Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Promotions Companies on MM



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

OK, I see we now have some promotional companies on MM now and was wondering how this is going to affect the site.

Working with many this past year, I know they really find loop holes and ways of burning people. They make money off the stuff we do for free doing so called favors and TFPD. They make money off the images we create and do not even share it with anyone. They send us free clothing that promotes them or put our work in magazine promoting them.

I think this site would do so much better to keep the creative minds on here and dump any and all promoters and or uncreative industries from the site. Making phone calls is not an art, neither is using people.

Anyone else?

Apr 26 05 11:20 pm Link


Model Mayhem

Posts: 7681

El Segundo, California, US

I'm waiting to get more feedback before I take any action.  What sort of promotion companies are you talking about exactly? 

Apr 27 05 10:58 am Link


Curt Lout Photography

Posts: 153

Spearfish, South Dakota, US

Once bitten twice shy…
If I can get work from promoters, why would I want to get rid of them???

Apr 27 05 11:06 am Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Tyler, I am talking about any really. These companies all seem to be filled with promises and what not, and never deliver on them.

I just see MM as a great resource for people to cut out the middleman and that’s what really makes it stand out from lets say OMP or MySpace. I just feel as if you start to let companies come into MM that after a while they will all be here. You can quote me on this one for sure, if this site gets congested with Promoters and companies invested in the business you will start having problems for sure.

Example: A model or photographer works with a business lets say Magic Promotions and things do not work out. So the model to photographer start to try to get the word out about the said company. The company will email you with letter stating the laws about slander and asking you to kick that person off your site. It will be a pile of BS at the end and not good for the site, in my opinion.

I say pick out a company and than try to get in touch with the talent there and or ask for references from work the created that was paid work for the talent involved. I have found that these places do create work, its just never paid work. Its free trips, which are never free and or free clothing that if things go south they will ask for it back. (That one has happen to me) These places sell clothing and calendars, but do not share the profits with the talent.

Apr 27 05 11:25 am Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Posted by Shovelhead Curt: 
Once bitten twice shy…
If I can get work from promoters, why would I want to get rid of them???

Do you like t get paid? Have you ever been paid form a promotion company or worked for one?

Apr 27 05 11:25 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I've done work for Club promoters and concert promoters, but it's on a cash and carry basis. never accept checks from those guys. Money orders, credit cards or cash.

They are usually, not always, but usually, pretty scummy. I did photos for the SUM 41 concert here in Hawaii last month. I was taken care of by the club and by the promoter's manager. We have an understanding. She pays me out from the flex account and gets me a pretty long guest list. I give proofs and CD's to the club, the promoter and the promoter's office manager. Then this promoter calls me up saying, "oh, you know the concert shots are a little dark. My son took some photos at the show. I don't know if we can really use these..." I inform him that I was already taken care of, and that the photos are for him to use, non-revenue basis. All of a sudden, these shots that were "too dark" and "not sure if we can use" are all over his web site. Schmuck.

Sorry, ranting again. Will go take a nap now.

Apr 27 05 05:25 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I Just did Promotional Work for BET Spring Bling, & other work, for concerts, (david Banner, Young Gunz, Lil' Jon @ throw back car shows) @ The black College Reunion 2005.
I worked with steve canal from success management inc.

I love promotions, but its up to the model to decide if its legit. That's what we're doing isnt it?
The job of an agent is to be the middle man. You're Paying him to get you a steady flow of work, among a FLURRY of other stuff. No one wants to pay an agent, but this country sure as hell aint free, lol.
No agent? No filter? No "middle man".

Alot of people want to model, but being serious about modeling is logging the man hours. Paperwork, Faxing, Electronic Press Kits, Bussiness cards, comp cards, zed cards, website, marketing, If you don't want an agent, You have to do all the work, & have the same discretions for weirdos & scam artists. ON TOP of going to shoots, events, finding someone to escort you, etc.. etc.. That's all part of the game. I've been screwed out of money plenty of times, but that's how you learn.
I've been self managed for almost 4 years now.
& I never sign exclusively with one agency/company.
So I have flexibility.

I say let them stay, & deal with them on a individual basis, if they cause a problem, or word gets out that they're scum, boot 'em.

Apr 27 05 05:42 pm Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Tyler: 
I'm waiting to get more feedback before I take any action.  What sort of promotion companies are you talking about exactly? 

Apr 27 05 11:16 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
I've done work for Club promoters and concert promoters

They are usually, not always, but usually, pretty scummy.

No we aren't!  We are the best!


Apr 28 05 02:19 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Steven LaMarco: 
Have you ever been paid form a promotion company or worked for one?

I haven't seen them post here, but I would just like to say I have made quite a bit of money through Encore Nationwide.  They've been good to me with my limited schedule and high hourly standards. smile

Apr 28 05 03:13 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

I don't understand the context of "promotion companies" as being used here.  There are legitimate companies that set up promotional events or provide models for promotional work at conventions, car shows, etc.  In many states, of course, they are required to be licensed and bonded just like any other agency.  In defense of those working legally, models make a lot of money doing promotional work.  Last year we provided models for a job with T-Mobile doing promotions (4 models for 4 days) and the total paid to the models was in the thousands (total between the 4).  I'd say that's pretty good between-print-job work, and the models tend to enjoy doing that.  If the promotion company is working within the laws of their state, and holds (where required) a license and bond, then if they don't pay up it's very easy to have the state bill to the bonding company.  It's not rocket science - deal only with those companies that are legit.

Apr 28 05 12:02 pm Link


Shawn Kurt

Posts: 80

Sierra Vista, Arizona, US

Take a look at my folio and tell me were you think I fall in this discussion.

MM # 2868

Shawn 1-800-913-0834

Read the comments tagged as well.

I am really curious let me know.


Apr 28 05 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

Posted by Steven LaMarco: 

Posted by Shovelhead Curt: 
Once bitten twice shy…
If I can get work from promoters, why would I want to get rid of them???

Do you like t get paid? Have you ever been paid form a promotion company or worked for one?

I've worked for a lot of promoters and been paid quite well. I've only had one bad experience, but just as they ask me my personal information I ask theirs in return. Once I accept a job and have the money to be paid worked out, I want to know the date I will be paid and have it in writing. Worse comes to worse that's what small claims court is good for.

Some promoters are asking to have copies of drivers licenses, ss cards or passports emailed to them.. lol I get those i just laugh and say no. I would never send a total stranger what amounts to my life on paper so who knows who on the other end can make fake accounts and ruin my credit.
Be careful of those for sure.

Don't get burned.. get justice

Apr 28 05 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Does anyone know of a rating site for these places so that we might filter out the bad ones?

Apr 30 05 01:49 pm Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

I've only had one bad experience with a company I did promotions for, and it was a small private company as opposed to some of the larger promo/marketing companies that are out there--I've never had a problem with them.  I generally find that if they're promising A LOT they're going to deliver half of that, if ANY OF IT at all.

Apr 30 05 07:14 pm Link


Norris Carden

Posts: 128

Tullahoma, Tennessee, US

Wisconsin requires any agency to be licensed and restricts the percentage they can take from the model's pay. However, there are plenty of "model managers" who get by the legal restrictions and take a higher cut.

May 09 05 01:51 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Shawn Kurtenbac: 
Take a look at my folio and tell me were you think I fall in this discussion.

MM # 2868

Shawn 1-800-913-0834

Read the comments tagged as well.

I am really curious let me know.


You do not count!
It is the "promotion" companies that promise the world and deliver nothing.

you are a printing company

printing  promotion :-P

I was beginning to wonder if they were referring to me :-P

May 09 05 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 163

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

Maybe the definition of "promotion company" is still up in the air, but I do a lot of promotional work, and it sure does pay my bills. Quite nicely, in fact.

My advice would be to research the company you are planning to work with, just as you would anything else. If they have a reputation for not paying models, then stay away. If they do not have any clients, this is also a clue. If they are asking you to sell something for them, then they are not hiring you for a promotional job, they are hiring you for a sales job. As a promotor, you are supposed to promote the sale of the product/service, but there should be other sales vehicles in place. It is common for a company pay you for promotional work, and then offer a sales commission above and beyond that.

Just like there's plenty of DWC that give photographers a bad name, there are some companies with loose (if any) business plans that will waste the time of prospective models and give promotional companies a bad name. But they're not all bad. In fact, most aren't. Don't know if you'd find the good ones here, though.

May 09 05 05:03 pm Link