youlovesunshine - Abandonment

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Caption: Abandonment
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Uploaded: Jun 18, 2015
Credits:bernhardy (Photographer)


February 23, 2016 3:10pm
I just had to...
Unlike some of the other useless one word commenters, I'm going to explain how you make me feel. For me that's what it's all about.
What you did here is kind of amazing. It's all disguised under the look of a tough girl, the hair, the tats, the rings... The first impression of the expression... BUT, I started looking deeper because your eyes wouldn't leave me the F* alone...
Then I felt it... the openness and vulnerability. The pain and inner loneliness. There is a neediness there too but it isn't overwhelming, it's subtle, it's contained...
I don't know how you did it but I'm feeling connected... Those eyes.... not just because my one weakness is soft dark eyes... They are so feminine... sensual... alluring.
This image disguises itself as casual but it is anything but casual. It's a subtle trap.
Now I'm finding it difficult to concentrate, so...
Catch you later,
Good job!