Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Who's Queer , Here and Proud?


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

I know I put it kinda bluntly in the header. How 'bout
"Who's Queer (les,gay, tran- pre/post, bi, tri, and high-lil joke there, ok) Here? Doesn't matter.
This is a FUN post- NOT a place to argue or rip people to shreads.
Now no cats fights, hissy fights- or whatever. Just a thread for the queers to say hi to one another. Good enough? I think so.
So I'll start if I must.
Hey world! Love everyone here! So many people have made this site so welcoming and very special. I hope to meet more and more people. Hopefully make more friends. I used to have a msn community for NYC lesbians and bisexuals, but it got shut down :Sad face: So I hope to meet many wonderful queer (and of course straight on this site)people here.

May 24 05 10:21 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Yes! I am as straight as they get in the midwest states, but when you work in an industry where it's not about your sexual desires, but your creativity that is all that matters. To many people place things on the surface of who they want us to be. It's just a sexual desire we all to judge a few on those needs we would be better to look at our nations government to see what dark scerets they hold...being gay is no secret for those willing to be out there, but take a pride in what it is that we all have in common...

May 24 05 10:29 am Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

Alex- have nuthin but love for you baby. Really. Read your post. Very smart. I love all people. I do.  This thread is nothing but fun. That's all I can say. I'm not making a speech or a statement whatsoever- truth- no lie. I just want people that are queer and proud- to say...ok I know this is a big step...but all I'm asking for is a "Hello, how's it going?"
That's all, k?
So please...pretty pretty please...can everyone on this site who has something they got to get off their chest that's wrong with society/world/universe just realize this thread is not the place to do so. As are most:)


May 24 05 10:42 am Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

I'm very Queer when it comes to my creative take on Photography. I like to indulge in the outer limits of life. The word Queer is meant as in it's own definetion" Strange some what odd or inperfect. Nothing to do with Gay Bi Lesbian or what have you. All I can say is who the fu_k cares if your bi gay lesbian, cross dresser or different gender other than male or female like a he/she or she/he. Photography gives us a chance to bring out the creative aspect an any image one as a photographer takes and what a model represents in them selfs. Lets just have fun and learn from each other.

May 24 05 10:49 am Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

Since I was raised by transgenders, the hard-of-hearing/deaf and the plain stupid- all I will say is-
that's fierce!

Anyone else feel me?

May 24 05 11:08 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I ain't gay yo!  teehee!

May 24 05 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by *Serenabeana1*: 
Since I was raised by transgenders, the hard-of-hearing/deaf and the plain stupid- all I will say is-
that's fierce!

Anyone else feel me?

Would you still date sraight man? heheheheee...

May 24 05 03:02 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by *Serenabeana1*: 
Since I was raised by transgenders, the hard-of-hearing/deaf and the plain stupid- all I will say is-
that's fierce!

Anyone else feel me?

Close i grew up next door to a guy that walked the streets in lingerie with a 5 foot double ended Dildo hangin outa his rear,Dragging on the ground like a tail..
Great for practicing lingerie shots!!
Any one for breakfast!!

May 24 05 03:15 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Fred Ward: "Why look peculiar"

The closest I can get to being queer is my online impersonation of a giggling Sailor Moon..."ihiii hiii hii".

* Do Not Filter My Search Results *

May 24 05 03:31 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Hugh, uh, yeah, the words cross contamination and blood bourne pathogens come to mind, but that's for a different thread.

Uh, proud heterosexual here, but I willl say that down at the shop we love gay men and lesbians. They get a lot of piercings, tattoos and high quality, high end body jewelry.

The rule is, when buying body jewelry, you do not want to go with the lowest bidder when purchasing hardware for your software.

May 24 05 03:34 pm Link


Hidden Violence

Posts: 19

Powhatan, Arkansas, US

I am a lesbian and proud of it. big_smile

May 24 05 04:42 pm Link


Brian Kirk

Posts: 175

Asheville, North Carolina, US

As straight as they come - love women.  I've got a different view somehow - most feminist women label me a feminist.  Probably 90% of my clients are women - 70% of them are at least bi.  It's always been a great thing for me because if I ever gave the hint of exploiting women there is this gang of women ready to kick my ass.

I did a series a couple years ago featuring gay performers and learned a lot from it.  So far the most feminine woman I've shot has been a man - in her wedding dress - with froofy little dog. All the drag queens I shot I only knew as women previously - all the Drag Kings I shot I only knew as women previously. 

Gender is overrated ...

May 24 05 11:19 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Hidden Violence: 
I am a lesbian and proud of it. big_smile

Me too! big_smile

May 24 05 11:24 pm Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I'm here, I'm straight, and I'm proud.
Although, sometimes being a straight artist makes me feel a little queer.
But all ya'll fags are welcome to my Big Gay Barbecues.
Every Sunday, weather permitting.
They earned their name early on... my girl and I started inviting our friends over every Sunday for hotdogs and whatnot.  After the second or third, I realized there were a lot of comments about how many big, warm hotdogs I could eat.  And I started getting asked if I had any Zima's or Bacardi O (or whatever those things are called) instead of Tecate.
And then I realized.  I don't have any straight friends.
I still host the Big Gay Barbecue every Sunday.
But on Monday, I go down to my buddy's motorcycle shop.  Because sometimes it's nice to just drink a beer and talk about motors... not Christina Agulerra and Mariah Carrey.

May 24 05 11:32 pm Link


Mistress Purgatori

Posts: 686

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I'm Bi.have always been.females are just more attractive in or out of clothes.

May 24 05 11:34 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm a straight man, but when I get into photography mode I use the word "fabulous" a lot more.  It seems to make everyone more comfortable.  I've also been known to rattle off a list of male celebrities I'd be willing to make out with...

May 24 05 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Well, I'm here, but I'm not proud.

I'm a 2.

May 24 05 11:41 pm Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Posted by Mistress Purgatori: 
...females are just more attractive in or out of clothes.

So true.
I always feel bad for my girl.  I know I stink.  I know my penis is ugly.  I know my breath probably stinks, and that my beard probably sucks to kiss past, and that my hairy ass is disgusting.
I know she could land a way sexier "partner" (for lack of better word) if she'd look at how much lovelier ladies are.
But I'm glad she doesn't.
Cause I love her caboose.

May 24 05 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by BlacklistVisual: 

Posted by Mistress Purgatori: 
...females are just more attractive in or out of clothes.

So true.
I always feel bad for my girl.  I know I stink.  I know my penis is ugly.  I know my breath probably stinks, and that my beard probably sucks to kiss past, and that my hairy ass is disgusting.
I know she could land a way sexier "partner" (for lack of better word) if she'd look at how much lovelier ladies are.
But I'm glad she doesn't.
Cause I love her caboose.

but you take ass kicking that makes up for your physical "flaws"

May 25 05 12:06 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

4 out of 5 friends polled said that I could qualify as a wide variety of ways. The fifth one fell off the roof trying to look into my bedroom.

May 25 05 12:37 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Speaking of which Gay Pride is coming up! WOO HOO! I will actually get to sit and watch the parade this year and make fun of the bible thumping holly rollers yelling at the drag queens and then the queens putting those assholes in their place.

May 25 05 07:28 am Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

Posted by theda: 
Well, I'm here, but I'm not proud.

I'm a 2.

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a 2?

May 25 05 07:32 am Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

sorry...maybe it's just me but I am so OVER gay people rabbiting on about how happy and proud they are for the past 20 years or so.

This business (at least my part of it) is run by them so I really dont feel that they are a misunderstood minority any fact they are pretty much a mafia these days.

OK. We got the picture. We understand. Give it a rest and get on with your life. and perhaps start passing us non gays a few jobs every now and again.

May 25 05 07:40 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by John Swoger: 

Posted by theda: 
Well, I'm here, but I'm not proud.

I'm a 2.

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a 2?

Kinsey scale. Mostly straight, but kinda gay.

May 25 05 09:18 am Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

Posted by *!photofashion!*: 
sorry...maybe it's just me but I am so OVER gay people rabbiting on about how happy and proud they are for the past 20 years or so.

This business (at least my part of it) is run by them so I really dont feel that they are a misunderstood minority any fact they are pretty much a mafia these days.

OK. We got the picture. We understand. Give it a rest and get on with your life. and perhaps start passing us non gays a few jobs every now and again.

I'll tell you best friend is a lesbian (I am straight).
However, there are still HOMOPHOBS out there that make gays'  life miserable. I have seen people throw drinks at her, jobs she didn't get, and relatives disown her.

May 25 05 10:14 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
I'll tell you best friend is a lesbian (I am straight).
However, there are still HOMOPHOBS out there that make gays'  life miserable. I have seen people throw drinks at her, jobs she didn't get, and relatives disown her.

Naomi has a grip on it. Visibility is one of the keys way minority groups gain acceptance and civil rights.

May 25 05 10:17 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

::::Reese pops in to moderate, but it looks like Theda has it all under control:::

"Bummer...  Nothing to see in here..."

May 25 05 10:23 am Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
I'll tell you best friend is a lesbian (I am straight).
However, there are still HOMOPHOBS out there that make gays'  life miserable. I have seen people throw drinks at her, jobs she didn't get, and relatives disown her.

Naomi has a grip on it. Visibility is one of the keys way minority groups gain acceptance and civil rights. 

sorry to burst your bubble but whereas it is quite true that in the hicks gay people get a lot of stick and hassle from the morally ignorant in the fashion/ photography industry here in Europe and in nice big forward thinking places like NY  non gays are the MINORITY group.
Let photofashion have a little check.....
I work for three different italian stylists and have worked for two french ones and one american one
the first one was gay so was the second the third,..hey in fact ALL of them!!
Opps i forgot to mention i am starting a collaboration with a japanese one'll never guess....she's gay as well (so are the two assistants she has working for her)
I have three regular photographic assistants in Milan
let me is no girl would ever touch in a million years...and the other i have no idea.
Male Make up artists?..ermmmm this year alone i have worked with three....two of whom were gay....

Two male models I have worked with this year were gay...and whoa...I've only worked with three....

do i need to go on?????

If you are a gay struggling for acceptance in the deep south of america you have my greatest sympathy and support.. I work with gay people all the time and find them creative and often moan however is....if you live in NY and work in the fashion business...please give it a break..You run the business and stop pretending that you dont.

May 25 05 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Homosexuality is far more accepted in the fashion industry, but even the fruiotiest of fashion stylist have to leave the industry bubble once in a while and be exposed to the rest of the world that has different standards on average.

Europe does tend to be a bit more forward thinking the the US, but even in oh-so-hip NYC, we have our share of homophobia and gay bashing. So Bruce Webber may be on top in fashionland, but when he walks out onto the street, he's just another fag.

May 25 05 01:37 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by theda: 
So Bruce Webber may be on top in fashionland, but when he walks out onto the street, he's just another fag.

actually that is pretty insulting to gays since the words you can use to describe him if you know how the creep operates are a lot worse

May 25 05 01:44 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Posted by *Serenabeana1*: 
Alex- have nuthin but love for you baby. Really. Read your post. Very smart. I love all people. I do.  This thread is nothing but fun. That's all I can say. I'm not making a speech or a statement whatsoever- truth- no lie. I just want people that are queer and proud- to say...ok I know this is a big step...but all I'm asking for is a "Hello, how's it going?"
That's all, k?
So please...pretty pretty please...can everyone on this site who has something they got to get off their chest that's wrong with society/world/universe just realize this thread is not the place to do so. As are most:)


I just wanted to share this with you. I think it was funny.

Two straight male photographers chating online about thier photoshoots.

(Photog 1.) I just bougth some new shoes for my models. I hope I bought the right size.

(Photog 2.) I had to buy some new dresses and some lingerie. Boy the lingeries i got was so sexy. Dang, but are they ever so expinsive.

(Photog 1.) I know what you mean I bought some panties and some bras. I hope I got the right size 36DD. I use to get the 36C Cups but I think this size will fit much better.

(Photog 2.) I had some nice outfits with me the last time but this Bitch that I shot with took a few of them with out asking me if she could have them.

(Photog 2.) Oh! what a bitch. I have the same problem with my models. I have to keep track of all my outfits or else they will leave me Nakied.

(Photog 1.) Hey i just realized. "Don't we sound like two Stupid Drag Queens.

(Photog 2.) Yes we do bitch, now let me go I have to cook dinner before my wife gets home.

Now isn't this a lil to queer. lol have funn every one. by the way I was photog 1. hehehe

May 25 05 01:56 pm Link


Hidden Violence

Posts: 19

Powhatan, Arkansas, US

Well I got hit in the back of my head from someone throwing something at me... I was at lunch in school resting my head and loving this girl that I like... hmm I didn't see who did it but I am more than sure they did it because I am a lesbian, there are quite a lot of homophobes in my school. "sigh" I cant wait to get out next year.

May 25 05 02:43 pm Link


Hidden Violence

Posts: 19

Powhatan, Arkansas, US

Posted by MagicImagePhoto: 

Posted by *Serenabeana1*: 
Alex- have nuthin but love for you baby. Really. Read your post. Very smart. I love all people. I do.  This thread is nothing but fun. That's all I can say. I'm not making a speech or a statement whatsoever- truth- no lie. I just want people that are queer and proud- to say...ok I know this is a big step...but all I'm asking for is a "Hello, how's it going?"
That's all, k?
So please...pretty pretty please...can everyone on this site who has something they got to get off their chest that's wrong with society/world/universe just realize this thread is not the place to do so. As are most:)


I just wanted to share this with you. I think it was funny.

Two straight male photographers chating online about thier photoshoots.

(Photog 1.) I just bougth some new shoes for my models. I hope I bought the right size.

(Photog 2.) I had to buy some new dresses and some lingerie. Boy the lingeries i got was so sexy. Dang, but are they ever so expinsive.

(Photog 1.) I know what you mean I bought some panties and some bras. I hope I got the right size 36DD. I use to get the 36C Cups but I think this size will fit much better.

(Photog 2.) I had some nice outfits with me the last time but this Bitch that I shot with took a few of them with out asking me if she could have them.

(Photog 2.) Oh! what a bitch. I have the same problem with my models. I have to keep track of all my outfits or else they will leave me Nakied.

(Photog 1.) Hey i just realized. "Don't we sound like two Stupid Drag Queens.

(Photog 2.) Yes we do bitch, now let me go I have to cook dinner before my wife gets home.

Now isn't this a lil to queer. lol have funn every one. by the way I was photog 1. hehehe

Very amusing smile

May 25 05 02:46 pm Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

Posted by Hidden Violence: 
Well I got hit in the back of my head from someone throwing something at me... I was at lunch in school resting my head and loving this girl that I like... hmm I didn't see who did it but I am more than sure they did it because I am a lesbian, there are quite a lot of homophobes in my school. "sigh" I cant wait to get out next year.

Darlin' I totally hear ya. I know how that feels. So sorry to hear that. And THANK YOU for actually following the thread- props for your reading ability. hehe. GOOOOO QUEERS! HAHA. and straight people who are cool.

May 25 05 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

I'm as queer as yo mama!

But seriously its all about love, not whats in your pants.

May 25 05 03:00 pm Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

My mama's in my pants? like...EWWWWWWW! GROSSS!

May 25 05 03:03 pm Link


Hidden Violence

Posts: 19

Powhatan, Arkansas, US

Posted by *Serenabeana1*: 

Posted by Hidden Violence: 
Well I got hit in the back of my head from someone throwing something at me... I was at lunch in school resting my head and loving this girl that I like... hmm I didn't see who did it but I am more than sure they did it because I am a lesbian, there are quite a lot of homophobes in my school. "sigh" I cant wait to get out next year.

Darlin' I totally hear ya. I know how that feels. So sorry to hear that. And THANK YOU for actually following the thread- props for your reading ability. hehe. GOOOOO QUEERS! HAHA. and straight people who are cool.

Yep... Everyones sexuality should be accepted

May 25 05 04:40 pm Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

I absolutely agree. btw- I love Virginia- I'm going there this August!

May 25 05 04:49 pm Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Naomi Jay: 

I'll tell you best friend is a lesbian (I am straight).
However, there are still HOMOPHOBS out there that make gays'  life miserable. I have seen people throw drinks at her, jobs she didn't get, and relatives disown her.

About a little over a year ago Gay marriage was santioned in Multnomah county where I live and to honest I thought it was the best thing to ever happen in my lifetime. But then the Oregon supreme court decided not to recognize those happy couples that that got married that day. Why can't gays have the same exact same rights as straight people? They pay their taxes and they vote too.

May 25 05 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Ok lets have a real discussion.?

just a THOUGHT!

May 26 05 04:20 am Link