Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Pay for photoshop?



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

Hi everyone? How are all you beautiful souls doing today? I hope good. smile Just had a quick question..I have a photographer that 'usually' cvharges a lot of money for a photo session. Now he said he will take my pictures for free but charge me about 200.00 for editing and photoshop. Does this sound right? Im new to this.

Thank in advance for all the replys.


Jan 04 06 08:33 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Either way it sounds like he is not going to do a free shoot for you. Editing should be included in the shooting price if there is one. if he is going to shoot you for free he should photoshop for free. You have a great look and physique. I suggest that you look into other photographers. I am nolonger doing TFP/TFCD but if you were local I would make an exception myself. But then again I think many have told you that in your other threads smile

Jan 04 06 08:35 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Or you could get the free shoot and probably end up with images that you will never want to use. I think in the land of the lost, most models think photographers should shoot them for free because they are cute, or have a nice ass or big boobs...

I say pay the $200 for the shoot, OR look around your area for a better photographer and pay them $200 for the shoot, if you can..

Jan 04 06 08:54 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28674

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Or better yet, find one who will pay you $200 instead and give you all of the photos on a CD.

Jan 04 06 08:58 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Or better yet, find one who will pay you $200 instead and give you all of the photos on a CD.

This too can happen.... If you wanted to show a lil skin (kind of like your "Lots of Attitude" image).....  :-)

Jan 04 06 09:02 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28674

Phoenix, Arizona, US

This too can happen.... If you wanted to show a lil skin (kind of like your "Lots of Attitude" image).....  :-)

Jan 04 06 09:04 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

lol Well still waiting for the 200.00 dollar offer lol. No but seriously I have seen this guys work and I LOVE it. Its exactly the look I want in my port. I know he charges about 800.00 a shoot but will charge me 200.00 for editing. lol ( not like I need much editing jk wink ) But I just dont know if 200.00 is A lot?

Jan 04 06 09:04 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KARIM wrote:
lol Well still waiting for the 200.00 dollar offer lol. No but seriously I have seen this guys work and I LOVE it. Its exactly the look I want in my port. I know he charges about 800.00 a shoot but will charge me 200.00 for editing. lol ( not like I need much editing jk wink ) But I just dont know if 200.00 is A lot?

compared to 800? did you skip math class smile

Jan 04 06 09:05 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28674

Phoenix, Arizona, US

KARIM wrote:
lol Well still waiting for the 200.00 dollar offer lol. No but seriously I have seen this guys work and I LOVE it. Its exactly the look I want in my port. I know he charges about 800.00 a shoot but will charge me 200.00 for editing. lol ( not like I need much editing jk wink ) But I just dont know if 200.00 is A lot?

Look at it this way. Instead of paying $800 for the shoot, you are paying $200. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

Jan 04 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

LOl @ Glamour. yeah 800.00 is a lot for the shoot but I meant 200.00 for editing sounds like a lot. But yeah wow am I pulling a Diva move and complaining about 200.00 instead of 800.00? Wow reality check Thanks Guys!!

I'll do it. I better look smoking hot! lol smile

And yeah I failed math class what about it! wink

Jan 04 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

KARIM wrote:
But yeah wow am I pulling a Diva move and complaining about 200.00 instead of 800.00?

All "Divas" (Eva Diva) don't win Americas Next Top Model, as a matter of fact, many no named Divas get to ride on the curb...

Jan 04 06 09:22 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

KARIM wrote:
lol Well still waiting for the 200.00 dollar offer lol. No but seriously I have seen this guys work and I LOVE it. Its exactly the look I want in my port. I know he charges about 800.00 a shoot but will charge me 200.00 for editing. lol ( not like I need much editing jk wink ) But I just dont know if 200.00 is A lot?

Not to sound mean or anything but you would be incredibly stupid if you pay that.

Jan 04 06 09:24 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

Can you be more elborate sarah?

Jan 04 06 09:25 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KARIM wrote:
Can you be more elborate sarah?

shes gonna tell you that people will work with you for free.however, free doesnt always mean worth while.

Jan 04 06 09:26 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

KARIM wrote:
Can you be more elborate sarah?

**** Had to delete this comment because no one read any further that is was pure sarcasm. *****

Jan 04 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

True. I can see the Glamour.

Jan 04 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

As with any investment, what is your return?  Are you paying just to get pretty pictures or will this bring you closer to being hired for modeling on a consistent basis?

Jan 04 06 09:28 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28674

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Model Sarah wrote:
The guy is just trying to make money off of you.

Just get photoshop and do it yourself. It isnt hard wink

Yeah, god forbid the photographers make any money here.

I usually agree with you Sarah. But I think you are way off on this one. Of course I do not know who the photographer is.

Jan 04 06 09:29 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

shes gonna tell you that people will work with you for free.however, free doesnt always mean worth while.

Actually no. But great point wink

Paying that much money for editing is quite retarded.

Jan 04 06 09:29 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

The guy is just trying to make money off of you.

Just get photoshop and do it yourself. It isnt hard wink

Sarah, it may not be hard, once you learn it proficiently. I have used PS for about 6 years now and am still discovering new things about it. Why rely on PS anyway when the photographs should be done right in the first place? as for him trying to make money off of you, what do you think this industry uses models for? Hello, wake up. They use models to,,,,,,,make money off of. So a photographer charging for his services is not a bad thing.

Jan 04 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

Isn't photoshop like 200.00 lol?

Jan 04 06 09:31 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Yeah, god forbid the photographers make any money here.

There are other ways in going about making money rather than con it out of a new model.

Jan 04 06 09:31 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

KARIM wrote:
Isn't photoshop like 200.00 lol?

haha.... actually it is like $800.

I would guess that 10% of photographers and models actually paid for it.

Jan 04 06 09:32 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

Actually no. But great point wink

Paying that much money for editing is quite retarded.

not really, editing is an expensive service. but think about it, he is charging her 200 bucks for the editing and the pics. not just for editing.he is just wording it smoothly, sheesh.She is getting pics, plus the editing. saying he is only charging her for the editing when she is also getting the pics is like you bought something for 4 bucks and you got the second one free. you didnt, you paid 2 bucks a piece for them.

Jan 04 06 09:32 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28674

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Model Sarah wrote:
There are other ways in going about making money rather than con it out of a new model.

Yeah. One of those ways is charging for your services. Did someone spike your Sanka this morning?

Jan 04 06 09:33 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Sarah, it may not be hard, once you learn it proficiently. I have used PS for about 6 years now and am still discovering new things about it. Why rely on PS anyway when the photographs should be done right in the first place? as for him trying to make money off of you, what do you think this industry uses models for? Hello, wake up. They use models to,,,,,,,make money off of. So a photographer charging for his services is not a bad thing.

Making money off of a new model for "photoshop services" isnt the way to go.

Jan 04 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

I want these pictures to model on a more consistent basis. A lot of his models are now doing much more paid work Thanks to his photos. I have spoken with a few and they all paid the 800.00.  Wont say his name because I dont know if he would like me all talking about him.

Jan 04 06 09:33 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Yeah. One of those ways is charging for your services. Did someone spike your Sanka this morning?

I wish. It would be easier to deal with people.

Jan 04 06 09:34 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28674

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Model Sarah wrote:
Making money off of a new model for "photoshop services" isnt the way to go.

I think you misread her post.. He is also taking the photos. A service he normally charges $800 for. Instead he is charging her $200.

Jan 04 06 09:34 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

haha.... actually it is like $800.

I would guess that 10% of photographers and models actually paid for it.

it is about 200 for the basic eliments version. as for paying, I will be honest and say I did not, however, it was a gift and registered. My fiance works for a multi million dollar company which is web based and they have a graphics department with all the big design and editing programs you could ever think of. Now and then she gets to go through and pick out something she wants. We have about 10k in programs that we have gotten for free. Including Maya.

Jan 04 06 09:35 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

Making money off of a new model for "photoshop services" isnt the way to go.

he is  making money from a photoshoot, sarah. editing is including when a photographer does a shoot, how many hand out raw images?

Jan 04 06 09:36 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

John Jebbia wrote:

I think you misread her post.. He is also taking the photos. A service he normally charges $800 for. Instead he is charging her $200.

No I got it but thanks for clarifying.

Jan 04 06 09:37 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
how many hand out raw images?

75% of the photographers I have worked with.

Jan 04 06 09:37 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

There are other ways in going about making money rather than con it out of a new model.

so, just because she is new she shouldnt be charged? Just because a 16 year old kid just got his licence the dealership should give him a free car? cmon now.

Jan 04 06 09:38 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Model Sarah wrote:
The guy is just trying to make money off of you.
Just get photoshop and do it yourself. It isnt hard wink

This is funny because I've been using PhotoShop for a few years and still find that it is a very robust program that I will never fully understand....

Of course he's trying to make money, not all of us do it for sh!ts and giggles..

Jan 04 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

KARIM wrote:
Isn't photoshop like 200.00 lol?

You can buy PhotoShop then spend the next six months learning how to use it, all the while doing free shoots that the photographer won't give you permission to edit the images from.. and you'll be right on top.. I mean.. right at the bottom, where you started...

Try $200 + $200 + $200

I have only given 3 models out of hundreds, permission to edit my photos...

Jan 04 06 09:40 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

75% of the photographers I have worked with.

even when I was an amateur I never gave out the raw images. they must be saps or willing to do anything to work with you in hopes of getting you to do nudes for them, including comprising their work in the process. I wouldnt do that to work with any model.

Jan 04 06 09:41 am Link


LaMarco Photography

Posts: 117

Somersworth, New Hampshire, US

This is a real simple one. If you like someones work and they want comp, then comp them. It stinks no matter what side of the camera you are on not getting paid for work. If this person is that good and has great images already, then there is no real need they need to fill. If you cannot afford it, then tell him and see if you can work something out. If you just feel as if you should not pay because of the TFP and the willingness of so many photographers to shoot you for free, then work with them. Photoshop is lots of work and I know many photographers that offer packs that contain 5 photoshoped images for this much, then 10,, 20 and so on. So it comes down to what you want in your portfolio, so maybe you should not worry about it and pay them.

Best of luck.

Jan 04 06 09:42 am Link



Posts: 85

Miramar, Florida, US

lol SO photoshop is a lot of money..he usually charges 800.00 for the shoot..I'm getting pics from a photog that I really like and can't wait to work with for 200.00..and I dont have to read a manual for photoshop just to make my pictures look nice because he will do it for me...Sounds ok to me.

Jan 04 06 09:42 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
even when I was an amateur I never gave out the raw images. they must be saps or willing to do anything to work with you in hopes of getting you to do nudes for them, including comprising their work in the process. I wouldnt do that to work with any model.

That is quite a low thing to say.

They didnt do this to work with me, they paid me as well.

We both usually enjoy art and the work we do together. I consider it a gift when they give me these images.

Jan 04 06 09:43 am Link