
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jul 25, 2024
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
May 29, 2014

About Me

I am crazy day job busy. I am a lawyer by day and often go on trial. I am a photographer in my free time. Spring has been fun and crazy.  I have had some amazing shoots, but I have also had to cancel some shoots because day job interfered. I apologize for that in advance, but that is the nature of what I do.  I can explain if you ask. I am looking forward to a fun summer, but I advise anyone who travels, Chicago has NASCAR, Lollapalooza, and the Democratic National Convention this summer. Much of the summer hotels and air BNBs will be very pricey and the city will be cluttered. I live on Michigan avenue, so much of this is in my front yard.

Open days are tight.  If we want to shoot outside in the loop, which is my favorite summer pass time, that has to be Sunday around 6:00 AM (depending on location and sunrise).We can shoot inside if we are agreed on what we are doing. I have a desperate south suburbs shoot I want to do.  I have talked about it with some models.

Everyone is busy.  Time is finite.  Every moment on a shoot is scarce and precious. The best way to have a great shoot is with lots of communication and good planning.

If you don't shoot nudes, we probably should not work together. If you are shy about the kind of nudes you shoot, we probably should not work together. Look at my portfolio to see what I have shot before, because that is what i likely will want to shoot again. I bristle at restrictions on how one may shoot.  My view is: shoot, see how it looks, delete if its stupid.  Remember, lots of things you think are in a shot go away if there is no light. 

That said, I also shoot a ton of implieds that typically push the exact limit of what Instagram allows. Check out my Instagram to see what that can mean. Good implieds take quite a bit of work to get right. It can be all about angles and shadows.

I shoot in a variety of places. My favorite "place" at the moment is outdoors in alleys and other dark places in Chicago.  I shoot indoors too.

As a general rule when I work with someone I expect that we will have a telephone conversation to  plan. No phone call no shoot.  I typically don't want models with escorts.  Last "escort" who tried to help broke a chair in my living room. It was too heavy for him to lift and move himself. I even told him not to move it, and he replied "no I got it."  He didn't "got it." It was a $4500 custom fabric chair he broke.  I have not seen that payment.  No escorts, ever.  Sorry.  If that is your deal breaker, that is also my deal breaker and I no longer compromise on that point.

Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].  I can send you my phone number after an email introduction. 

A note on prepayment and deposits: I no longer prepay because too many models have cancelled and never returned the prepayment. I am out a few thousand dollars at last count on prepaid fees and prepaid studio charges. I am going to start naming the models who have demanded prepayment and then broken agreements to shoot. Truly the bad models give the good models a bad name.  I have a day job that may disrupt my schedule outside of my control, thus when I have given you fair warning of upcoming risks to my schedule, I reserve the right to cancel with no payment.  I am always happy to negotiate those terms for good reason. 

My Instagram--

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"It is always a pleasure to work together, professional and safe. Highly recommened! Thanks for being rad. " Read less

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"Gus was such a pleasure to work with! We fed off of one another's creative energies, matching one another in what we put forth into the shoot. The shots were beautiful and he was so prompt about getting me the images from the shoot! Also, he was entirely professional and we had great conversation! Look forward to the next time we can get to work together!" Read less

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"I had so much fun working with this photographer. He is so talented, and fun to work with. I was terrified of this tornado like (didn't end up being even close to a tornado), but another storm earlier in the week was. Needless to say I was very nervous, but Gus immediately got me out of my shell, calmed me, and we got some stunning photos. I love his great personality, and I can't wait to work with him again. We had so much fun talking, I think of Gus as a new friend. Not just a photographer, but a buddy. It was a great shoot. See ya soon =)" Read less

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"Gus is one of the nicest photographers I have worked with. He is clearly passionate about his craft which I appreciated. He was laid back and cheerful, polite, and respectful of boundaries. Shooting together went smoothly and the atmosphere was very comfortable. The shoot was a lot of fun and I look forward to future collaborations!" Read less

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"Gus is absolutely great to work with, very compassionate and interested in making the best art possible. " Read less

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"Gus is so knowledgeable about photography, and doesn't mind sharing with the model tips that will make her more aware of what makes a picture look great! Gus is the first photographer I work with that after every 20 pictures he takes, he sits me down next to him so we can see them together, and this went on again and again until the very end of our photoshoot! It was awesome! He is the most thorough, detailed, and giving photographer I have ever worked with and I can't wait to work with him again!" Read less

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"Great to work with and creates beautiful, and tastefully artistic photos. Loved working with him!" Read less

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