Forums > Photography Talk > The LEICA thread........



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

This thread is for the people who respect and revere the cameras of
Ernst Leitz and his Leica camera

First of all as Father of this thread I want to lay down some


Please adhere to them, while I want this thread to be "real" and "fun" and also educational as well as special for Leica fans and enthusiasts here at Model Mayhem

True Leicaphiles have respect to all people who are true photographer`s regardless of what camera they use, this thread though is for sharing the use and experience of using Leica cameras as well as being a bit historical as well

(1)NO BASHING of other camera makes, for example Nikon/Canon etc.

(2) No talk about OTHER makes of cameras, just LEICA please

(3) NO JEALOUS HATERS just because we are Leicaphiles....some of us work VERY hard to buy our Leica`s and are not collectors as such *OK I`m a closet collector just don`t tell anyone*

(4) Let`s have FUN with this thread and all be respectful about it and share the LEICA experience

A postwar wonder that brought the 35mm camera craze to America the Leica IIIC shown here with a pretty girl (ca. 1949/50)

"Leica is`nt just photography, it`s a philosophy."

Jan 05 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

And here`s my little story of why I use a Leica......or shall I say why I "love them"

I lived in Germany for over 12 years (US Army and civilian service) and I was once at a antique shop and was looking at some old Military watches.....

I had asked the owner about them, and some we had got on the subject of old camera`s

I had always thought that the Leica was this "rare" mysterious thing that NOONE owned and it was passed down from Father to Son like some precious jewel

Well many were.......but the Leica has it`s fame as being the FIRST 35mm camera to go into major production and really become a popular camera in the 1930`s, up till the 1960`s

Respected and used the world over by famous professionals and also by everyday folks who had a "shutterbug"

Well, this  guy with the watches took me to his house to show off his collection and instead of buying a RAF Omega watch I bought a Leica IIIA from 1939 with a matching Summitar lens....I think I paid $225 with the original case

(That first night I passed up a IIIC "Red Curtain" with a non Leica lens 50mm *I think it was a Zeiss Jena 2.0?* I`m still kicking myself in the ass for that one.....)

My journey into the Leica experience had begun

to be continued............

Jan 05 06 12:32 pm Link


Chip Willis

Posts: 1780

Columbus, Georgia, US

One of these days I will own one.

A friend, Abdi Robble, has been sponsored by Leica on his travel work, and to see some chromes on a light box thru a loupe is simply is amazing.

It is he that actually taught me that using a 35mm lens can rock.


Jan 05 06 12:35 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

I have owned Leica, but needed to upgrade and did. ( Decent cameras)

Jan 05 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Marvin Dockery wrote:
I have owned Leica, but needed to upgrade and did. ( Decent cameras)

Hahahhahah well we all make mistakes in life don`t we?
(maybe you just didn`t know how to use it?)

Not everyone is a Leicaphile......but thanks for wasting your time posting here smile

Jan 05 06 12:42 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Someday I will own one. I will opt for an older one because I love the older stuff. Probably the M2 as you mentioned in a previous thread. And that Leica ad you posted gave me a couple ideas,lol.

Jan 05 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Chip Willis wrote:
One of these days I will own one.

A friend, Abdi Robble, has been sponsored by Leica on his travel work, and to see some chromes on a light box thru a loupe is simply is amazing.

It is he that actually taught me that using a 35mm lens can rock.


Yes, most of the WW2 German combat photographer`s used the 35mm Elmar in most of the frontline work

I had a really nice 35mm Summicron on a M2 that I used back in Germany it was a great combination

Jan 05 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Someday I will own one. I will opt for an older one because I love the older stuff. Probably the M2 as you mentioned in a previous thread. And that Leica ad you posted gave me a couple ideas,lol.

Yes, a early 60`s M2 is a great choice to get into using Leica`s, with a 50mm and a 35mm Summicron`s you will have a great little picture taker, light weight, compact and robust

I cut my teeth on a 1939 Screwmount IIIA so that was like taking a trip back in time and learning REALLY what photography is all about (self taught dark room etc. etc.)
It`s quite fun and really is something that`s really an artistic experience as well, while the lenses were also "uncoated" and shooting lot`s of slide film as I did the colours where also quite different, sometimes pale and soft like a surreal painting and other times sharp and saturated

Jan 05 06 12:51 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

My dad used to speak of Leicas with a hushed reverence; he used them as a military photographer while in Europe in the 1950s.  Then one day when I was around 21 he gave me a IIIf.  The body was mint but the shutter had a few pinholes because the previous owner had kept it with the shutter cocked on a shelf for 20 years.  Very pretty, but not a user.

I was hooked, but needed a camera I could actually use every day.  So about six years ago I bought my M6 TTL.  Currently I use it for 90 percent of my shoots, it's well suited to my spontaneous journalism and street photography influenced style.  Mostly I use an 80s vintage 50mm Summilux, less often a 90mm Summicron.  The compactness of the whole package makes it great for travel, which I do a lot of.

Jan 05 06 12:53 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:

Yes, a early 60`s M2 is a great choice to get into using Leica`s, with a 50mm and a 35mm Summicron`s you will have a great little picture taker, light weight, compact and robust

I cut my teeth on a 1939 Screwmount IIIA so that was like taking a trip back in time and learning REALLY what photography is all about (self taught dark room etc. etc.)
It`s quite fun and really is something that`s really an artistic experience as well

I just spotted an M2 on ebay  that is at $340 right now. Body only, though. I have a guitar  on ebay that  I auctioned but the winner has not paid. If he pays id be lookin into the m2 in a heart beat.

Jan 05 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I just spotted an M2 on ebay  that is at $340 right now. Body only, though. I have a guitar  on ebay that  I auctioned but the winner has not paid. If he pays id be lookin into the m2 in a heart beat.

Yeh send me a link through PM I`ll have a look at it.....either one a "push button" rewind is the older version and the lever one the 1960`s one

The BADASS version is the M2-R "Rapid load" camera (they were invented for sports and combat photographer`s in the 1960`s) I think the US Navy ordered a bunch of them too......they were often used during the Vietnam war

Jan 05 06 12:56 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Ken Mierzwa wrote:
My dad used to speak of Leicas with a hushed reverence; he used them as a military photographer while in Europe in the 1950s.  Then one day when I was around 21 he gave me a IIIf.  The body was mint but the shutter had a few pinholes because the previous owner had kept it with the shutter cocked on a shelf for 20 years.  Very pretty, but not a user.

I was hooked, but needed a camera I could actually use every day.  So about six years ago I bought my M6 TTL.  Currently I use it for 90 percent of my shoots, it's well suited to my spontaneous journalism and street photography influenced style.  Mostly I use an 80s vintage 50mm Summilux, less often a 90mm Summicron.  The compactness of the whole package makes it great for travel, which I do a lot of.

WOW! I can just SEE Leica in your photos, simply wonderful....welcome to the club smile

If you still have that "minty" IIIF you can get the shutter blinds replaced now, I have some connections to people who do that I`d be glad to share them with you

Jan 05 06 01:00 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:

Yeh send me a link through PM I`ll have a look at it.....either one a "push button" rewind is the older version and the lever one the 1960`s one

The BADASS version is the M2-R "Rapid load" camera (they were invented for sports and combat photographer`s in the 1960`s) I think the US Navy ordered a bunch of them too......

There arent many m2 on there right now, I just did a search for leica m2 and only 2 pages full of leica cameras and accessories popped up. the one I am talking about was on the first page.

Jan 05 06 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I just spotted an M2 on ebay  that is at $340 right now. Body only, though. I have a guitar  on ebay that  I auctioned but the winner has not paid. If he pays id be lookin into the m2 in a heart beat.

Hey GB TRY to find a lens combo deal, M2 with a 35mm or 50mm Summicron and then buy a good light meter like a Gossen or a Voigtlander VC or VC II
(most of the time the original Leicameter`s are broken or just plain burnt out....and a pain in the ass to restore)

Jan 05 06 01:05 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:

Hey GB TRY to find a lens combo deal, M2 with a 35mm or 50mm Summicron and then buy a good light meter like a Gossen or a Voigtlander VC or VC II
(most of the time the original Leicameter`s are broken or just plain burnt out....and a pain in the ass to restore)

Yea, if the guy pays for the guitar I would get the combo.They also have one of the light meters you mention, I believe. I also saw a rapid loader for 20 bucks.

Jan 05 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Yea, if the guy pays for the guitar I would get the combo.They also have one of the light meters you mention, I believe. I also saw a rapid loader for 20 bucks.

Well, ok the R version of the M2 is the M2-R  "rapid loading" version....they are really a Leica M2 with a rapid load M6 take up spool.....these cameras are crazy rare and cost about $1,500+ without lenses when you can even find one

Jan 05 06 01:25 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US


My name is Kim and I am a leica addict.

Jan 05 06 01:32 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:

Well, ok the R version of the M2 is the M2-R  "rapid loading" version....they are really a Leica M2 with a rapid load M6 take up spool.....these cameras are crazy rare and cost about $1,500+ without lenses when you can even find one

when I said rapid loader I meant just the system itself, in what looked like an original plastic bag

Jan 05 06 01:32 pm Link


David Nusbaum

Posts: 284

Rochester, Minnesota, US

I've had my eye on an MP for awhile, but it's still just a dream. I even thought of lowering my aim and going for a Voigtlander rangefinder, but it's not quite the same. A digital M would be heaven, but if it ever happens the price will probably be high.

Jan 05 06 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

My name is Kim and I am a leica addict.


Welcome to the club Kim.......holding a Leica is like a heroin addiction cept MORE expensive and less life threating

Jan 05 06 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

when I said rapid loader I meant just the system itself, in what looked like an original plastic bag

aHHH I wanna see smile

Jan 05 06 01:35 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

Was the Argus C3 a knock off of the leica?

Jan 05 06 01:35 pm Link


J Andrescavage Photo

Posts: 3339

San Francisco, California, US

Leica shooter checking in!  But I took the ghetto Leica route and got an SLR.  I've got an R4 with a Summicron 50 and a Vario-Elmar 35-70 f3.5.  Both are fantastic lenses and I read somewhere that the Summi 50 was the sharpest SLR lens ever made.  Seeing some of my prints, I believe it.  When I'm not screwing everything up, I can get some amazing quality. 
I kind of wonder what models think when I show up with my little 20+ year old MANUAL FOCUS SLR instead of some bigass digital monstrosity.  GWC alert, I'm sure.  Oh well.  For the price of a Rebel XT with the kit lens I got a far superior camera.  I've had it for a little more than a year now and it's the only camera I use anymore.  I'm actually thinking of getting a second body so I can load one with color and the other with B&W. 
Body:  $200 on Ebay
35-70 lens:  $350 on Ebay
50 lens:  $100 at a local camera store!!!

Jan 05 06 01:35 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:


Welcome to the club Kim.......holding a Leica is like a heroin addiction cept MORE expensive and less life threating

what drives me crazy are all these wealthy collectors who let their gear sit like fine crystal on their respective displays.

for gods sake, USE THE GLASS!

Jan 05 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

David Nusbaum wrote:
I've had my eye on an MP for awhile, but it's still just a dream. I even thought of lowering my aim and going for a Voigtlander rangefinder, but it's not quite the same. A digital M would be heaven, but if it ever happens the price will probably be high.

Yes, well the SAD news from Germany is the company`s not doing well......the DIGITAL M sound`s like a dream, if it does come out (and they could make it affordable to Leicaphiles say $5,000 to $6,000 they MIGHT? save the company, but I think becasue of all the new retooling it will be more like $15,000 and at $15k they WON`T SELL CAMERAS sad

Jan 05 06 01:39 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

what drives me crazy are all these wealthy collectors who let their gear sit like fine crystal on their respective displays.

for gods sake, USE THE GLASS!

Most of the Leicas made today that they collect were made just for those people. but what they dont realize is that when every single camera of a particular line is made for collectors , those collectors are keeping them in perfect condition in a closet somewhere, thus making sure none of them get ruined, worn ,etc. which are two of the things that make a collectable a collectable and more valuable than when you bought it.rarity and condition.

Jan 05 06 01:43 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
what drives me crazy are all these wealthy collectors who let their gear sit like fine crystal on their respective displays.

for gods sake, USE THE GLASS!

I slept in a living room in Frankfurt, Germany that had about $2.5 million dollars worth of camera`s in it (yes, folks I was a COLLECTOR before I was a shooter) and this collector had the largest collection of Leitz *sucher* (finders) in the WORLD!
Also in his main glass case he had (3) Leica MP`s (original M3/MP`s) two chrome, one black (those camera`s alone are worth $300,000!)

I`ve seen and held some of the strangest and rarest Leica`s of all time in my hands and no matter what it is, it`s a pleasure just to cock in and press the release and listen to that beautiful sound........

Most of those AMAZING cameras haven`t been used since day one, or have now been put to pasture which is so sad, the amazing glass will never be used again sad

I`ve always wanted to *convert* a chrome body M2 to a black paint or find a really beaten black paint M4 to use just to have a conversation piece around my neck
Just think what and where some of these camera`s have been since they were built, only if they could talk..........

Jan 05 06 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

McMadCow wrote:
Leica shooter checking in!  But I took the ghetto Leica route and got an SLR.  I've got an R4 with a Summicron 50 and a Vario-Elmar 35-70 f3.5.  Both are fantastic lenses and I read somewhere that the Summi 50 was the sharpest SLR lens ever made.  Seeing some of my prints, I believe it.  When I'm not screwing everything up, I can get some amazing quality. 
I kind of wonder what models think when I show up with my little 20+ year old MANUAL FOCUS SLR instead of some bigass digital monstrosity.  GWC alert, I'm sure.  Oh well.  For the price of a Rebel XT with the kit lens I got a far superior camera.  I've had it for a little more than a year now and it's the only camera I use anymore.  I'm actually thinking of getting a second body so I can load one with color and the other with B&W. 
Body:  $200 on Ebay
35-70 lens:  $350 on Ebay
50 lens:  $100 at a local camera store!!!

Hell yeah!!!!!!!!! Leica SLR (1960`s) is FANTASTIC stuff

(I`m looking for a LEICAFLEX SL2 Black Paint right now)

And  about the models not knowing what a manual focus camera is.......hahahahah I`m so GLAD that I shoot RETRO and even work with OLD Camera`s while the models get to KNOW what real modeling was like and they also learn another great thing.............patience

Ohh buy the second camera....that`s JUST what I do as well, load B&W and you have BOTH sides of the story when it comes to shooting a subject

Jan 05 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 816

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Jan 05 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

David Linke wrote:
Was the Argus C3 a knock off of the leica?

It might be.......there were many Leica knock off`s made in the USA about 1940 to 1955 the Tower one`s and others like it are now rare and very collectible

Jan 05 06 01:59 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
Just think what and where some of these camera`s have been since they were built, only if they could talk..........

You have just mentioned the main reason I love the older ones than the newer stuff, its history, where it has been and all. second to how they used to build them like a tank, made them to last.

Jan 05 06 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 513

Kennesaw, Georgia, US

Dad gave me a CL a year ago. He bought back in the 70's as a kit with the 40mm f2 and 90mm f4, flash, and some filters and case. I shot a couple of rolls with it, and the lenses are tack sharp. Guess I should take it out more the compactness and light weight.

Jan 05 06 02:02 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I wonder if it is still possible to find a Leica gold mine in some old mans attic or if everyone knows how collected they are by now,lol.

Jan 05 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Most of the Leicas made today that they collect were made just for those people. but what they dont realize is that when every single camera of a particular line is made for collectors , those collectors are keeping them in perfect condition in a closet somewhere, thus making sure none of them get ruined, worn ,etc. which are two of the things that make a collectable a collectable and more valuable than when you bought it.rarity and condition.

Sadly it`s this WHOLE collecting idea that`s RUINED the future of the company.......Leica`s ruling reign was in the 1950`s when photography was something that could really make people wealthy if they knew what they were doing, the compactness, simplicity and high quality of these cameras were almost a guarantee of a fine result

Now so many people look at the Leica as a overrated china cabinet item, which is a crime, while this camera the "Father" of all 35mm cameras is maybe one of the easiest and most enjoyable camera`s in the world to use, but still so many of them go un-used

Jan 05 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Markus Richter wrote:

Servus Markus!

Thank you for gracing this thread with that wonderful link!

Alles Gute

Jan 05 06 02:07 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
Sadly it`s this WHOLE collecting idea that`s RUINED the future of the company.......Leica`s ruling reign was in the 1950`s when photography was something that could really make people wealthy if they knew what they were doing, the compactness, simplicity and high quality of these cameras were almost a guarantee of a fine result

Now so many people look at the Leica as a overrated china cabinet item, which is a crime, while this camera the "Father" of all 35mm cameras is maybe one of the easiest and most enjoyable camera to use, but still so many of them go un-used

Couldnt have said it better myself. I wonder whose idea it was at the company to make it basically a collectors piece to just be looked at.

Jan 05 06 02:07 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I wonder if it is still possible to find a Leica gold mine in some old mans attic or if everyone knows how collected they are by now,lol.

It could be an urban legend but on the LUG (leica users group) which I belonged before I was overwhelmed with mail, someone shared that their house or maybe car had been broken into and all the new electrical gear/photo stuff had been stolen and the old fashioned leica/rollei/zeiss stuff had been left.

Jan 05 06 02:09 pm Link


J Andrescavage Photo

Posts: 3339

San Francisco, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
And  about the models not knowing what a manual focus camera is.......hahahahah I`m so GLAD that I shoot RETRO and even work with OLD Camera`s while the models get to KNOW what real modeling was like and they also learn another great thing.............patience

I kind of feel bad showing up with my old equipment sometimes.  Most non-photographers don't know the Leica name, but a "professional" photographer is easily recognized by the presence of a hulking camera.  I'm sure some models see my old bare camera and think it's a yardsale item and I'm some perv who's just there to gawk at hot babes.  The part about it being a cheap yardsale camera is totally not true!  wink

Jan 05 06 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I wonder if it is still possible to find a Leica gold mine in some old mans attic or if everyone knows how collected they are by now,lol.

Well, as the WW2 generation now is almost all passed away the chance of finding the "best"  vintage one`s is almost over......finding a deal on a 1940 to 45 "Stepper Rewind" or "Red Shutter" or "Grey Paint" IIIC`s are almost impossible

But keep looking stuff still pops up every now and then

Jan 05 06 02:16 pm Link


Rick Athearn

Posts: 492

Boulder, Colorado, US

I have owned Leicas over the years. I had an M6, R4, and an R7. Plus a bunch of lenses. They are all gone now since I went digital. I still have an old Leicaflex SL that is perfectly useable. It sports a very rare Schneider Variogon 70-240mm zoom lens.

Jan 05 06 02:19 pm Link