Charles Randolph Warren

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Location: Westside Highway
Uploaded: Dec 11, 2012
Credits:kynalee (Model)

BWLee Photography

April 27, 2013 7:05am
Really like this shoot and the use of DOF to put your subject in focus.

RJT Images

December 31, 2012 4:45am
Good use of geometry and architecture. Her angular pose/features work well with the lines of the background, which has just enough DOF to be present and not overpowering. The muted colors also add a sense of atmosphere. Well done.



December 11, 2012 4:00pm
I do really like this image. You've taken a simple idea and turned it into a very interesting and effective image. The vanishing point perspective of the fence/railings on both sides (at the top of the frame) draw the eye into the scene and onto the model. The third line composition of the model really gives the image a strong compositional aspect. The model's pose is effective although her left hand looks a little awkward. The angle of her body from the waist up creates a nice, gentle diagonal which contrasts with the vertical lines of the fencing and window frames. The model's crossed legs gives her a pleasing tapered effect. I also appreciate that wonderful, early evening golden light. It gives the image a warm and relaxed atmosphere and invokes the feeling of a lazy, hazy summer evening in the city. Overall this is an interesting and evocative image with a definite fashion type style. You've used light and location to effectively convey your message to the viewer. Nice work indeed.