Zakahia - Model: Jael Torbay

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Caption: Model: Jael Torbay
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Copyright: Zakahia
Uploaded: Apr 09, 2012


May 07, 2012 10:50pm
'Zakahia', you have an obvious 'LOVE of Lens, Light & Colors'. I can almost feel you inhaling the BEAUTY of this depiction. I can perceive your DELIGHT by the way you EXHALE. You might not have thought about it before; but you actually BREATHE through your lens? As I look into the 'Eyes of Jael Torbay'; I can literally feel you breathing. The 'INTIMACY of Colors' reveals how closely connected you are to your artistic proclivities. This depiction is DEEPLY fascinating. I am literally transfixed on her 'Optical Organs' variance. The Glitter, the GREEN, the PINK, the thoughts of 'EGGS in a Basket' or at least the 'Notion of Eggs' in her HAIR? There are so many individual elements for me to CONTEMPLATE in this riveting artistic portrayal. I'm going to END with 'Jael Torbay'; but I now understand: This compelling ART all begins with you...!