Forums > Model Colloquy > Paid assignments only and escorte/chaperone



Posts: 30

New York, New York, US

Posted by Andre Knudsen: 
I've done a lot of shoot with boyfriends, mothers, friends etc present. Most of them have been OK, but some of them has been distracting due to the escorte.

For models who list "Paid assignments only" and insist on bringing an escorte to the shoot, would you allow/risk it?

Though most of my escorted shoots have been good I would have to demand that the model came alone to a paid shoot, just in case.

What's your thought/experience?

If one goes to an interview would they bring anyone with them, Modeling is a job, would one bring your mother, boyguy, or your pet to work Elementry watson

Jul 18 05 08:01 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

The thing I hate is when the photographer says I cant bring an escort, but, will mention that his wife or another model will be there. Okay? If I can't have an escort there then you cant have your wife or another model there either. It is only fair.

Jul 18 05 10:52 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by Leila: 

Posted by Mary: 

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
Oh no. Not ANOTHER "escort" thread ...


Prostitutes have body gaurds because they put themselves in dangerous situations, are we talking about modeling or prostitution?

I think we need another name for these internet girls that do this type of work that would require an escort.  The word model really doesn't fit, it gives people the wrong idea about modeling.  I'm sure someone out there can come up with a more suitable name.

I think we should come up with a term for people who have no idea what they are talking about...

It appears I hit a nerve, god I hate it when that happens

Jul 18 05 11:36 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
The thing I hate is when the photographer says I cant bring an escort, but, will mention that his wife or another model will be there. Okay? If I can't have an escort there then you cant have your wife or another model there either. It is only fair.

There is a certain wierd logic to this statement that I like.

Maybe not another model but it should be fair.  This is one of the reasons  I think escorts are a strange idea.  It throws off the balance.  I almost always use  a makeup artist otherwise almost always shoot in public otherwise I am just professional.

Jul 18 05 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Mary:

Very cute!

Jul 18 05 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by bencook2: 

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
paid doesn't = safe
I've heard stories form high fashion models who went on shoots alone.

Naomi Jay is right.  The "Real" fashion world that so few of us participate in makes your average sicko GWC look like Mr. Rogers.  A very good friend of mine who just graced the walls of Aber. and Fitch got attacked by what she thought was a gay make up artist.  He turned out to be quite strong and quite hetero.  But, she got away.  But, her story illustrates my point exactly, she is the first to tell you that she put herself into that situation.  All the escorts in the world will not help if you make bad decisions. 

...uh...soap box please.....thank you....(don't mean to hijack the thread but it was mentioned before and indirectly has to do with my you may need an escort)

As for where the internet modeling industry is will go where the money is.  The money right now is in fetish.  You don't have to touch a boys penis to make some cash in fetish.  But that don't make it right FOR ME.  I would like to see the things that belong in the closet stay in the closet. (That is NOT a reference to being Gay.)  But that view is VERY Pollianna!  I consider myself a friend of one of the most famousest internet models in the country/world.  She did MORE than her share of fetish and a good bit of it she will tell you she regrets.  I love to push the bounderies with my photography but there are still bounderies.  Terry Richardson and his ilk can continue to publish and exhibit what they want in Germany under the "art" flag,  but back in the Good ole US we still call it porn.

(I don't want you to think I am saying that there is no room for fetish in the art world.  There most certainly is.)

While I appreciate your attempt to decide what my "boundaries" should be, I have to tell you that here in the Good ole US "we" don't all think alike.  I spend a lot of time communicating with erotic/fetish/porn artists and models around the globe and I can tell you that pretty much every democratic nation has a healthy alternative art industry, especially the US.  To attempt to denigrate it by saying that "those other people over there" are behind it is...a symptom of something I don't really like to think about.

  The fact that your friend has regrets about things she's done dosen't really reflect on fetish/erotic/porn so much as it reflects on her own poor decision making.  I say it all the time and I'll repeat it here:  Models need to think about what they do [as well as the possible consequences] before they do it.

Jul 19 05 01:02 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr:

While I appreciate your attempt to decide what my "boundaries" should be, I have to tell you that here in the Good ole US "we" don't all think alike.  I spend a lot of time communicating with erotic/fetish/porn artists and models around the globe and I can tell you that pretty much every democratic nation has a healthy alternative art industry, especially the US.  To attempt to denigrate it by saying that "those other people over there" are behind it is...a symptom of something I don't really like to think about.

  The fact that your friend has regrets about things she's done dosen't really reflect on fetish/erotic/porn so much as it reflects on her own poor decision making.  I say it all the time and I'll repeat it here:  Models need to think about what they do [as well as the possible consequences] before they do it.

I see the future......... the great whooolerikerdkjdska sees the future.......... Melvin will write children's books.

Those are some good words there.

Jul 19 05 01:11 am Link


Tuesday Rene

Posts: 189


I've had a few bad experiences with models bringing escorts when I first started out.
One model brought her boyfriend who was an absolute pain in my @ss.
I didn't think I would have any problem since I am a female photographer, but he was very distracting to the model, kept making comments better reserved for their own private time, and wanted to approve every shot that I did.
This was a paid shoot for a car calendar so, to say the least, I was extremely annoyed and the model didn't end up in the calendar because she looked distracted in all the shots.

I have since learned my lesson.
I don't tell anyone that they can not bring a chaperone or friend, but when shooting a female, I don't allow boyfriends or any men in the studio when shooting.

I try to have as many phone conversations before the shoot as possible, and if the model lives close, I like to meet with her first. Then she feels comfortable with me and doesn't feel the need to bring a "bodyguard".

It's not always a bad situation when a model brings a chaperone. It really just depends on the model and whether she has a professional attitude about the shoot.

Jul 19 05 10:03 am Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 

Posted by bencook2: 

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
paid doesn't = safe
I've heard stories form high fashion models who went on shoots alone.

Naomi Jay is right.  The "Real" fashion world that so few of us participate in makes your average sicko GWC look like Mr. Rogers.  A very good friend of mine who just graced the walls of Aber. and Fitch got attacked by what she thought was a gay make up artist.  He turned out to be quite strong and quite hetero.  But, she got away.  But, her story illustrates my point exactly, she is the first to tell you that she put herself into that situation.  All the escorts in the world will not help if you make bad decisions. 

...uh...soap box please.....thank you....(don't mean to hijack the thread but it was mentioned before and indirectly has to do with my you may need an escort)

As for where the internet modeling industry is will go where the money is.  The money right now is in fetish.  You don't have to touch a boys penis to make some cash in fetish.  But that don't make it right FOR ME.  I would like to see the things that belong in the closet stay in the closet. (That is NOT a reference to being Gay.)  But that view is VERY Pollianna!  I consider myself a friend of one of the most famousest internet models in the country/world.  She did MORE than her share of fetish and a good bit of it she will tell you she regrets.  I love to push the bounderies with my photography but there are still bounderies.  Terry Richardson and his ilk can continue to publish and exhibit what they want in Germany under the "art" flag,  but back in the Good ole US we still call it porn.

(I don't want you to think I am saying that there is no room for fetish in the art world.  There most certainly is.)

While I appreciate your attempt to decide what my "boundaries" should be, I have to tell you that here in the Good ole US "we" don't all think alike.  I spend a lot of time communicating with erotic/fetish/porn artists and models around the globe and I can tell you that pretty much every democratic nation has a healthy alternative art industry, especially the US.  To attempt to denigrate it by saying that "those other people over there" are behind it is...a symptom of something I don't really like to think about.

  The fact that your friend has regrets about things she's done dosen't really reflect on fetish/erotic/porn so much as it reflects on her own poor decision making.  I say it all the time and I'll repeat it here:  Models need to think about what they do [as well as the possible consequences] before they do it.

God Bless You Brother!

Jul 19 05 10:48 am Link


Chelsea Dances

Posts: 1

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm one of those models that has an "always escorted" note on my profile. I started modeling before I was 18 so I had to bring an escort. I got used to and comfortable used to it. My escorts would only talk to me if they were helping me change or it was during a break. I continue to bring escorts now just because that is what I'm used to.

However, I don't demand that they sit in the same room as the pictures. That's rediculous and for me it IS distracting. But if there is somekind of reception area or waiting room that is within earshot I don't see the problem.

I've also done a shoot where I had a "phone check-up" which I dsicussed with the photographer beforehand. I called when I got there and then someone called me 2 hours later to make sure I was still "okay". If I didn't pick up the phone they knew to come to the shoot and make sure I was okay. I talked this over with the photog before hand had the call scheduled during our lunch break. I was also to call the second I left. This was very easy and I felt comfortable with it.

Jul 19 05 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Gee another escort vote thread, oh goodie.

Sigothers on any level, parent of a adult model, both verbotten. 90%=Idiots, and distracting ones at that.
Fingering your equipment. Looking over your shoulder, trying to direct whats happening, distracting the living shit outta the model, hell how about pulling a point and shoot and doing such over your shoulder? Yeah...the idiot knows who it was.
A sig other going spazz, being physically threatened by some dolt....and while few admit it, more photogs than you think been ripped off by scam artists, than models have been accosted. They just are loathe to publicly admit it.
Sorry to the 10%, but it just aint worth any money or time.
Wouldnt matter if your paying me. You expect a quality job.
I know what works for me. If I cannot deliver the images you expect, then Im not going to take the job.
Sister, friend, cousin fine, but out of the room and not on a line of vision. MUA is present, nearly without exception.
If a model is uncomfortable, that doesnt make for an appealing shoot anyhow.

So I vote NO. lol


Jul 19 05 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

It IS possible to have unobtrusive escorts, even if they happen to be your BF.  My boyfriend, whom I've been with for 6 years has come on several shoots with me and he always removes himself from the studio and fiddles on his laptop or reads, he doesn't even look at me while shooting...nothing could be more boring to him, but he's there in case something shady presents itself.  There are many scary people in the world and some of them can be photographers, it's never a bad idea to have someone else around (esp. a male) who can look out for you.  If a photog forbade an escort (although, I might not ALWAYS request one), then they could forget shooting with me.  There are many great photogs out there who DO allow escorts.

Jul 19 05 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 17

Chicago, Illinois, US

I've had escorts on my shoots that have been out of the way when necessary and "in the way" when asked.  By that I mean holding reflectors, turning lights on and off, unplugging things, moving things, making backdrops level, etc.  When the escort is my boyfriend it doesn't seem to affect my performance.  After being together for four years, and knowing him for five there's very little to be shy about and no approval to seek.  Other times the escort is one of my closest female friends and as we've done shoots together we've pretty much seen all of the goods on one another so it's really no big deal.  She models too, so it's nothing we haven't seen or done before.

If a photographer insists on NO escorts/chaperones/bodyguards (whatever you might want to call it) that does send up a red flag.  There should be some leeway in there to allow for unobtrusive additions.  We're all human and as such are unpredictable and imperfect.  That's not to justify anyone's unprofessional or criminal conduct, but rather to say that you never know about a person.

This doesn't apply so much to models being sent to shoots through an agency, if you are working with professional and reputable people they will more than likely send you to professional and reputable photographers and assignments.  However, it's always good to tell someone where you are going, what you are doing, a number to contact you (your own cell phone or what have you) and an estimated time of return.  Safety first.

Jul 20 05 12:17 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

OK  I will give you safety first. No question about that. 

BUT if we are doing two models in the shot so what gives this escort  the right to stand there and watch the other model while she is NUDE?  If she is not comfortable with this excort standing there looking at here what about her feelings in this matter?

Are her feelings and wants to be thrown away just so some excort can stand there and get an eye full of another naked girl?  The second model has her right to have a shoot conducted in a safe way also.  What does this escort bring to this type of shoot?  who's rights are to be upheld model 1 or model 2?

Bring the excort if you have to but when it comes time to shoot he is out of there. 

And do not expect me to have to pay for him being there either.  I have offered models money for the shoot but some want more to cover the boyfriend being there.

I even heard from a friend that one time the model said to just send 2 tickets and deduct the ticket from the cost of the fee.  So when they got there she decided not to shoot with the photographer but her and the BF had a few days of HOLIDAY in a new city at the poor photographers expense. 

Forget that.  If you want to work with me fine.  If not that is fine also.  But when we go out on location with 2 models and 3-5 photographers nobody has any escort, BF, H, girlfriend as an excort.  If you are not safe or feel safe with 8 people there then you do not need to be modeling for me.  I can and will always find models who are not this way and they still feel safe and sound.  Just check my model references and there you have it. bs

Jul 20 05 07:11 am Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Posted by bobby sargent: 
OK  I will give you safety first. No question about that. 

BUT if we are doing two models in the shot so what gives this escort  the right to stand there and watch the other model while she is NUDE?  If she is not comfortable with this excort standing there looking at here what about her feelings in this matter?

Are her feelings and wants to be thrown away just so some excort can stand there and get an eye full of another naked girl?  The second model has her right to have a shoot conducted in a safe way also.  What does this escort bring to this type of shoot?  who's rights are to be upheld model 1 or model 2?

Bring the excort if you have to but when it comes time to shoot he is out of there. 

And do not expect me to have to pay for him being there either.  I have offered models money for the shoot but some want more to cover the boyfriend being there.

I even heard from a friend that one time the model said to just send 2 tickets and deduct the ticket from the cost of the fee.  So when they got there she decided not to shoot with the photographer but her and the BF had a few days of HOLIDAY in a new city at the poor photographers expense. 

Forget that.  If you want to work with me fine.  If not that is fine also.  But when we go out on location with 2 models and 3-5 photographers nobody has any escort, BF, H, girlfriend as an excort.  If you are not safe or feel safe with 8 people there then you do not need to be modeling for me.  I can and will always find models who are not this way and they still feel safe and sound.  Just check my model references and there you have it. bs

You've got to love Bobby's approach... straight forward, no nonsense... are you listening models?  You ought to be, otherwise there really is someone else in the queue.

Jul 20 05 10:57 am Link



Posts: 165

Perrysburg, New York, US

I would definely agree to shooting without an escort given numerous models on the shoot and other "staff". A paid commercial shoot is a whole different thing...Then safety isn't an issue. Also if it's strictly clothed stock type or fashion photos.
But I tend to do more along the lines of fetish, erotic and artistic shoots and to me it's for fun not for pay. And there's a huge nude factor in there... I agree too with the rights to privacy for any other model posing nude, I am fairly confident but if someone is uncomfortable with anyone but the photographer being in the room then DEFINITELY keep everyone but Photog out of room.
I can't imagine expecting someone to pay for my escort to come with me that's a personal expense not a photographers expense...

Jul 20 05 11:16 am Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

Posted by RStephenT: 

Posted by bobby sargent: 
OK  I will give you safety first. No question about that. 

BUT if we are doing two models in the shot so what gives this escort  the right to stand there and watch the other model while she is NUDE?  If she is not comfortable with this excort standing there looking at here what about her feelings in this matter?

Are her feelings and wants to be thrown away just so some excort can stand there and get an eye full of another naked girl?  The second model has her right to have a shoot conducted in a safe way also.  What does this escort bring to this type of shoot?  who's rights are to be upheld model 1 or model 2?

Bring the excort if you have to but when it comes time to shoot he is out of there. 

And do not expect me to have to pay for him being there either.  I have offered models money for the shoot but some want more to cover the boyfriend being there.

I even heard from a friend that one time the model said to just send 2 tickets and deduct the ticket from the cost of the fee.  So when they got there she decided not to shoot with the photographer but her and the BF had a few days of HOLIDAY in a new city at the poor photographers expense. 

Forget that.  If you want to work with me fine.  If not that is fine also.  But when we go out on location with 2 models and 3-5 photographers nobody has any escort, BF, H, girlfriend as an excort.  If you are not safe or feel safe with 8 people there then you do not need to be modeling for me.  I can and will always find models who are not this way and they still feel safe and sound.  Just check my model references and there you have it. bs

You've got to love Bobby's approach... straight forward, no nonsense... are you listening models?  You ought to be, otherwise there really is someone else in the queue.

As for me, I likely wouldn't require an escort if I were shooting with another model.  If I were shooting with her I'd try and speak with her first to get comfortable and we'd discuss what we'd do beforehand should something go awry.  Also, if there are just going to be multiple people there anyway, no of course I'm not going to take n escort.  The odds that everyone would be involved in some sort of model heist would be highly unlikely, I'm not paranoid to a fault.

Heck, I've been known to shoot without any escort when it was just myself and the photog alone based on their references and my conversations with them (if your references are few and we haven't really spoken, that's a different story).
Lastly, I would NEVER request that my escort be covered in any way.  That's just stupid, that person is there for me and is not my photog's responsibility in any way.

Jul 20 05 11:17 am Link



Posts: 122

Norwood, Colorado, US

absolutely no problem, i show them ware the bathroom and kitchen are and tell them to clean it up....

Jul 20 05 05:42 pm Link


Rylee Blair

Posts: 16

Galena, Maryland, US

After a model was murdered in Philly by a photographer that I was scheduled to work with.. I always bring an chaperone. I always bring the same person, it is someone I trust and have gotten quite comfortable with.. Worse comes to worse.. if they are distracting have them stay in a nother room where you can't see them.

Jul 20 05 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 146

Seattle, Washington, US

I've gone to all of my shoots with an "escort' namely my boyfriend. He's helped with holding reflectors, moving lights backgrounds, helped with zippers and corsets so he's my assistant really. So far no photographer has had a problem with it (and those that were into computers liked him better than the liked me! :-) ).  For those who have had reservations about it I give them a "Sean Resume".  Basically a list of photographers who my prospective photographer can contact for a "behavior report" if you far no objections.

Suggestion : (please don't nail me to the cross for it:-) )Photographers if you are "iffy" about a prosepective models chaperone require the model to give you some other photographers to contact to see how smoothly it went...especially get names of people who had shot the same genre you are looking to shoot.

Just a thought.

Jul 20 05 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Posted by Joelle: 
I've gone to all of my shoots with an "escort' namely my boyfriend. He's helped with holding reflectors, moving lights backgrounds, helped with zippers and corsets so he's my assistant really. So far no photographer has had a problem with it (and those that were into computers liked him better than the liked me! :-) ).  For those who have had reservations about it I give them a "Sean Resume".  Basically a list of photographers who my prospective photographer can contact for a "behavior report" if you far no objections.

Suggestion : (please don't nail me to the cross for it:-) )Photographers if you are "iffy" about a prosepective models chaperone require the model to give you some other photographers to contact to see how smoothly it went...especially get names of people who had shot the same genre you are looking to shoot.

Just a thought.

I could deal with that approach, seems like a reasonable alternative particulary when you are dealing with the dreaded "boyfriend"... grin... except on a commercial shoot.

Jul 20 05 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 17

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by bobby sargent: 
OK  I will give you safety first. No question about that. 

BUT if we are doing two models in the shot so what gives this escort  the right to stand there and watch the other model while she is NUDE?  If she is not comfortable with this excort standing there looking at here what about her feelings in this matter?

Goodness no!  If I'm shooting with another model that's pretty much my "escort".  I wouldn't compromise another model's comfort level just so that I felt taken care of.  Moreover, I've pretty much shot with other models who are friends, I don't really want my boyfriend there checking out my naked friends, ha ha!  For the most part I think we're on the same page here.

Jul 20 05 10:08 pm Link


Tanya O

Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

One of the good things about being under 18 is that no one has a problem if my mom comes along smile.

And if they do, well, I'm not going to shoot with them! Until I'm 18, my mother has the last word on whether I even do a shoot.

Jul 20 05 11:07 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Hey Xi.  I like your mom already.  She is ok in my book.  Tell your mom I give her 2 thumbs up in her approach to your modeling. bs

Jul 21 05 12:14 am Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

Bottom line is this. This is INTERNET booking. A photographer who rejects escorts is either full of themselves (thinking land-based rules apply here) and probably not someone you want to work with or someone far creepier with ulterior motives who you definitely don't want to work with. I use sites like this primarily for networking and for booking shoots for the sole pleasure of photography. The few times I've had commercial gigs, contacting a model through a web site or email was never a consideration. I placed a phone call to an agency, told them what I needed and so on. Only then would I not expect an escort. Very different levels of business with very different expectations.

Jul 21 05 03:51 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Bring an escort, I don't care. Two assistants beats one any day.

Jul 21 05 06:04 pm Link



Posts: 6

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I will ALWAYS have somone with me no matter what. BUT i tell them basicly to stand in a corner till im done and if they dont listen then they get to wait out side. Im there for a shoot not to chitchat with them, i can do that any time. A shoot is a shoot. Im there for a reason.

Jul 26 05 01:12 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Boyd Hambleton: 
Bottom line is this. This is INTERNET booking. A photographer who rejects escorts is either full of themselves (thinking land-based rules apply here) and probably not someone you want to work with or someone far creepier with ulterior motives who you definitely don't want to work with.

What a load of unmitigated CRAP.

While I don't REJECt escorts, I'm not particularly fond of them.   I'm not looking to molest the model and though I can be a bitch, as far as it relates to photography, I'm not particularly "full of myself."  It is quite simply the style of photography I like to do, and how I like to do it, that I don't want a bunch of people in my space, nor do I want someone roaming the grounds whilst the model is working.

Jul 26 05 01:51 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Again i would like to state Modeling is safer than flying.. the safest form of transportation..
Its Scarey to think that all models think photographers are murderers..
Why would anyone work in such a dangerouse profession for tfp..or even pay!!

Beauty is such a frailty

Jul 26 05 02:15 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

I am male model and I escort 9 diff female models to there shoots, I never butt in unless I am asked to or the model says the code word that we make before the shoot, you can never know who is  a pervert or not one, and you never know a photographer may be decent with one model and a pervert with another, so I say let a model bring an escort but its best that the escort is in the industry   because he/she would know whats going on and would most prob not get in the way.   

Jul 26 05 02:17 am Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

No escorte. its not professional. its like you need someone to hold your hand!

Jul 26 05 02:29 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

For me I don't have a escort AKA babysitter, I have an assistant who drives me to shoots. He helps me get ready also. He will carry my clothing and make-up or whatever I need. (I normally do my own make-up since I have make-up artist experence.)  I see nothing unprofessional about that. Some photographers seemed bothered that he is a male. But he is all I got when I comes to someone supporting my modeling career. He is also helpful on driving me where I need to be. He stays out of the way. Normally, when shooting he will sit back and read a magazine until I ask for him to help. Sometimes he is great for holding mirrors and moving props. I think I have it made pretty well since he is my unpaid assitant. He just wants to be there to help me become a sucessful model.

Him and I agree if a photographer has a problem with him being there they might be shady. Since most models higher on the ladder have paid helpers. I am just lucky enough to have one who is willing to do it for free. Well, I normally feed him when he takes me to my shoots.

Jul 26 05 02:43 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

o yea I also help them with there makeup and help carry there stuff and move props, oh and I also drive them, I do not ask them for money, and some of them do feed me too.

Jul 26 05 02:49 am Link



Posts: 75

New York, New York, US

I have 3 years of karate and fighting experience. I reccomend it to all women, models or not.
that being said...

I do not always bring an escort... but sometimes I wish I had.
I won't work with someone who says no escort.
I will work with someone who asks that if I choose to bring an escort, that person be female. I understand its nothing personal--that some girls (esp ones gotten on internet bookings) are not quite professional enough to pose for the camera or not bring an overprotective male friend, though I am.
It is understood that my escort be professional and non obtrusive. I do want a situation that is blissfully comfortable for both myself and the photographer so we get the best images.

Personally, my bf is my escort of choice. He's a personal trainer, so he is protection but equally important hes useful. He helps with wardrobe, reflectors, carries heavy things, gets coffee... He has come on location and lifted me up onto logs up in the air we wanted to shoot me on that I'd never been able to crawl up onto alone. In a pinch, with a little oil, his chest can double as a backdrop. *LOL* You get the idea...
I know this situation isnt always the norm, but.. it is for me.

Jul 26 05 04:15 am Link



Posts: 231

Loganville, Georgia, US

Posted by justyna_b: 
i strictly travel with my mua/assistant. i have hired a full time mua, who is present at all shoots, no exceptions.  every photo i have ever taken (for portfolio work ~ if my agency sends me, that is another story, i go alone or with my agent) was in my assistants presence. i feel that if a photographer is uncomfortable with that (no matter how 'pro' he says he is) there is something to be worried about. i did a shoot without my assistant for portfolio work, and i regret it to this day, if you know what i mean. it turns out this 'pro' photographer (and his portfolio is stellar ~ vogue quality, published in MANY magazines) has been preying on new models such as me in my earlier days.

no photoshoot is worth the possibility of something going wrong.  this is why models like myself HIRE assistants. it is someone we trust who knows our style, knows what we want out of the shoot, stays out of our hair when we need it, and is involved when the photographer needs them.

again, i know some photographers are hesitant to work with model's assistants ~ perhaps they have had bad experiences too.... but any photographer who fails to see that my safety comes first AT ALL TIMES is not worth working with! i hope the photographers here understand that too! and besides, if you have a witness at the shoot, mua/hair stylist of models choice, less chance of photographer being accused of something he didn't do! i think assistants are a benefit to all parties involved!


amen, i have only been to one shoot by myself and will not do it again. until this day i am having problems getting my images from's been bout a month now....i ahve always been told to be bring an escort to feel more comfortable.

Jul 26 05 04:35 am Link