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Forums > Model Colloquy > Mission Models - Is it a good agency or a scam?



Posts: 481

London, England, United Kingdom


Does anyone know anything about 'Mission Models'?
I had applied to them by sending an e-mail with some photos.
They called me back and told me that my photos are 'tremendously boring' and 'horrid'. They spent about 10 mins on the phone telling me how boring my port is...Then they suggested that I should have a shooting with them in order to improve my portfolio but the shooting will not be for free. I would have to pay for it!
I am just wondering if they are a respectable agency or scam!



May 07 09 04:13 am Link



Posts: 36332

San Francisco, California, US

tzeni_kas wrote:

Does anyone know anything about 'Mission Models'?
I had applied to them by sending an e-mail with some photos.
They called me back and told me that my photos are 'tremendously boring' and 'horrid'. They spent about 10 mins on the phone telling me how boring my port is...Then they suggested that I should have a shooting with them in order to improve my portfolio but the shooting will not be for free. I would have to pay for it!
I am just wondering if they are a respectable agency or scam!



When judging the legitimacy of any modeling agency, research this single question. Do they make money from clients or do they make money from models. That tells you everything you need to know.

May 07 09 04:16 am Link



Posts: 2566

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

I have no personal knowledge of this particular agency. This sort of practice by agencies is something I don't approve of. It always seems to me to more based on how much money they can make out of you without offering any work.
Most reputable agencies will send a girl they are interested in on tests or a go-see. Also a models portfolio should ideally contain work from various photographers to show their potential and range of work.

May 07 09 04:20 am Link


Loki Studio

Posts: 3523

Royal Oak, Michigan, US


Mission Models is an established international agency in London.  You should ask for referals from current agency models and clients to establish their validity.  I would also agree with their assesement that your pictures are not very exciting or likely to get you hired.  Finding a high quality photographer to get you better pictures will not be free-find out their recomended photographers and look at their work.  Will the agency put your photoshoot expense on your account? The question for you is will this investment pay off?

May 07 09 04:24 am Link


Ed Stringbourne

Posts: 16319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I know Bob and I've shot for Mission Models. Once. Mail me if you want my opinion.

May 07 09 04:26 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna


A few days ago in reply to a post of yours asking about another "agency" I mentioned the

[UK] - The Conduct of Employment Agencies and
Employment Businesses Regulations 2003

You will find the answer to this question there as well. They can not legally sell you a service like that. They can tell you to get new pictures from a photographer of your choice and come back; they can even give you a list of independent photographers that will do it to a standard they want; but they can NOT "sell" you the service directly. Which is exactly what they appear to be doing, or trying to do.

Another PASS.

You also need to know this. In Britain, [model and talent] agencies are not required to be licensed in any way; and unless complaints are made there is barely any official government oversight of them. What that amounts to is that a guy could be a working as brickie today and tomorrow be handing out business cards calling himself a "Model Agen(t)(cy)". 'Nuf said? Got it?



When Trans-Con [under whatever name they were using at the time] tried to run their scouting scam in the UK they arranged with several photographers to do photos for them... all useless as the "agency" was an out-and-out scam to begin with. One guy, who at the time was d.b.a. Northern Lights Photography* [now long gone - so this is not an outing], actually told me on the phone that he knew it was a scam and finished with a statement I have burned into my memory: "Sure it's a scam but what the fuck do I care as long as they keep sending girls around with money to get photos"

IMPORTANT NOTE: * This was in the UK, and so not to be confused with any other photographer, or photography service, with the same or similar name, anywhere else.

May 07 09 06:26 am Link



Posts: 481

London, England, United Kingdom

Thank you guys!
It's been great hearing all your responses.

May 07 09 10:50 am Link



Posts: 3872

Los Angeles, California, US

Just my two cents..

I've never seen a pro agency advertise a particular photographer or "professional photos" service on their site.  It's very uncool to do that.

They obviously have an arrangement with this photographer guy.  And it's not how major, legitimate agencies work.

I have no firsthand knowledge of this agency..but looking at their site..and their "testimonials" section...all screams "recruit as many models as possible" not "get as much work for our models as possible".

I'd say avoid.  And I'd take the critique of your work with a HUGE grain of their actively selling photographic services..and it's, at least in part, a sales pitch.

Good luck!!


May 07 09 11:08 am Link



Posts: 1

London, England, United Kingdom

I have just literally been in contact with them, they are great! i was on the phone to him from half eight and by half nine i have my first photoshoot FREE, the only charge i'll ever have to pay is £50 which is to get onto the website and that is not a scam as scam agencies make you pay £100's maybe £1000's £50 is nothing to be honest when iv already been put forward for a hair show in Milan/London!!

smile Kalila xx

Sep 23 09 01:47 am Link



Posts: 4500

London, England, United Kingdom

KalilaMay wrote:
I have just literally been in contact with them, they are great! i was on the phone to him from half eight and by half nine i have my first photoshoot FREE, the only charge i'll ever have to pay is £50 which is to get onto the website and that is not a scam as scam agencies make you pay £100's maybe £1000's £50 is nothing to be honest when iv already been put forward for a hair show in Milan/London!!

smile Kalila xx

Why is it £50? For half of that you can host your own site for a year...

Also, I've never seen a legitimate agency that has a testimonials section, I saw no evidence of the clients they claim to have on the model pages and why emphasise that it's a pro-shoot? Shouldn't that be taken for granted?

Sep 23 09 02:03 am Link


Fashion Photographer

Posts: 14388

London, England, United Kingdom

KalilaMay wrote:
I have just literally been in contact with them, they are great! i was on the phone to him from half eight and by half nine i have my first photoshoot FREE, the only charge i'll ever have to pay is £50 which is to get onto the website and that is not a scam as scam agencies make you pay £100's maybe £1000's £50 is nothing to be honest when iv already been put forward for a hair show in Milan/London!!

smile Kalila xx

It seems to me that the only thing which is important in determining whether they are great or not is how much work they get you.

Sep 23 09 03:51 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

KalilaMay wrote:
I have just literally been in contact with them, they are great! i was on the phone to him from half eight and by half nine i have my first photoshoot FREE, the only charge i'll ever have to pay is £50 which is to get onto the website and that is not a scam as scam agencies make you pay £100's maybe £1000's

There are cheap scams and expensive scams.  It is always a mistake to judge the legitimacy of something based on price.

KalilaMay wrote:
£50 is nothing to be honest when iv already been put forward for a hair show in Milan/London!!

I just submitted you for the next Fashion Week in New York.   Now, living where you do and being 5'4" tall, the chances of you actually getting it are zero, but I sent your picture in.  Does that mean I am a legitimate model agency?

Anyone can submit anyone else to anything . . . or claim to.  It means nothing.

Sep 23 09 09:14 am Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Just another way of getting money out of people.

Sep 23 09 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 7

London, England, United Kingdom

i know this is an old topic, but i sent them my photo then researched them to find out they were a scam so i knew i wasen't going to have anything to do with them if they rung me... which they did.
The guy was really rude to me.
He first said my name wrong (fair enough) and i corrected him and he didn't even say oh sorry or anything.. he was like "thats not the point...your name does not sound filipino" (and i did say i was half pinoy half english so my name wouldn't really sound very filipino anyway)
Then said he would email me and hung up without saying bye O_O
I thought his approach was awful!

scamming agency and disgustingly offensive!!!

Feb 22 10 02:41 am Link


Steph Clare

Posts: 3447

Argyle, Florida, US

I know people who are with that agency.
They're legit, apparently, but very bland... they really don't get any major clients or anything.
the girls I know who are with them get maybe 1 / 2 bits of work from them a YEAR!

Feb 22 10 03:06 am Link


Katy Kate McGee

Posts: 2

London, England, United Kingdom

hello there guys smile

1, Scam agency ?

Mission models are not a scam agency and they have got me into this industry aswel asa model who is earning, lets just say they created me..... I also want to add ( I am not digging myself here, purely just sticking up for a agency who got me to were i am ) that i have worked with some top names/ brands.

eg/ my last shoot

£950 jewellery shoot. missionmodels and there team got me this and only took 20%, this is my 8th paid booking from them...within less then a years work starting from scratch, and countless free photoshoots with internationaly renound togs....

Feb 22 10 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Is'nt 405 Kings Road just a mailshot address and not actuall office where there are 100's of other names also registered.

Feb 23 10 06:47 am Link


Manuel odabashian

Posts: 109

London, England, United Kingdom

I had experiences with a couple of the models and basically they appear to charge extortionate rates loke £250 for three hours and teach their models to be queens rather than do their jobs

Feb 23 10 10:25 am Link


Katy Kate McGee

Posts: 2

London, England, United Kingdom

I am not shore if that was to get at me or not but i was genuinally sticking up or an agency who has got me somewhere smile

I am no queen nor diva, and i yes... do do my job smile

Feb 23 10 01:31 pm Link


Monica Forero

Posts: 1

London, England, United Kingdom

xoxkatyxox wrote:
I am not shore if that was to get at me or not but i was genuinally sticking up or an agency who has got me somewhere smile

I am no queen nor diva, and i yes... do do my job smile

I'm apart of mission models and it looks as though some don't see the concept of Bob's work, he see's beauty in every model, he's blunt. But fair. I've had plenty of paid jobs and i respect Bob as my agent.

Feb 24 10 01:49 pm Link


x Rebecca Kelly x

Posts: 4

London, England, United Kingdom

x Monica x wrote:

I'm apart of mission models and it looks as though some don't see the concept of Bob's work, he see's beauty in every model, he's blunt. But fair. I've had plenty of paid jobs and i respect Bob as my agent.

Feb 25 10 03:03 pm Link


x Rebecca Kelly x

Posts: 4

London, England, United Kingdom

Dina Dayupay wrote:
i know this is an old topic, but i sent them my photo then researched them to find out they were a scam so i knew i wasen't going to have anything to do with them if they rung me... which they did.
The guy was really rude to me.
He first said my name wrong (fair enough) and i corrected him and he didn't even say oh sorry or anything.. he was like "thats not the point...your name does not sound filipino" (and i did say i was half pinoy half english so my name wouldn't really sound very filipino anyway)

What part of k.ts email did you losers not undestand, she has made £850 from 1 job via her agent,
loads of free shoots and other paid work

I cant believe how WRONG YOU WANT TO BEES ARE , ive achieved and what ive done in less than one 2week , To anyone reading this email this is what ive had from mission models by only sending the one unproffessional snapshot of myself.

I have recieved to date proffessional advice to help me as a model wich has benefitted me greatly.

I recieved my first paid booking at asian wedding exhibition catwalk at alexandra palace working with Simi hair and beauty as a beauty model and runway model  wich was a one day booking £150.
The photos will be published 2010 in asian bride magazine and asian women magazine.

Two days later I was asked to go to London college of fashion where I was a hair and make-up model for a 1980 style/ new romance shoot where I got alll my pictures for free.

The next day I was asked to carry out a two day paid booking for one of britians celebrity stylist Patrick Cameron where I did 1920 style shoot as hair and face model and video shoot and recieved stunning pictures for free aswell.

So basically I have recieved just under £500 worth of bookings,

my pictures and videos published in magazines and on websites and recieved lots of free pictures to market myself and use for my showbook.

I cant thank mission models management enough for giving me such great oppertunities and wish i had found them earlier!!
also iv got a video booking sunday 27th paid work £250
So £750 in two weeks
free shoots ans a video
all from mission models..........there the Best...............END OF.

Then said he would email me and hung up without saying bye O_O
I thought his approach was awful!

scamming agency and disgustingly offensive!!!

Feb 25 10 03:04 pm Link


Vita Femina

Posts: 159

London, England, United Kingdom

tzeni_kas wrote:
Thank you guys!
It's been great hearing all your responses.

Even though you are gorgeous, a lot of fashion agencies may automatically discount you because of your age. (I'm 29 as well and feel positively ancient compared to many models here).

Feb 25 10 03:16 pm Link


Ed Stringbourne

Posts: 16319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Post hidden on Feb 26, 2010 07:38 am
Reason: other
Lets not identify particular people who also happen to be members here.

Feb 25 10 03:41 pm Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Here's a list of real agencies.

Just my $0.02


Feb 25 10 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Post hidden on Feb 26, 2010 07:39 am
Reason: other
Quote of hidden post.

Feb 26 10 04:40 am Link


Giovanni Pincay

Posts: 2

London, England, United Kingdom

Feb 26 10 04:57 am Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Post hidden on Feb 26, 2010 08:01 am
Reason: other
Rather than commenting on each others attributes, lets stick to addressing the OP's questions smile.

Feb 26 10 05:02 am Link


Sarah M Model

Posts: 290

Preston, England, United Kingdom

tzeni_kas wrote:

Does anyone know anything about 'Mission Models'?
I had applied to them by sending an e-mail with some photos.
They called me back and told me that my photos are 'tremendously boring' and 'horrid'. They spent about 10 mins on the phone telling me how boring my port is...Then they suggested that I should have a shooting with them in order to improve my portfolio but the shooting will not be for free. I would have to pay for it!
I am just wondering if they are a respectable agency or scam!



I have applied to them before, the man told me I needed to have a portfolio done for about £250... He was REALLY rude and horrible on the phone. If he can be that unprofessional over the phone to a stranger, just imagine if he managed you!

I have heard lots of terrible things from models on here about this agency. They don't get you any work, they just make money from you. Do not go with them! I even know a girl on their website from college and she has NEVER had any work with them, she now works in a clothes shop.

So yeah... they are not good. I also asked Alba (modelling advice website) about them and they said that Mission Models had been contacting them to ask to be put on their good agencies list, and that alba were still investigating them. I can only assume they weren't accepted because they haven't been put on such list.

If you want to apply to an agency, go on - it will tell you all the legit agencies that are supported by the AMA.

Feb 27 10 09:20 am Link


Sarah M Model

Posts: 290

Preston, England, United Kingdom

x Monica x wrote:

I'm apart of mission models and it looks as though some don't see the concept of Bob's work, he see's beauty in every model, he's blunt. But fair. I've had plenty of paid jobs and i respect Bob as my agent.

Haha, are you Bob in disguise? Me thinks so.

Feb 27 10 09:21 am Link


Sarah M Model

Posts: 290

Preston, England, United Kingdom

Dina Dayupay wrote:
i know this is an old topic, but i sent them my photo then researched them to find out they were a scam so i knew i wasen't going to have anything to do with them if they rung me... which they did.
The guy was really rude to me.
He first said my name wrong (fair enough) and i corrected him and he didn't even say oh sorry or anything.. he was like "thats not the point...your name does not sound filipino" (and i did say i was half pinoy half english so my name wouldn't really sound very filipino anyway)
Then said he would email me and hung up without saying bye O_O
I thought his approach was awful!

scamming agency and disgustingly offensive!!!

Yes he is very rude I agree. DO not go with this agency... I wouldn't be surprised if these girls who are saying bad things are actually "Bob" from Mission Models posing as them. Because he did tell me when I spoke to him that when you join you get signed up to their agency they join modelling websites on your behalf to get you jobs.

If you look at what these girls have written they both type exactly the same and bang on about how their agency got them where they are today.

I may be wrong but hey... thats just my opinion

Feb 27 10 09:26 am Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Liz M Model wrote:
Yes he is very rude I agree. DO not go with this agency... I wouldn't be surprised if these girls who are saying bad things are actually "Bob" from Mission Models posing as them. Because he did tell me when I spoke to him that when you join you get signed up to their agency they join modelling websites on your behalf to get you jobs.

Don't you mean the girls saying good things? wink

Feb 27 10 02:43 pm Link


Fist Full of Ish

Posts: 2301

Aiken, South Carolina, US

It is in their best interest to convince you that your photos are "horid".  You should be able to get less biased opinions here if you ask the right questions to the right people.

Feb 27 10 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Liz M Model wrote:

Yes he is very rude I agree. DO not go with this agency... I wouldn't be surprised if these girls who are saying bad things are actually "Bob" from Mission Models posing as them. Because he did tell me when I spoke to him that when you join you get signed up to their agency they join modelling websites on your behalf to get you jobs.

If you look at what these girls have written they both type exactly the same and bang on about how their agency got them where they are today.

I may be wrong but hey... thats just my opinion

Opinions and experiences seem to be divided in the extreme reading the forums posts which is unusual.

I also think you mean 'good'.

Feb 27 10 03:40 pm Link


J e s s i c a M

Posts: 2

London, England, United Kingdom

I'm a model with Mission Models, I'm just reading all this rubbish and nonsense about the agency. As a model on their books I worked at the Formula A1 Grand Prix (which included a shoot for The Sun online) with 10 other girls - 1 of which was published in the metro newspaper. We all made £460 each and one of the girls one £1500 by winning the Miss TW Steel competition! I have also had paid work from them by featuring in the new BBC drama show "Material Girl" with a dozen or so others. I have attended many castings for well known clients.

They are a decent agency, end of.

Feb 28 10 08:13 am Link


Kristina Vassilieva LDN

Posts: 456

London, England, United Kingdom

Mission Models ARE a legitimate agency and have an incredibly reputable little empire of clients and amazing achievements beneath their belt, oh, may I add that also includes VOGUE ... there is ALWAYS hearsay and slating and ignorance thrown about the place.. yeah, you guys who know nothing will always SPECULATE.. but I have been on MM long enough for y'all to realise that I am NOT from mission models 'posing' or pretending a profile ... I can confirm with confidence that Mission deserve recognition of high value.

Thanks. Checking out.

Mar 01 10 05:51 am Link



Posts: 67

London, England, United Kingdom

J E S S I C A - M wrote:
I'm a model with Mission Models, I'm just reading all this rubbish and nonsense about the agency. As a model on their books I worked at the Formula A1 Grand Prix (which included a shoot for The Sun online) with 10 other girls - 1 of which was published in the metro newspaper. We all made £460 each and one of the girls one £1500 by winning the Miss TW Steel competition! I have also had paid work from them by featuring in the new BBC drama show "Material Girl" with a dozen or so others. I have attended many castings for well known clients.

They are a decent agency, end of.

not trying fuel any argument but when i was about to sign with them bob rewrote my bio on model mayhem for me and he spoke exactly like also sounds like your trying to 'sell' the agency speaking like that.

i personally haven't had good experiences with them, i agree that he is rude.
constructive criticism i take on board and respect..but calling me at 1 in the morning when im trying to get some sleep, and talking rudely and disrespectfully to my mother is both unacceptable and unprofessional.

kalila,you say he charged you £50 to be included on the website...he told me it would cost £15.
He charges £100-£300 for 3 hour shoots from which you receive 3 unretouched and in my opinion poor quality pictures, i am no way trying to 'slate' the photographer but..if im a paying customer i at least expect 1-2 decent portfolio worthy images at the end of a shoot.
he said he'd 'give me a deal of £150' and told me not to tell the 'other models' about him knocking the price down in case it pissed them off.

And also the fact that he bangs on about how everyone needs new pictures..and seems to think that's possible a 3 hour shoot already is questionable.

He also said he'd give me the names of 'some good sites to get paid work' of which being model mayhem.

He also described my bio as 'trashy'..purely on the fact that i said i was signed to  more then one agent in my bio.

I have no regrets of not signing with them and discourage new models to sign with them, i'm no expert but i would suggest building up a portfolio through networking on this site and working with reputable photographers who charge reasonable prices and whose work you genuinely like.

Kindest Regards


Mar 01 10 06:25 am Link



Posts: 343

Phoenix, Arizona, US

KalilaMay wrote:
I have just literally been in contact with them, they are great! i was on the phone to him from half eight and by half nine i have my first photoshoot FREE, the only charge i'll ever have to pay is £50 which is to get onto the website and that is not a scam as scam agencies make you pay £100's maybe £1000's £50 is nothing to be honest when iv already been put forward for a hair show in Milan/London!!

smile Kalila xx

Its still a scam...  just cheaper than most.  All that measn is they have to scam twice as many uneducated fools in order to make the same amount of money.  wink

Mar 01 10 06:35 am Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Gina are you saying that Bob has access to the MM model accounts and runs then ?

Mar 01 10 11:26 am Link


SoCo n Lime

Posts: 3283

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

the relaxed height restrictions sounds like its more a promotional agency rather than a Fashion based agency.

Mar 01 10 11:39 am Link