Forums > Model Colloquy > Can models and photographers date?



Posts: 1218

Orlando, Florida, US

I'm married, which makes thing simple.  I'm not a photographer for a living, I earn my living as a physician.  The analogy has already been made, so let me share a bit about ethics and professionalism in that setting. 

The laws of what is ethical are not the same as what is legal.  Legally, anybody can date anybody.....except, actually, psychiatrists/psychologists, since...well, you can imagine the opportunism that might occur in that setting.   In the medical field, objectivity is important, so by allowing romantic feelings to flourish on either side of the doctor-patient relationship you can place a person at risk.  So as doctors, nurses, etc. we are taught to never date somebody that you are taking care of.  If you develop feelings for your patient and you wish you could date them, or they ask you out, you should ask them to see another physician for their healthcare needs, give a little time in between (whatever seems prudent), and then start fresh and actually get to know eachother.  I think with fashion photography it's not quite the same, the footing is more equal, mutually beneficial, so I don't think the lines need to be as strict.  But respect and professionalism are still super important.

More than a few times, patients or nurses have developed an interest in me....not because they actually know me.  It's a kind of a fetish, as if I'm some conquest....I represent some kind of sexual or personal fantasy to them, so they lump all their emotional brain juice onto that and idealize me into something I am not.  It's sort of degrading.   And MEN do this to models.   Models are just people who happen to have the gifts of physical symmetry and proportion that we cal "beauty".  So, ethically, I think photographers should make a concerted effort to provide a safe place for them, a place free from opportunism.   Beauty can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse.  Don't be part of the curse.

I guess  if the model asked you out?  I mean....I it's up to you.  Just be careful you aren't just a character in his or her shallow fantasy.  You deserve as much respect as they do.

Nov 10 16 01:29 pm Link


Jun Weaver Photography

Posts: 153

Seattle, Washington, US

Spoken like a true professional and a kind soul.


Nov 12 16 11:42 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

Super Dimension Foto wrote:
I think it is a bad idea to date someone whom you have a position of authority over.    As photographers we're asking models to trust that we'll be professional and respectful around them during a shoot.   I think you risk hurting your reputation dating models that you work with.  At least that's my opinion.  Now if they have a friend and want to play match maker I'm not going to complain.

While I think there can be an element of truth to this I think this often stated argument is also often flawed or over stated in many respects.  I think the idea that because one person acts in a managerial capacity over another means they have tremendous power and leverage is an overly simplistic argument the often does not hold true. 

1.  Contracting someone for a one-time event does not involve the same long-term power that employing someone does.  At the end of a shoot and after a model has been paid, their transaction is concluded.  There isn't nearly the potential leverage there is with long term employment. 

2.  Having some administrative power over someone doesn't mean you have power over them, in fact it can be the other way around.    My boss for example manages our department, but he can't just fire me, deny me a raise or just change my contractual duties, so he has very little leverage or power over me.  Someone I supervise could make a false accusation against me and very likely get me fired for it.  The threat of that gives them power, even though I supervise them.

3.  Even where a notable power structure exists, it doesn't mean any relationship or proposed relationship is using that power to force one person into doing something they don't want to do.  I think when one is in a position of power, they need to be careful not to misuse that power, but I disagree that means having a relationship is an abuse of power.

Nov 12 16 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 1647

London, England, United Kingdom

Images by MR wrote:


+1 (Provided both parties are consenting adults).

Nov 12 16 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 37

Burlington, Vermont, US

Florida actually has (had?)  a law that says photographers can't have sex with models.
I doesn't explain any conditions or details.

A Judge actually brought this up in court.
I did admit that I had sex with my fiance, who I met as one of my models.
That wasn't why we were there, and it didn't go any further,
but at least in Florida there is some confusion about this law.

Touching during a photoshoot is not ok.
Whats the latest updates on what the law says is ok or not?

There actually are laws about this.
Photographers have been sued by models even though the model asked to have sex.
Its hard, but you have to turn them down.
Its not really a philosophical question.

Nov 13 16 08:56 am Link



Posts: 1136

Runcorn, England, United Kingdom

Eyesso wrote:
I think with fashion photography it's not quite the same, the footing is more equal, mutually beneficial, so I don't think the lines need to be as strict.

Great post (and amazing port btw.) But for fashion professionals at least, a lot of photographers would go even further: … ssionalism

Nov 13 16 09:40 am Link


Lisa Everhart

Posts: 924

Sebring, Florida, US

TomFRohwer wrote:
50% of all problems would end in smoke if people would stop caring for what other people think how they should live.



Nov 14 16 03:02 am Link


Jeffrey M Fletcher

Posts: 4861

Asheville, North Carolina, US

...different species, there's even biblical prohibitions.

Nov 14 16 04:19 am Link



Posts: 5236

Dearborn, Michigan, US

jakemillerphoto wrote:
Hopefully this is an appropriate place to open up this sort of discussion. I'm a single photographer getting into fashion and more than a few models have indicated an interest in dating me. I know art making is about blurring boundaries but the double role of girlfriend and contractor / employee concerns me. Has anyone else grappled with this? Please let's keep this to an adult rational discussion about the professional implications hopefully I'm not alone on this issue. - Thanks!

(I did not read many of the other comments, so these are just my thoughts in response to the OP)

Obviously models and photographers date all the time. I don't think there is an issue in that. I think where the issues come up are when:
1) The dating is somehow part of the working relationship (as in I'll date you if you shoot with me or vice versa).
2) There are jealous issues ("You can't shoot with anyone else while we're dating" or "Why did you shoot that concept with her and not me?"
3) The relationship doesn't work out and one or both people decide to make that personal issue a professional issue as well by spreading rumors, telling people they can't shoot with their ex, etc.

I think there is also the issue of how you approach the situation. In my opinion, this should be done outside of a shoot. As in, once the shoot is done, you might ask the other person if they are interested. Otherwise I think you risk looking like you shot with them just so you could ask them out or, if they say no, you might be tempted to end the shoot or not give photos.

And I am one of those models who has a success story with it. I met a photographer online, he was the first person whose work I really enjoyed and wanted to be a part of, but we were states apart and both seeing other people. I don't think at that point that either of us was thinking about dating the other anyway. We sort of exchanged comments and such online, became FB friends, and that was about it for a couple years. I went through a nasty breakup (caused by a female photographer and my ex who then became a photographer), and we started talking more eventually becoming long distance friends. And then one day it just sort of clicked. I started flying out to visit him and we eventually got married. So it is possible, but I've seen a lot of not so successful stories too, particularly with more casual types of relationships.

(Also, please keep in mind that MM is not a dating site, so any dating you would want to do would need to be pursued elsewhere. Just stating that preemptively, not accusing)

Nov 14 16 01:02 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Eyesso wrote:
The laws of what is ethical are not the same as what is legal.  Legally, anybody can date anybody.....except, actually, psychiatrists/psychologists, since...well, you can imagine the opportunism that might occur in that setting. 

I guess  if the model asked you out?  I mean....I it's up to you.  Just be careful you aren't just a character in his or her shallow fantasy.  You deserve as much respect as they do.

I enjoyed your entire post yet your words are quite true.  I also wanted to add that some people don't even care if one is married/in a committed relationship so it's not so simple for either party, single or in a relationship.  Sharks are everywhere people;)

Dating a photographer while you are only working a short amount of time (even for a long shoot) is wildly different from seeing someone every day in a 9-5 situation, being in meetings where you can't relax and be yourself as much within a corporate situation.  Plus in ideal circumstances, the photographer is being creative, the model is being creative and looking fabulous... all nice ingredients for all of that.

It's not cool being hit on when you are not interested and just 'working', yet with dignity, class and tact, it is easy to say, "No thank you".

As for jealousy and such - well, it's silly if a photographer truly enjoys shooting (insert whatever here).  I always admired portrait photographers that don't find the most wrinkled old person to shoot to prove their artistic merit in a black and white shot.

I think the crux of jealousy in these scenarios stem from women wanting their partner to see themselves as the 'most beautiful' and other beautiful women are competition for that feeling if the photographer doesn't make her feel #1.  It's really a self-esteem issue & a relationship issue. With all of that, it's easier falling in love with landscape photographer if that element is a problem... or be with someone who is 'into' other things than pretty faces.


Nov 14 16 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 11271

Seattle, Washington, US

I think we should talk about the models that we want to date?

Nov 14 16 05:38 pm Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Only if they know what they are doing.  wink

Nov 15 16 10:20 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

The answer is yes. They have also been known to occasionally just **ck for the hell of it!

Nov 16 16 07:12 am Link


Alex C

Posts: 249

New York, New York, US

No! Absolutely not! Photographers and Models should never date! EVER! Before you know it, you fall in love and get married. Yes! Married!!! I was still coming to grips with that and then BAM! You make *babies*! I mean it's just insane! Love? Marriage? Babies? Who needs this crap! Sure I love my wife and our beautiful baby boy. But I didn't become a photographer to change diapers. I became a photographer to be adored and admired from all corners of the world! Women begging to take their clothes off in front of my lens. Clients flying me all over the world to shoot their campaigns. DIAPERS I TELL YOU!

Photographers, don't date models because you will have to change pooped diapers. It happened to me! Don't let it happen to you!

'This has been a public service announcement"

Nov 17 16 06:11 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Alex C wrote:
No! Absolutely not! Photographers and Models should never date! EVER! Before you know it, you fall in love and get married. Yes! Married!!! I was still coming to grips with that and then BAM! You make *babies*! I mean it's just insane! Love? Marriage? Babies? Who needs this crap! Sure I love my wife and our beautiful baby boy. But I didn't become a photographer to change diapers. I became a photographer to be adored and admired from all corners of the world! Women begging to take their clothes off in front of my lens. Clients flying me all over the world to shoot their campaigns. DIAPERS I TELL YOU!

Photographers, don't date models because you will have to change pooped diapers. It happened to me! Don't let it happen to you!

'This has been a public service announcement"

Thank you for this, we will take it into consideration!

Nov 18 16 02:40 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Eyesso wrote:
I guess  if the model asked you out?  I mean....I it's up to you.  Just be careful you aren't just a character in his or her shallow fantasy.  You deserve as much respect as they do.

At this stage in my life, at this very moment... I'd settle for being just a character in her shallow fantasy!   

                                     tongue   lol   borat   ninja   evilgrin   wink

Nov 18 16 05:38 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

udor wrote:

At this stage in my life, at this very moment... I'd settle for being just a character in her shallow fantasy!   

                                     tongue   lol   borat   ninja   evilgrin   wink

I just prefer being shallow!

Nov 18 16 05:58 pm Link


Jeffrey M Fletcher

Posts: 4861

Asheville, North Carolina, US

udor wrote:

At this stage in my life, at this very moment... I'd settle for being just a character in her shallow fantasy!   

                                     tongue   lol   borat   ninja   evilgrin   wink

Settle? I remember a few times in my life where being a character in someone else's shallow fantasy lit me up and opened my eyes. Settle hell, it was great.

Nov 18 16 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

L o n d o n   F o g wrote:

I just prefer being shallow!

"Lowered expectations" and you'd be rarely disappointed... evilgrin

Nov 20 16 07:40 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Jeffrey M Fletcher wrote:

Settle? I remember a few times in my life where being a character in someone else's shallow fantasy lit me up and opened my eyes. Settle hell, it was great.

Well... I said "at this very moment"... to settle could be a non permanent situation... lol

Nov 20 16 07:41 am Link


Francisco Castro

Posts: 2629

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Photographers dating models is just like any dating in the workplace situation. Nothing wrong with it, but care has to be taken so as not to blur the lines of expectation when working. Keep what happens outside the shoot separate from what happens during the shoot; as separate as church and state.

Nov 20 16 09:01 am Link



Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

Francisco Castro wrote: separate as church and state.

Roger Williams would approve of that m.o.!

Nov 20 16 05:07 pm Link



Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

What does your  model release say? ;-)

Nov 20 16 05:10 pm Link


Caitin Bre

Posts: 2687

Apache Junction, Arizona, US

I don't see why not. (I'm married to one. Photojournalist) BTW Photojournalist are in a entirely different world and i mean that in the nicest way. LOL We are like night and day and maybe that's why it works.

But its best not to make a model feel uncomfortable by bringing anything like that up when you don't really know them.

On the funny side... Have you seen what a lot of the photographers look like... But looks aren't everything... They just dress too weird and in old peoples clothes... lol

Nov 21 16 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 342

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yeah, they even get married. Might that change the professional relationship, yeah maybe; but it might change anyway.

Nov 22 16 12:09 pm Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Since only consenting adults should date.
And from many of the posts it seems photographers are all rapists.
And models are all whores.
And none seem to have adult thinking and behaviour.

Nov 22 16 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 3656

New York, New York, US


Nov 25 16 07:13 am Link


Karl Barbosa Photo

Posts: 55

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Can models and photographers date? Sure! You both have a shared passion and it's only normal that this happens. I dated a model for a couple of years myself.

Should models or photographers approach shoots as a dating prospect? Absolutely not! Stay professional. If it so happens that you continue hanging out afterwards to become friends or lovers, that's fine. But don't hit on anyone during a shoot.

Nov 28 16 09:38 am Link


Kenny Goldberg

Posts: 329

Costa Mesa, California, US

Silly question because your talking about people and if there is anything we have learned about people, it is that we can do anything. Even if its wrong...

Nov 30 16 12:16 am Link



Posts: 11271

Seattle, Washington, US

Karl Barbosa Photo wrote:
Can models and photographers date? Sure! You both have a shared passion and it's only normal that this happens. I dated a model for a couple of years myself.

Should models or photographers approach shoots as a dating prospect? Absolutely not! Stay professional. If it so happens that you continue hanging out afterwards to become friends or lovers, that's fine. But don't hit on anyone during a shoot.

I would love to have (female) models hitting on me.

Nov 30 16 01:42 am Link



Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

op y not?

Nov 30 16 05:24 am Link