Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Who's Queer , Here and Proud?


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

YAY! This weekend is gay pride! And I'm not in the parade! *Does happy dance!* I just get to sit back and watch the fundamentalist christians make fools of themselves.

Jun 16 05 12:06 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Edited out. Meant to be humorous and mildly poignant.  Would probably be seen as argumentative and stubborn.  Not worth it.

Peace, love, and good photography to all.

Jun 16 05 05:05 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Bruce Caines: 
it is true--your gay friends will hook you up.

That is wonderful. I love that story. How awesome. One of my closest friends is a gay guy. We were pals for 3 years before he came out. I was the third person he came out to and I was the FIRST heterosexual male that he came out to. That always meant a LOT to me that he picked me. He said it was because he thought I was the most accepting and open-minded straight-male he knew, so I was the easiest one to start with.

Now, like your friend did, lets just hope mine can hook me up with some hot chick who wants to bear my children...

P.S. When my friend asked me if I ever suspected he was gay, I said, "Of course." He asked me what made me think that. I told him, "Well, you are 28, and good-looking and never had a girlfriend. That's a big hint ... And you wear sleeveless t-shirts."

"What!?" he said. "Sleeveless t-shirts!? So? Lots of straight guys wear sleevele - "

" - Dude. No. That's so gay. No straight male wears a sleeveless t-shirt. I'm tellin' ya. We just don't do it."

Jun 16 05 10:45 am Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

Posted by Boyd Hambleton: 
Asexual, as in not getting 'cuz women always regard me as the best friend and I'm too lame to try to be anything else. All I know is my gender generally repulses me and I tend to regard women as wicked. I still love to to take awesome pics of them though. Honestly, I don't know what I am. Clueless? 

I'm so sorry man...truly truly sorry.
good pics though:D

Jun 16 05 03:18 pm Link


Kathleen Elizabeth

Posts: 14

New York, New York, US

Its been No Secret , I AM OUT , I AM PROUD. I try to be Visible, ( All you femmes know what I'm talking about )
Serena started a forum " Who is Queer" so WHY are the str8 people coming in to protest their Str8ness???
And then be condescending about it.We dont need to be convinced you are not gay.

:: Waves Hello To all the Queers In Here ::::

*~*LESBIAN *~*  ( :

Jun 16 05 03:57 pm Link


The Beans

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

U r 2 cool!wink
I totally agree with what u'r sayin'.
rock on.

the beans.

Jun 16 05 04:01 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Jack D Trute: 

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 

[b]posted by Sun Karma[b]
The guy that taught me makeup artistry was a tranny...and the best in Va.

Not to mention they know how to do the best make-up.

Yes,  and "They" dress well.  And "They" know how to decorate.  And "They" are fun at parties.

Give me a break.

Let's pick another group then use "They" and see what happens.

Yes agree with the remarks about using the terminology "they"!  Kind of like the person speaking in circles around you, about you ,but not TO you!

Jun 16 05 04:08 pm Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

There's no need to be angry about straight people folks! Jesus! The gay community needs all the allies they can get! WTF is the problem? Oh wait! This is a queer only thread? If that be the case, you're practicing some of the same prejudices that were shown against yourselves and that's sad! GET OVER IT! We are ALL human beings, it's doesn't matter if you are straight or gay!

Jun 16 05 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Oddly enough, I agree with Alexandra. It doesn't behoove an oppressed minority to try to exclude the majority from their supporters.

As for the "they" thing, aren't we being a little hyper-sensitive?  As a non-drag queen, I feel completely qualified to refer to a group of drag queens as "they." That would simply be the third person plural. And I have to say, a drag queen who doesn't do great make-up probably won't be a very successful drag queen. MUA is a skill basic to that line of work. Then again, maybe I'm biased because I too learned my make-up skills from drag queens.

Jun 17 05 08:26 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

IF we are all equal then why use the term "they".  Are we not all the same?  I still think the term Oriental is a great term but it is not considered correct.  Okay,  I think it is useful cause Asian is too wide and does not include the peoples of the "orient".

but It is not for me to decide.  Just as it is not for you to decide what term is used.

It is not about excluding the majority,  it is about respect and choosing who one is defines oneself and how others will as well.
All the allies we can get,  wow if you knew the history of that phrase.  That phrase was often used towards slaves in the world. 

We are your best friends.... bullshit... If we are all human beings then why do you refer to the group as another and not the same as you.

Because you do not feel it.

Jun 17 05 10:04 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

The term 'they' is not just used with the GLBT community. It's used with all races, all genders and all ethnic people. I mean it's 2005 and I still hear some african-americans still blaming us for slavery when they use the term 'you people are the reason we are so oppressed'.

Okay first of all, I was not born then and neither were they. So why blame anyone for what the fuck happened over 400 years ago. None of us were born then! I mean it's bullshit! I'm not one of those who will say I have a lot of black friends or a lot of gay friends. I'm one of those who has friends so I don't see color or sexual orientation.

Stonewall happened 36 years ago and this generation of gay people who weren't even born then are doing the same damned thing to gay friendly straight people! Yes, I agree that it sucked what the corrupt police officers were doing to the gay community back then was wrong and I'm glad the that drag queen threw the first punch. But stop being pissed off, these things take time!

I think there should equal rights for EVERYONE but how in the hell are we going to achieve that when there are certain that are still pissed off after say 400 or even 40 years from now? Equality takes baby steps and with that attitude it will only hurt in the long run.

So what I am saying is stop seeing people in certain groups and join the rest of us in 21st century. Nuff said!

Jun 17 05 10:59 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris:
..... I'm one of those who has friends so I don't see color or sexual orientation.

Probably you see color and sexual orientation, but what you mean is that it doesn't make a difference to you in determining friendships.  But we all see differences, the key is being honest to ourselves as to what or how those differences affect us.

Posted by Alexandra Paris:
Stonewall happened 36 years ago and this generation of gay people who weren't even born then are doing the same damned thing to gay friendly straight people!

This generation of gay people are going into straight bars dressed as cops and beating up the patrons?  Where is this happening?

Posted by Alexandra Paris:
Yes, I agree that it sucked what the corrupt police officers were doing to the gay community back then was wrong and I'm glad the that drag queen threw the first punch. But stop being pissed off, these things take time!

Okay I know lots of gay people.  Some are out and proud and some are straight acting looking, etc.  And I know people who are pissed that they can't get married, or join the Army (like who cares I say), or adopt, or be able to walk down the street safely with their partner (depends on the city) etc.  But of all the gay people I know, I don't know anyone who walks around filled with anger over Stonewall.  Seriously.  I mean if there is a gay bashing someone might say something like, "we need to go out there and go after those ass#@$ just like they did at Stonewall.."  But it's not like there are throngs of queers foaming at the mouth over Stonewall in their daily lives.

Now on the other hand, as far as I'm concerned, gays and lesbians have every reason in the world  as it relates to citizenship rights to be pissed off.  Saying Stonewall was 40 years ago, get over it, negates what is the reality now.  Which is that despite positions of power that some out and some closeted gays and lesbians hold, by law, there still are not equal rights for equal citizens.  Don't you agree that some degree of anger is natural? Wouldn't you be pissed off? Why tell some to get over it or to get used to it, things will work out eventually but they take time.   That's not a lot of solace to some being screwed over or in pain because of an unequal application of law.

Posted by Alexandra Paris:
I think there should equal rights for EVERYONE but how in the hell are we going to achieve that when there are certain that are still pissed off after say 400 or even 40 years from now? Equality takes baby steps and with that attitude it will only hurt in the long run.  So what I am saying is stop seeing people in certain groups and join the rest of us in 21st century. Nuff said!

Anger is a scary thing.  So is hurt. In my younger years I used to do work around civil rights (as well as children's rights, family law).  I remember once that there was a particular issue we were working on and a member of the community, who was white, took issue to this litigation.  They said, "indians this, indians that, all I've been hearing about for the last 50 years (they were older) is how the indians aren't getting their full treaty rights, I'm so tired of hearing about how they don't have full-rights, it makes me sick." (ok I'm paraphrasing, the rant actually went on for like 10 minutes.)  Anyway, my response to him was this, "I know it must be hard to listen to people upset at not being treated equally.  And it know it must be hard to have listened to these complaints for 50 years.  But as hard as it is to HEAR these complaints, try and imagine LIVING them.  Imagine that you aren't safe and comfortable with your rights, imagine that you're the person without them."

Quite frankly Alexandra, I'm not sure what made you uncomfortable on this thread.  All someone said, towards the end of it, is that they intended this thread to be about pride, support, a proverbial group hug, and instead in addition to some supportive straight people, came folks tellings queers how there really isn't prejudice, how the coming out processs is understandable but a nevertheless a form of infantilism, that the thread is stupid, that they're straight happily straight loving women straight did you year me I only get it up for women because god forbid you think I'm gay straight guys !   I didn't imagine the criticism to be directed at you, but rather frustratin at a sort of light hearted thread, attempting to identify other like minded folks was highjacked into a downer thread.

Jun 17 05 12:14 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
IF we are all equal then why use the term "they".  Are we not all the same?  I still think the term Oriental is a great term but it is not considered correct.  Okay,  I think it is useful cause Asian is too wide and does not include the peoples of the "orient".

but It is not for me to decide.  Just as it is not for you to decide what term is used.

It is not about excluding the majority,  it is about respect and choosing who one is defines oneself and how others will as well.
All the allies we can get,  wow if you knew the history of that phrase.  That phrase was often used towards slaves in the world. 

We are your best friends.... bullshit... If we are all human beings then why do you refer to the group as another and not the same as you.

Because you do not feel it.

Agree with you again Jack! What if "they" was applied to heterosexual, white folks? I believe that it rarely is,,it's just kind of rude to speak in circles "around" people when they are visibly present!  Wether we are big enough people to admit it or not, we ALL harbor some sort of bias to one extent or another.

Jun 17 05 04:26 pm Link


Kurt R. Brown

Posts: 3

Vallejo, California, US

Posted by *!photofashion!*: 
sorry...maybe it's just me but I am so OVER gay people rabbiting on about how happy and proud they are for the past 20 years or so.

This business (at least my part of it) is run by them so I really dont feel that they are a misunderstood minority any fact they are pretty much a mafia these days.

OK. We got the picture. We understand. Give it a rest and get on with your life. and perhaps start passing us non gays a few jobs every now and again.

Jun 17 05 06:35 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Kurt Brown: 

Posted by *!photofashion!*: 
sorry...maybe it's just me but I am so OVER gay people rabbiting on about how happy and proud they are for the past 20 years or so.

This business (at least my part of it) is run by them so I really dont feel that they are a misunderstood minority any fact they are pretty much a mafia these days.

OK. We got the picture. We understand. Give it a rest and get on with your life. and perhaps start passing us non gays a few jobs every now and again.

We HAVE to talk about it because our lives are very often infringed upon by the notion or assumption that all people are straight. That has changed a lot over the past two decades it is true ,BUT people often attempt to relate to others from their own personal experience. ( i.e, in the workplace being asked " How is your husband/wife,? etc.)

Jun 18 05 08:46 am Link


Kathleen Elizabeth

Posts: 14

New York, New York, US

Chill That happened to me on a photo shoot not long ago. During a break I took a call on my cell. The model overheard and asked me " Was that your man"? I replied "No, My Girl"
( :

Jun 18 05 08:51 am Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Kathleen Elizabeth: 
Chill That happened to me on a photo shoot not long ago. During a break I took a call on my cell. The model overheard and asked me " Was that your man"? I replied "No, My Girl"
( :

LOL Oh wow..

Jun 24 05 11:35 pm Link


Bella X

Posts: 104

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Not queer (although I would say I am a 2 as well) but I am proud of queers! Going to an arts school, I was (and still am) very good friends with many queer folk. Thinking back to the struggles many of them went through "coming out", I am damn freakin' proud of them.

Anyway, the point of my post was that it is Pride week in Toronto... So Happy Pride Week All!!!

Jun 25 05 09:07 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

The two penguins at the Central Park Zoo are queer.

Jun 25 05 11:38 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
The two penguins at the Central Park Zoo are queer.

It would be wrong to out them if they are not ready.

Jun 25 05 11:42 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
The two penguins at the Central Park Zoo are queer.

It would be wrong to out them if they are not ready.

Oh, they have been outed.  It is not private.  Kind of hard to be in the closet when you do it on a stage.

Jun 25 05 12:01 pm Link


Tim Bell

Posts: 31

Saint Louis, Michigan, US

God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!

Jun 25 05 03:53 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by Tim Bell: 
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!

Shut up

Jun 25 05 04:28 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Tim Bell: 
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!


Jun 25 05 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Tim Bell: 
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!

God didn't create Nikon and Canon, but most of us use them anyways.

Jun 25 05 06:44 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
IF we are all equal then why use the term "they".

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
Oh, they have been outed.

It was too good to pass up...

Jun 25 05 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Tim Bell: 
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!

And even they sinned...

Jun 25 05 08:53 pm Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

I have a question.

Now I have ignored all of this thread and I go to the original post.

Why does it matter? Seriously why do we need to cause a divid into this place other then model photog mua? So what if a someone is gay or straight? Isn't it the work that matters?

Jun 25 05 09:00 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
IF we are all equal then why use the term "they".

Posted by Jack D Trute: 
Oh, they have been outed.

It was too good to pass up...

Shut up.
big difference is usage.

Now shut up.

Jun 25 05 09:11 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by Tim Bell: 
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!

And even they sinned...

Yes! Indeed!

Jun 26 05 06:21 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Crazy Benny

Posts: 1654

Rochester, New York, US

How is this for a funny one I am very straight and I work for a gay/lesbian publication as the fashion editor.

Jun 26 05 07:02 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Crazy Benny

Posts: 1654

Rochester, New York, US

and I have no problem saying if a man is hot or not

Jun 26 05 07:21 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

I hear ya benjamin, I worked for Alvin Ailey for 3 years, some of the hottest guys and gals in the dance world and I loved it

Jun 26 05 09:33 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by SWIIG Magazine: 
How is this for a funny one I am very straight and I work for a gay/lesbian publication as the fashion editor.

how strange.

but I'm okay with that, some of my best friends are straight!

Jun 26 05 11:16 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 

Posted by SWIIG Magazine: 
How is this for a funny one I am very straight and I work for a gay/lesbian publication as the fashion editor.

how strange.

but I'm okay with that, some of my best friends are straight!


Jun 26 05 11:19 am Link



Posts: 864

Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan

Some of my best friends are straight, too!  But I work in theater.

Jun 26 05 11:54 am Link



Posts: 132

Portland, Oregon, US

i'm bicurious.... i guess. if that's even a real word. i'm not quite sure what to do about it either :\

Jun 26 05 08:54 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

It doesn't much matter if you're gay or straight... the real issue at hand day to day is whether or not you're an a**shole.  That's much more important.

Jun 26 05 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Tim Bell: 
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!

lets say for the sake of argument, that god created an adam and eve..and you subscribe to that...

being gay didn't even make god's top ten list (ten commandments)..i'd be willing to bet that you have broken a few those, that god considers worse....

Jun 26 05 09:02 pm Link