Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Why do photographers fight more than models?



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

OK, Where are the cat fights and crap I seen on TV growing up? Why is there more drama with the men?

May 17 05 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

i don't, i'm jest here to check out the hot chicks
DUUUDE where are the nipples!!!!

May 17 05 10:30 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I'm a lover, not a fighter.

May 17 05 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Trouser Trout?

May 17 05 11:23 pm Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

Yes, why? I say that all of the time. The models and MUAs get along!!!

May 17 05 11:24 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
Yes, why? I say that all of the time. The models and MUAs get along!!!

They are professionals.  The GWC's are just here to... welll, as robotbones says, "jest here to check out the hot chicks. DUUUDE where are the nipples!!!!"


May 17 05 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
Yes, why? I say that all of the time. The models and MUAs get along!!!

i get along with everyone..i guess cause i know im the alfa to watch the betas fighting for postion...

May 17 05 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

No way. Models and MUAs are just as bitchy as the rest.  The thing is, the photgraphers on here seem to be mostly straight men asserting their ultra-alpha-maleness. It's not a photographer thing. It's a testesterone thing.

Except EricMB, who is a lover and therefore spreads his testesterone in a different way.

Estrogen fights in less obvious ways.

May 17 05 11:43 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by theda: 
No way. Models and MUAs are just as bitchy as the rest.  The thing is, the photgraphers on here seem to be mostly straight men asserting their ultra-alpha-maleness. It's not a photographer thing. It's a testesterone thing.

Except EricMB, who is a lover and therefore spreads his testesterone in a different way.

Estrogen fights in less obvious ways.

(tips his Indiana Jones fedora toward theda)


May 17 05 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Posted by theda: 
No way. Models and MUAs are just as bitchy as the rest.  The thing is, the photgraphers on here seem to be mostly straight men asserting their ultra-alpha-maleness. It's not a photographer thing. It's a testesterone thing.

Except EricMB, who is a lover and therefore spreads his testesterone in a different way.

Estrogen fights in less obvious ways.

(tips his Indiana Jones fedora toward theda)


Takes Eric's Indiana Jones Fedora though it was actually a Stetson and hits him with it screaming "STOP BEING SO F'IN COOL DAMNIT!"  ROTFL

May 18 05 12:01 am Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

So because we are straight we fight, so we need to be gay(in the happiness sense of the word)

May 18 05 09:10 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

because some of these photographers are bitches

May 18 05 03:25 pm Link


Gloria Santiago

Posts: 27

Chicago, Illinois, US

This is so darn true!!!  I thought the exact same thing LOL!  My thinking is because most are freelancers and are fighting for the same jobs and are very secretive about their styles of photography, which is understandable.  So when a photographer sees another's work and it's similar they start saying "He's copying me" or "He stole my idea".  Then they have to come up w/ something more enticing.  It's a competitive game.

May 18 05 03:35 pm Link


Karlton Photo

Posts: 76

Saint Charles, Illinois, US

Posted by Gloria Santiago: 
This is so darn true!!!  I thought the exact same thing LOL!  My thinking is because most are freelancers and are fighting for the same jobs and are very secretive about their styles of photography, which is understandable.  So when a photographer sees another's work and it's similar they start saying "He's copying me" or "He stole my idea".  Then they have to come up w/ something more enticing.  It's a competitive game.

I dunno...I just do what I do...I have worked with several  other photogs in different settings...never had any problems. Except one last weekend...and it happened to be a FEMALE photog! Imagine that?!?!

May 18 05 03:52 pm Link


Jeffrey S.

Posts: 20

Seattle, Washington, US

Can't we all just get along!!!

May 18 05 03:58 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Posted by theda: 
No way. Models and MUAs are just as bitchy as the rest.  The thing is, the photgraphers on here seem to be mostly straight men asserting their ultra-alpha-maleness. It's not a photographer thing. It's a testosterone thing.

I like to be the beta male. The alpha male can go first, get killed by enemy snipers and I will swoop in and mop up the wounded. "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always maim the opposition."

May 18 05 04:04 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by theda: 
No way. Models and MUAs are just as bitchy as the rest.  The thing is, the photgraphers on here seem to be mostly straight men asserting their ultra-alpha-maleness. It's not a photographer thing. It's a testesterone thing.

Um, I've seen Gay males (and Lesbians), assert their modified (or desired) maleness in ways that would have the most underhanded bitchiest females nod with approval.

May 18 05 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Gloria Santiago is great to work with. I worked with her yesterday.
I have noticed this phenom before. I think in some circles, the models catfight more, but in my circle of 'art models' it seems to be more convivial. However, while the photographers always seem to brush up against each other and 'interact'(notice these forums are dominated by the comments of photographers by and large.), many of the models do not seem to communicate so much with one another. Ergo, less verbal fighting, but also less comraderie.
I would like to segue and say that this sometimes allows the tiny minority of photographers that are predators to use a lot more of the models as there is not as much direct communication between the models,they get warned about one photogs reputation by other photogs. The obvious spats are between the photographers, the invisible bloodstream running through all the photographers is the models. It is just another example of a biological system. Basically, the phenom of more photographer bitchiness is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

May 18 05 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Oh, and visual mindscapes, great ass. lol

May 18 05 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
because some of these photographers are bitches

Because of guys like visual mindscapes who act like pricks! He not only makes his crew look bad but other photographers as well, so I have to call him out and then he usually crys, lmao!

May 18 05 04:33 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
Because of guys like visual mindscapes who act like pricks! He not only makes his crew look bad but other photographers as well, so I have to call him out and then he usually crys, lmao!

IMO, when you call him out you look like even more of prick.

VM is simply missunderstood.  It's a San Diego thing, a lot of people don't get it.  Don't take him so seriously, just pick on him.  It's fun.

May 18 05 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Posted by Gloria Santiago: 
This is so darn true!!!  I thought the exact same thing LOL!  My thinking is because most are freelancers and are fighting for the same jobs and are very secretive about their styles of photography, which is understandable.  So when a photographer sees another's work and it's similar they start saying "He's copying me" or "He stole my idea".  Then they have to come up w/ something more enticing.  It's a competitive game.

Brains and beauty! This is what I was thinking as well. I find it funny how photogs have tried to go with me on here.


May 18 05 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Posted by Lapis: 
Gloria Santiago is great to work with. I worked with her yesterday.
I have noticed this phenom before. I think in some circles, the models catfight more, but in my circle of 'art models' it seems to be more convivial. However, while the photographers always seem to brush up against each other and 'interact'(notice these forums are dominated by the comments of photographers by and large.), many of the models do not seem to communicate so much with one another. Ergo, less verbal fighting, but also less comraderie.
I would like to segue and say that this sometimes allows the tiny minority of photographers that are predators to use a lot more of the models as there is not as much direct communication between the models,they get warned about one photogs reputation by other photogs. The obvious spats are between the photographers, the invisible bloodstream running through all the photographers is the models. It is just another example of a biological system. Basically, the phenom of more photographer bitchiness is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

Damm that gave me a nose bleed. Very insightful and to the point. We are funny creatures for sure.

May 18 05 06:42 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
Because of guys like visual mindscapes who act like pricks! He not only makes his crew look bad but other photographers as well, so I have to call him out and then he usually crys, lmao!

Why should I cry?  It's your work that sucks.

The only people who hate us are other photographers.  Our competition.  Who gives a shit?

May 19 05 07:50 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Gary Davis: 
VM is simply missunderstood.  It's a San Diego thing, a lot of people don't get it.  Don't take him so seriously, just pick on him.  It's fun.

MGA is from San Diego.  San Diego is full of haters.  Go figure.  Jealous fucks.

May 19 05 07:53 am Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

Photographers are all anal retentive and no two see things the same way.  They ALL think they can make someone elses photograph better.

May 19 05 10:15 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Gary Davis: 
VM is simply missunderstood.  It's a San Diego thing, a lot of people don't get it.  Don't take him so seriously, just pick on him.  It's fun.

MGA is from San Diego.  San Diego is full of haters.  Go figure.  Jealous fucks.

LOL, I love getting stupid visual all pumped up smile I also like it when he says my work sucks and I'm jealous because the guy can't show any tear sheets to show his talents, hehe but wants to challenge me to a shoot off instead (LMAO still love that!) Instead he has all of his tfp portfolio shoots posted that look like crap, like that main which I could have shot with my disposable yikes)

Oh and sorry Gary but Visual Assmunch isn't misunderstood at all so I don't know why you say that? His posts are always the same and people like to ignore him so he goes away, but I prefer to talk smack so he pouts smile it is more fun seeing him get pissed off at the truth LOL!

May 19 05 11:00 am Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by David A: 
Photographers are all anal retentive and no two see things the same way.  They ALL think they can make someone elses photograph better.

True.  Very true.  But I don't get all pissy about it.  To each their own.

May 19 05 12:08 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
MGA is from San Diego.  San Diego is full of haters.  Go figure.  Jealous fucks.

Whoops, guess I shoulda looked first.  For some reason I was sure he was from L.A. or OC.

Alright you guys (VM and MGA), tell me this:  How long has each of you lived here?

BTW, it takes years of experience and training to make a photo with a high quality digital SLR that looks like it was shot with a disposable!

May 19 05 12:10 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
LOL, I love getting stupid visual all pumped up smile I also like it when he says my work sucks and I'm jealous because the guy can't show any tear sheets to show his talents, hehe but wants to challenge me to a shoot off instead (LMAO still love that!) Instead he has all of his tfp portfolio shoots posted that look like crap, like that main which I could have shot with my disposable yikes)

Oh and sorry Gary but Visual Assmunch isn't misunderstood at all so I don't know why you say that? His posts are always the same and people like to ignore him so he goes away, but I prefer to talk smack so he pouts smile it is more fun seeing him get pissed off at the truth LOL!

Yeah, my work sucks.  Tell me that again please.  Sorry, but I don't shoot TFP, unlike your retarded ass.  Oh wait, you pay models.  What a joke.  They even flake on your ass when you offer them money.  How lame is that?

If my work sucks, then all the people who want to work with me must be blind.

How often do you shoot?  With your portfolio which hasn't been updated in years.  You live at the beach for God's sake.  Shoot something.

Yeah, my main sucks.  With your highly photoshopped, which I might add, you suck at photoshop, images.

I also love how you say "people" always ignore me.  Some people should just speak for themselves.

May 19 05 02:27 pm Link


Sandy Ramirez

Posts: 6089

Brooklyn, New York, US

Because it's easier for photographers to take 20 paces and shoot....

May 19 05 02:29 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Gary Davis: 
Alright you guys (VM and MGA), tell me this:  How long has each of you lived here?

Since 1982.

BTW, it takes years of experience and training to make a photo with a high quality digital SLR that looks like it was shot with a disposable!

MGA wouldn't understand such a concept.  He just bought himself a 20D and he thinks he's a God.

May 19 05 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
LOL, I love getting stupid visual all pumped up smile I also like it when he says my work sucks and I'm jealous because the guy can't show any tear sheets to show his talents, hehe but wants to challenge me to a shoot off instead (LMAO still love that!) Instead he has all of his tfp portfolio shoots posted that look like crap, like that main which I could have shot with my disposable yikes)

Oh and sorry Gary but Visual Assmunch isn't misunderstood at all so I don't know why you say that? His posts are always the same and people like to ignore him so he goes away, but I prefer to talk smack so he pouts smile it is more fun seeing him get pissed off at the truth LOL!

Yeah, my work sucks.  Tell me that again please.  Sorry, but I don't shoot TFP, unlike your retarded ass.  Oh wait, you pay models.  What a joke.  They even flake on your ass when you offer them money.  How lame is that?

If my work sucks, then all the people who want to work with me must be blind.

How often do you shoot?  With your portfolio which hasn't been updated in years.  You live at the beach for God's sake.  Shoot something.

Yeah, my main sucks.  With your highly photoshopped, which I might add, you suck at photoshop, images.

I also love how you say "people" always ignore me.  Some people should just speak for themselves.

LOLLOLOLOLOL I love seeing such a Joey, haha that is his name too smile get so pissed! Hey keep updating your portfolio online and I will continue to shoot for magazines and companies, unlike your pathetic ass! Haha, this is fun yikes)

May 19 05 02:38 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
LOLLOLOLOLOL I love seeing such a Joey, haha that is his name too smile get so pissed! Hey keep updating your portfolio online and I will continue to shoot for magazines and companies, unlike your pathetic ass! Haha, this is fun yikes)

I've been published thank you.  5 times actually.  They're no big name magazines or anything, but I could list the names of the magazines if you want.  5 is pretty good for a person who has only been in the business for less than 2 years.

Also, who said I don't shoot for companies?  I have sponsored clothing that I could use for a model shoot whenever I want. If you shoot with magazines and companies so much, then why don't you ever update your shit?  That's what I thought.  Retard.

Also, the comment you made about my main image.  You said you could take that with your disposable?  I highly doubt that, because a lame photographer like you would never get a chance to be in the vicinity of a person of her status.

LOL all you want.  You're the only person laughing.

Thanks and have a nice day.

May 19 05 03:46 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
LOLLOLOLOLOL I love seeing such a Joey, haha that is his name too smile get so pissed! Hey keep updating your portfolio online and I will continue to shoot for magazines and companies, unlike your pathetic ass! Haha, this is fun yikes)

I've been published thank you.  5 times actually.  They're no big name magazines or anything, but I could list the names of the magazines if you want.  5 is pretty good for a person who has only been in the business for less than 2 years.

Also, who said I don't shoot for companies?  I have sponsored clothing that I could use for a model shoot whenever I want. If you shoot with magazines and companies so much, then why don't you ever update your shit?  That's what I thought.  Retard.

Also, the comment you made about my main image.  You said you could take that with your disposable?  I highly doubt that, because a lame photographer like you would never get a chance to be in the vicinity of a person of her status.

LOL all you want.  You're the only person laughing.

Thanks and have a nice day.

But it is so funny I know others have to laugh at your sorry ass yikes) Hehe

May 19 05 07:49 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted By Gloria Santiago: This is so darn true!!! I
thought the exact same thing LOL! My thinking is because most are freelancers and are fighting for the same jobs and are very secretive about their styles of photography, which is understandable. So when a photographer sees another's work and it's similar they start saying "He's copying me" or "He stole my idea". Then they have to come up w/something more enticing. It's a competitive game.

To quote one of my favorite poems: "If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself."

Boys in our culture are not taught that wisdom. Most photographers are male, and our culture encourages a bizarre testosterone-induced sense of "competition" to be ingrained in boys. Often, little boys are very insecure. This is why cowardly, jealous boyfriends do things like dictate what clothes their submissive, weak-willed little girlfriends can wear or whom they may speak to. This is why people who constantly need to brag about themselves are just full of fear and seeking vindication for their insecurities.

Many boys have that irrational sense of needing to "puff out their chests" etched in them so deeply that it permeates everything they do - even their humor. How many times do male children (regardless of age) jokingly say to their friends, "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Adult women don't talk that way to their friends - teenage girls might, but not adult women. But that Neanderthal-like mentality is the way males are programmed, even into adulthood.

I never feel "competitive" with others in any aspect of my life. I never feel any need to "prove" anything to anyone. I don't need to. Why should I?I've never felt the slightest hint of jealousy over another photographer. And when I do see a talented one, I try to learn from them. Jealousy is counterproductive and does not help me to expand my horizons. I take pictures because it's fun. Not to keep a roof overhead. Not to get dates. Not to fulfill a burning passion. Not to put food on the table. Not to create meaningful art. Not to have publication bragging rights. But rather, to derive the simple pleasure of capturing moments of time. Nothing more.

I've never understood why some people, both men and women, feel so "threatened" by others. Only the weak feel threatened. Only the weak feel jealous. Only the weak see their peers as competition to envy. The strong feel confident. The strong see competition as opportunity to learn how to improve themselves. Yet, there are many weak and fearful people in the world who constantly feel threatened. Threatened by talent. Threatened by success. Threatened by beauty. Threatened by whatever. Emotionally, many people never grow or learn beyond junior high. As one of my favorite song lyrics says, "Don't be afraid to be weak. Don't be proud to be strong."

But here is a little secret that applies across-the-board in EVERY facet of life - those who forge ahead and succeed do so with a calm demeanor. Their only ferocity is in their tenacity. They are the ones who excel. That is not a new lesson. You learned that when you were a child with "The Tortoise & The Hare" - Diligent persistence gets you far.

When you come from a place of power, you do not need to scream or yell or flex your muscles or show off. You just do your thing with a deep, persistant confidence. Unwavering. Unfaltering. Sure of your journey and your destination.

When failure is not an option, there is no such thing as competition.

May 19 05 08:04 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
LOL, I love getting stupid visual all pumped up smile I also like it when he says my work sucks and I'm jealous because the guy can't show any tear sheets to show his talents, hehe but wants to challenge me to a shoot off instead

Yeah, my work sucks.  Tell me that again please.  Sorry, but I don't shoot TFP, unlike your retarded ass.  Oh wait, you pay models.  What a joke.  They even flake on your ass when you offer them money.  How lame is that?

LOLLOLOLOLOL I love seeing such a Joey, haha that is his name too smile get so pissed!...Haha, this is fun yikes)

Sh!t...Why does there always have to be some guy everywhere I go, who seems to have it in a bad way for people named Joe, Joey or Joseph? I like my first name. Joseph means, "Of Family". Sh!t. That must be why I have seven kids! big_smile

...searching name database for a good, birth-control-name replacement.

May 19 05 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm an objectivist, I can only judge myself by my own standards. I worry sometimes, and get sad and tired but ever since a really bad abusive boyfriend relationship, I know TMI, I've found that I can't let things go. So I guess I'm argumentative because I'm a female in a mostly male job, and I refuse to let someone redefine what I say or who I am. Mostly people see that as being a bitch, I see it as refusing to let myself be anything other than... well than... than me?

I think in many ways I must be a weak person, since I never just walk away. The truly strong don't fight, they have better things to do. So I guess I'm not strong. Or I'm bi-polar.

May 19 05 11:17 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
Sh!t...Why does there always have to be some guy everywhere I go, who seems to have it in a bad way for people named Joe, Joey or Joseph? I like my first name. Joseph means, "Of Family". Sh!t. That must be why I have seven kids! big_smile

...searching name database for a good, birth-control-name replacement.

Joey is a cool name.  Now if your name was Ant, then you would have a problem.  Maybe Ant refers to something tiny, if you know what I mean.

May 19 05 11:44 pm Link


Elizabeth Carter

Posts: 69

Chicago, Illinois, US

Being both a model and a photographer I feel it is alright for me to say

Because the chicken like to cluck


May 26 05 12:31 am Link