Forums > Photography Talk > Barn doors and Grids..Educate me!



Posts: 237

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I know they are both used for directing light.  I know grids come in different degrees.  Is there a better time to use one over the other?  I assume I will get "it depends on what you are trying to achieve", but i thought I would throw out the general If you want this effect, then use this scenario.  If you had to pick between the two, which would you choose and why?

Aug 24 07 11:30 am Link


Todd Taulman

Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

Grids are one of my favorite tools in the studio and when doing commercial light of room sets. They are used to create a spotlight effect and a more effective directional light control. I use a normal set of 10-40 degrees in many of my shots. In the studio, I often use a 40 degree on the background to create a circle of light on the background.
As for Barndoors, I use those when I do not what a light bleed onto a model, and do not have a black flags to block light. Hope that helps.

Aug 24 07 11:35 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

It's all a matter of perference. Your perference! Think about it in a way of controlling light more so then directing light. You have to be able to use your imagination to determine when to and when not to based on what you want to see in a final image. As you stated, it really does depend on the effect which is the same with all lighting accessoires.

Here is a shot using two lights. A grid on the model and a small softbox on the background to show seperation of the model.

Aug 24 07 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Its all in control and you have best control when you make your own CUSTOM barndoors, grids, snoots, diffusers, even reflectors from things around the shop.

I use Panty hose and milk cartons a lot as diffusers, and Foil as snoots.
You cant really pick between them just use as needed ...
This was done with all three ...

Just go around kicking th tires at Home Depo.


Aug 24 07 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 397

EL PIC wrote:
Its all in control and you have best control when you make your own CUSTOM barndoors, grids, snoots, diffusers, even reflectors from things around the shop.

I use Panty hose and milk cartons a lot as diffusers, and Foil as snoots.
You cant really pick between them just use as needed ...
This was done with all three ...

Just go around kicking th tires at Home Depo.



Sometimes Cinefoil is all you need instead of Barn Doors. Barn Doors take a lot of practice to learn how to control them and when to use them. I would say Grids are more useful - but they are just different.

Nov 28 07 09:26 pm Link


Paul Brecht

Posts: 12232

Colton, California, US

I use both...

Grids add a direction to your lighting while barndoors act more like flags. Actually, flags are the best way to go (as opposed to barndoors), but barndoors are easier to use because they are mounted on the light...

I also like to use grids on softboxes. This way you have nice soft light but it still gives a sense of direction...

Look @ any of my studio shots, I use the grids to shape the backlight & I use the barndoors to flag, especially from adding too much light to the background or towards the camera...


Nov 28 07 10:03 pm Link



Posts: 630

Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US

I use barn doors, honeycombs, snoots, and foil in almost everything I do.  I have also found that a couple sheets of foamcore (I get it at Michael's art/craft stores) are very useful to have around, too.  The rest is nothing but pure experimentation.


Nov 28 07 10:09 pm Link


Profile Closed

Posts: 5808

Niceville, Florida, US

Rowen wrote:
The rest is nothing but pure experimentation.


Amen...Your significant other in real life could only WISH that you would put in that kind of time, thought, understanding and passion into the you do with that symbiotic love affair of light.

Light is the ultimate artistic medium....and she's fickle as all hell.

Nov 28 07 10:41 pm Link