jury."

"Hur’s report included several shocking lines about Biden’s memory, which the report said “was significantly limited” during his 2023 interviews with the special counsel. Biden’s age and presentation would make it more difficult to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the now-81-year-old was guilty of willfully committing a crime."

May 27 24 12:34 am Link



Posts: 2852

Los Angeles, California, US

Kevin K wrote:
You brought up a good point, What about biden and hunter? It was okay for someone to have classified documents in his garage that he took when he wasn't even president? Yeah hunter is a real stand up person too.

biden got off due to being senile. Great quality in the most power man in the US. … -rcna96666

"WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents but said in a report released Thursday that Biden’s practices “present serious risks to national security” and added that part of the reason he wouldn't charge Biden was that the president could portray himself as an "elderly man with a poor memory" who would be sympathetic to a jury."

"Hur’s report included several shocking lines about Biden’s memory, which the report said “was significantly limited” during his 2023 interviews with the special counsel. Biden’s age and presentation would make it more difficult to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the now-81-year-old was guilty of willfully committing a crime."

"biden got off due to being senile. "

Did you overlook this, or are you literally blind to actual facts:

"We conclude the evidence is not sufficient to convict, and we decline to
recommend prosecution of Mr. Biden for his retention of the classified Afghanistan

Or this:

"Yet we know of no steps the Department or other
agencies took to investigate Mr. Reagan for mishandling classified information or to
retrieve or secure his diaries. Most jurors would likely find evidence of this precedent
and Mr. Biden's claimed reliance on it, which we expect would be admitted at trial,
to be compelling evidence that Mr. Biden did not act willfully."

Or this:

"Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified
documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According
to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but
he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about
it. In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and
the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his
homes, sat for a voluntary interview. and in other ways cooperated with the
investigation." … y-2024.pdf

OR, are you just being a good subservient MAGAt, citing gratuitous medical judgements from a partisan non-physician?

May 27 24 09:04 am Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Kevin K wrote:
Trumps not been in office for years, yet everyone is still going after him. Y'all are living in the past.

TRY having more than a two-minute attention-span.
Try hard! . . . .  Keep on trying,. . . .  just a little more . . .

Here's a reminder:
There is a "TOPIC" that headlines this thread.
It has to do –ENTIRELY– with actual events which took place within the past TEN DAYS!

Got it? ? ? . . .

Keep trying until you can actually deal with the thread-topic, then post.
    Got that?
. . . . AND QUIT taking the discussion into stupid and unrelated discussions!

IF you have any of your own worthwhile subjects to discuss ...
     –and can pay attention long enough! . . .Start your own thread –
                  I won't be holding my breath waiting for that to happen though.

May 27 24 12:28 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2908

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Modelphilia wrote:

TRY having more than a two-minute attention-span.
Try hard! . . . .  Keep on trying,. . . .  just a little more . . .

Here's a reminder:
There is a "TOPIC" that headlines this thread.
It has to do –ENTIRELY– with actual events which took place within the past TEN DAYS!

Got it? ? ? . . .

Keep trying until you can actually deal with the thread-topic, then post.
    Got that?
. . . . AND QUIT taking the discussion into stupid and unrelated discussions!

IF you have any of your own worthwhile subjects to discuss ...
     –and can pay attention long enough! . . .Start your own thread –
                  I won't be holding my breath waiting for that to happen though.

TRY having more than a two-minute attention-span.
Try hard! . . . .  Keep on trying,. . . .  just a little more . . .

Wasn't it lightdreams who changed the subject?

Got it???...

Do you?

May 27 24 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Kevin K wrote:
Trumps not been in office for years, yet everyone is still going after him. Y'all are living in the past.

... says the guy from the cult that keeps screaming "Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up"

and to keep it ON TOPIC do you think it's acceptable for Don VonShitzenpantz to accept a billion dollar payment in exchange for allowing big oil do do whatever they want to do, charge whatever they want to charge and pollute whatever they want to pollute????

If so.... why???

May 27 24 01:46 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2908

Palm Coast, Florida, US

SayCheeZ!  wrote:

... says the guy from the cult that keeps screaming "Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up"

and to keep it ON TOPIC do you think it's acceptable for Don VonShitzenpantz to accept a billion dollar payment in exchange for allowing big oil do do whatever they want to do, charge whatever they want to charge and pollute whatever they want to pollute????

If so.... why???

Lock who up?

Do I think it's acceptable? Sure politicians will say anything for campaign money. Will he let them have free rein?  Has any politician not lied or made promises that never play out?

It seems the Big 6 are doing just fine under senile joe. Are you breathing better during his term?

Despite the oil industry’s complaints about Biden’s policies, the United States is now producing more oil than any country ever has, pumping nearly 13 million barrels per day on average last year. ExxonMobil and Chevron, the largest U.S. energy companies, reported their biggest annual profits in a decade last year.

May 27 24 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

As I'm sure some of you have already noticed...

It's back to trying to sort'a suggest that they ALL do it.   That generic method of being able to instantly write-off any facts that they might not like.   That way, they don't ever have to actually deal with it, or even think about it.

AS IF there's absolutely ANY comparison in the sheer scope, scale or outrageousness of Trump's actions, versus other Presidents.

You know, our current (all too real) universe, where the news of Trump publicly demanding a $Billion dollar "donation" from the oil companies in exchange for scrapping all of the environmental laws affecting them, just gets lost in all of the other outrageous Trump headlines at the time.  It's just another day of Trump.  That's how bad it's gotten.

But, you know, he's "no different" from any other President.  Supposedly.

May 27 24 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

An update as a result of some of the various investigations going on related to Trump's "Offer" to the oil companies...

The different legal experts are pointing out the current legal precedent, which comes down to one key issue.  Can they prove that it was quite specifically a "Quid Pro Quo" offer?

So exactly how the two actions were precisely "tied together" (and the ability to prove that), or NOT directly tied together, is the key to any criminality.

For example.  If a politician says "these are my policies in this area, and you like them, so you should donate to my campaign", then it is (at least legally) NOT a criminal action.  We're not talking morals, or ethics here, just whether it is outright criminal bribery or not.

To be clear.  If a giant corporation donates to a politician, and that politician then specifically passes legislation that benefits that corporation, THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.  You need the specifically promised, mutually understood (and PROVABLE), direct "Quid Pro Quo" necessary to be criminal bribery.

But if it was a SPECIFIC "give me this money and I'll specifically do this for you" (Quid Pro Quo) AND can be proved as such, then it DOES become a very serious criminal matter.

I.E.  "The devil is in the details", but only as far as criminal charges go.   The morals and ethics are an entirely separate matter.

May 27 24 03:44 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Kevin K wrote:
Try hard! . . . .  Keep on trying,. . . .  just a little more . . .

Wasn't it lightdreams who changed the subject?

Got it???...

Do you?

No, it was TDSImages

TDSImages wrote:
I get it.  Let's talk about what candidate Trump may or may not do should he win the presidency (50/50 chance at best) and let's totally ignore the damage that President Biden has actually done for the last three years and continues to do as our nation's president.

For the most part, the rest of you were distracted enough by his off-topic rants that you joined in with his usurpation of topics, and it then became just one more mostly useless LEFT vs RIGHT Word War.

Again, let's deal with the original topic. It's important enough to deserve its own discussion.   

If the Marshmellow PeaNut succeeds with his graft and bribery efforts, their effects will last for many, many generations to come, even threatening the survival of life on this planet within just a few short decades.

May 27 24 03:56 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8258

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Modelphilia wrote:
For the most part, the rest of you were distracted enough by his off-topic rants that you joined in with his usurpation of topics, and it then became just one more mostly useless LEFT vs RIGHT Word War.

Again, let's deal with the original topic. It's important enough to deserve its own discussion.   

If the Marshmellow PeaNut succeeds with his graft and bribery efforts, their effects will last for many, many generations to come, even threatening the survival of life on this planet within just a few short decades.

When you launched the thread regarding this egregious criminal example by the indicted leader of the party of hate, continuing his actions in eroding democracy for self gain at the cost of the people, did you consider that the only possible response the right has to use in defense of trump is, "But, what about ...?" And "They all do it."  Topped off by antics best parodied by Nelson Mandela Muntz of the Simpsons. Their arguments are always going to be empty and thoughtless platitudes, as they have amply demonstrated. There is never going to be logical discourse that justifies trump's criminal behavior.  The underlying crimes he has been charged with, and those new ones he commits, aren't even considered because it is all about election interference to them- in an age when, for the first time, our Presidential candidate is acceptable because he is a criminal, and because he is the choice of the Russian leader and a friend of most of the Axis of Evil.  When else has a defense of communist aggression and expansion been a positive political position to flout in American politics?

Calling trump inappropriate names in the posts doesn't help, except to further agitate those opposed to democracy.  I understand not wanting to show TFG any extraordinary respect.  Consequently, I suggest writers stick to the nom de plumes for trump that his lawyers have used in court, and were, therefore, acceptable to trump and the court and should then be acceptable to his followers.  Given that his legal representation unabashedly referred to him as the Orange Turd, doing such should give him the appropriate amount of respect required from all sides.

In regards to the solicitation of bribes, the discussion is over.  The right doesn't care about any of the criminal activity conducted by the Orange Turd and the truth is fully in the public light- if you can turn off Fox and other fake news, anyone will see.  If trump wins, we lose the democracy and we prove to the world that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," was meant to include only white males and our nation is not mature enough to ever consider that gender, skin color and national origination should matter no more to us than it does to God, and, therefore, our nation was meant to have "White Only" bathrooms, water fountains and businesses, with all the disgusting behavior and cruelty that one can imagine.

May 27 24 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 1032

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Sometimes people jump off into the deep-end before they realize that they can't swim:

"Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
"You won't be able to sell those cars," says the legally embroiled former president."

"Former United States President Donald J. Trump . . .  is campaigning for re-election this fall by taking shots at the increasingly popular electric car industry. Trump has already called for oil and gas industry executives to donate significant campaign funds in exchange for a reversal of Biden administration climate policies. If elected this November, Trump would roll back tailpipe emissions targets and dramatically slash EV tax credits"

And the saga continues.

May 29 24 12:58 am Link



Posts: 2852

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
"Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
"You won't be able to sell those cars," says the legally embroiled former president."

Looks like the petrocrats paid up. Quid, meet quo.

May 29 24 08:02 am Link



Posts: 4581

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Modelphilia wrote:
"Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
"You won't be able to sell those cars," says the legally embroiled former president."

Some important background information related to this announcement...

Earlier this spring, Trump was in a desperate financial jam, trying to come up with anyone that could back him with a bond, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.  That way he could post a bond that would allow him to file an appeal in the New York civil fraud case.  At that time, he was also WAY behind Biden in terms of fundraising for his campaign.

So (as the NY Times reported on March 5th), he arranged to meet with Elon Musk:


"Donald Trump, Seeking Cash Infusion, Meets With Elon Musk"

"It’s not clear whether Mr. Musk will spend any of his billions on the former president’s behalf. If he does, he could erase Mr. Trump’s financial disadvantage in the 2024 race."


After the meeting, Elon Musk announced that he would NOT be contributing to either Trump or Biden.

As we all know, Elon Musk is the largest shareholder and CEO of TESLA.

NOW, after Elon Musk turned him down, Trump announces that "He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales".

Whether it's Big Oil or Tesla, do you see the pattern here?  What's the KEY to how Trump makes these major policy decisions?


Same old pattern.  Remember that when Ukraine President Zelensky refused (then President) Trump's demand that they immediately publicly announce a fake investigation (into then candidate Biden, Hunter Biden and a non-existent server), that immediately resulted in a complete policy change from Trump towards the Ukraine.  He refused to supply the armed aid that was already passed by Congress, and made pretty clear to everyone, including Russia, what his loyalties were as far as the Ukraine went.

This change had incredible consequences (this was before Russia proceeded to invade the Ukraine).

As I say, same old, same old.   The other half of his Quid Pro Quos are that they also extend to "do what I want OR ELSE".

May 29 24 09:33 am Link